We had a break translate French
194 parallel translation
We had a break at the reservation.
Des Indiens se sont évadés.
Last night we had a break-in at the facility.
Il y a eu une effraction la nuit dernière.
Sorry I was a little jumpy but we had a break-in earlier.
Je suis un peu nerveux. On a récemment été cambriolés.
E. R. 8x08 "PARTLY CLOUDY, CHANCE OF RAIN" Subtitles subXpacio We had a break in the system for a couple of hours around noon.
Les météorologues ont enregistré une accalmie de courte durée.
I know we ain't had the greatest break in the world since we hit New York.
Cela n'a pas été facile depuis notre arrivée à New York.
Sorry we were late, but we had to break down the door.
Désolé pour le retard. Il a fallu enfoncer la porte.
Oh, it wasn't much. We had a lucky break, that's all.
On a eu de la chance, c'est tout.
We sure had a break with Aldrich.
On a eu du bol avec Aldrich.
Tea break! We had to fight for it.
On a lutté pour obtenir cette pause.
We'd had a 3-day break, and did a tour of the countryside.
On a eu un battement de trois jours... alors, on en a profité avec des camarades pour visiter la région!
No. We had to break up.
Non, on a dû se séparer.
- We had to break up the band.
- Il a fallu dissoudre l'orchestre.
Dennis, listen. We had a bad break.
Dennis, on a manqué de chance.
We had a bargain. Why did you break it?
- Pourquoi me trahissez-vous?
Friend, if we had a TV down at the station I'd break my arm before I turned your show on.
Si on avait une télé au poste, je me casserais le bras plutôt que de vous écouter.
We've had a little break.
On a un petit répit.
We've had a break :
Du nouveau en effet à Atlantic City :
We had to break into it.. I think it'll be better if we both had a key.
Chacun de nous deux devrait avoir une clé.
We also had a little break this morning. Van der Veer's niece was picked up.
Ce matin, on a eu la chance d'arrêter la nièce de Van der Veer.
Diana had a security code that we just can't seem to break.
Diana l'a doté d'un code qu'on n'arrive pas à déchiffrer.
We've had a break-in here.
Il y a eu un cambriolage ici.
We had to break the frozen earth in someone's yard.
On a dû creuser la terre gelée dans un jardin.
But we've had a real break.
Mais nous avons du pot.
It ain't like somebody saying, " nelson, I think we've had a break-in.
Personne ne dit : "Nous avons été victimes d'un vol".
Well, we've had a break-in.
Quelqu'un est entré par effraction.
We had a series of break-ins around here.
On a eu une série de cambriolages.
So my father and I... we had our breakfast, dinner, and tea... working in that field, without a break in our work.
Alors mon père et moi... nous prenions le petit-déjeuner... le dîner, et le thé, à travailler dans ce champ, sans répit.
We had to break off to pick you up.
On a du le lâcher pour vous prendre.
And his rubber band snapped, and his jaw locked up and we ended up in the emergency room and, - and the doctors had to break his jaw
L'élastique a claqué, sa machoire s'est bloquée. on a fini a l'hôpital, - et le medecin a dû briser sa machoire
We've had a bunch of break-ins here. We think it's the same guy.
Sûrement le même type qui sévit dans le coin.
Betsy said we had to break up or get married. That's why.
Betsy m'a dit : "c'est la rupture ou bien le mariage".
We've had a lot of break-ins.
Nous avons eu de nombreux cambriolages.
We had to break in.
On a dû rentrer par effraction.
Now, I know everybody's eager to get back to class- - Ha.! but I thought it might break the ice if we had a little'Q'and'A.'
Vous êtes tous impatients de retourner en cours, mais brisons la glace avec une séance de questions.
We had a tea break waiting for you.
On a eu le temps de prendre le thé en attendant que tu te décides à lancer.
We've had some break-in attempts. He's agreed to stay here nights.
On a eu des tentatives de vol. Il veille la nuit.
Then we had this big fight, and I said I wanted to take a break.
On s'est engueulés et je lui ai demandé une pause.
I had the waterproof wallet... nylon... in case we run into a sea turtle that can break a 50.
j'ai toujours le portefeuille étanche. En nylon, au cas où une tortue de mer me casserait un gros billet.
Fortunately, we appear to have had a break.
Il semble que nous ayons du neuf.
We had a one-night liberty in Prishtina, which is kind of a break.
On a eu une nuit de repos à Prishtina, une sorte de pause.
We had to break free, so we worked together, and we finally escaped.
Il fallait qu'on se libère. On a coopéré et on a fini par s'échapper.
Well, what about the time... we had to break into Leonardo's office?
Et la fois où... on a dû s'introduire dans le bureau de Leonardo?
We haven't had a meal or a piss break in six hours.
Nous n'avons pas mangé ni uriné depuis six heures.
We just had a break.
C'est à peu près pareil.
We just had a break.
On vient de faire une pause.
And then suddenly we could feel it break into a place that none of us had really thought of before.
Et puis d'un coup, on allait dans une direction... à laquelle aucun d'entre nous n'avait encore pensé.
[Merrill] In fact, we had one boy break a leg.
Un gars s'est cassé la jambe.
... That's what we had to break again?
On a dû casser... C'est quoi, déjà?
We did take a short break for lunch at about 1 : 15. I had a tuna melt.
On a fait une pause vers une heure, j'ai pris un sandwich au thon.
We'll definitely follow up on that, but I think we've just had our lucky break.
On verra ça plus tard, on a enfin une piste.
Would've been a lot bigger screw-up if... if we didn't break surveillance and had an officer down four blocks away.
C'est un foirage. Ca aurait été un plus grand foirage si on n'avait pas arrêté la surveillance et eu un policier à terre à 4 blocs d'ici.
we had a 51
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20
we had a good run 29
we had a lot of fun 17
we had 178
we had a great time 50
we had a deal 523
we had a good time 40
we had sex 105
we had so much fun 21
we had lunch 20