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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We stick together

We stick together translate French

992 parallel translation
Hey. What about if just me and him, we stick together?
et si on restait ensemble, juste nous deux?
Think you'll get far on 20 each? If we stick together we'll have 100. Get it?
Alors, c'est entendu, de l'eau, un potager, et puis une petite maison au milieu... ça va?
No, we stick together.
Maintenant on ne se quitte plus.
Well, Sir, it's pretty hard to drive hungry men, but I think we'd be better off if we stick together.
C'est dur de conduire des affamés. Mais restons ensemble.
It's important we stick together.
On doit rester soudés.
Unless we stick together and work together... we're going to be in trouble, plenty.
Il faut se serrer les coudes! Si on veut en sortir!
I was getting to it. We stick together, we can put that place right back up.
Tous ensemble, nous la reconstruirons.
You're a couple of nice guys. I hope we stick together.
Voulez-vous qu'on soit copains?
Well, why can't we stick together?
Pourquoi nous séparer?
Sir, as long as we stick together, we don't have to worry, and the good name of the service is gonna be preserved.
Monsieur, si on se serre les coudes, aucune raison de s'inquiéter, et la réputation du service sera préservée.
If we stick together, we'll break their backs, and they know it.
Serrons-nous les coudes, on leur brisera les reins.
Stick together. That's what we've got to do.
Restons ensemble.
We gotta stick together.
On est dans le même bain.
I'm coming to the part about getting you out too. We're gonna stick together.
J'écris que tu veux sortir aussi et qu'on veut rester ensemble.
I'm afraid we'll have to stick it out together some way.
On va devoir faire face ensemble.
We got to stick together now.
Nous devons nous serrer les coudes.
Besides, honey, you know nothing about babies, and I know nothing about babies, so we got to stick together!
De plus, ma belle, tu n'y connais rien en bébé, et moi non plus, alors on doit se serrer les coudes!
When the Germans hit Buslai, let the wedge stick in deep and then we will hit them together from both sides.
Quand l'Allemand attaquera, attends que la pointe soit bien engagée, alors nous l'attaquerons des deux côtés à la fois.
We'd better stick together.
On sera plus fort réunis.
We gotta stick together.
Serrons-nous les coudes!
- No, it's better if we all stick together.
- Mieux vaut rester ensemble.
We old married people must stick together!
Nous, les vieux mariés, devons rester ensemble.
- We oughta stick together.
- Il faut s'unir.
# Through stormy weather We'll all stick together
Alors levez vos verres, Buvons cul sec!
We just have to hold on now and not go soft inside... stick close together the way we started out.
Il faut tenir le coup, ne pas mollir, se serrer les coudes, toi et moi.
We've got to stick together when we're in trouble.
Les ennuis, on en a vu d'autres!
We've all got to stick together.
C'est le but de cette organisation.
We've got to stick together, though. We've got to have faith in each other.
Nous devons nous serrer les coudes et rester confiants.
Didn't we always stick together? Ephraim and Jenny...
Ephraim etJenny contre le monde entier!
Want a lift? Thanks a lot. We guys got to stick together.
Il faut se serrer les coudes entre Américains.
We fight amongst ourselves... but let trouble come from outside... and we'll stick together.
On se dispute entre nous, mais si la menace vient de l'extérieur, alors on se serre les coudes.
We can't all stick together.
Inutile de rester ici tous ensemble.
I guess we boys have to stick together, don't we.
Entre hommes, il faut se serrer les coudes.
We must stick together.
Nous devrions, serrer les coudes, dans cette maison
After all, we Hoosiers have to kind of stick together, don't we?
On est de l'Indiana, faut se tenir les coudes.
in the old times, we used to stick together
Avant, on était beaucoup plus solidaire.
We can't check the roll if you don't stick together.
Restez ensemble, pendant que je fais l'appel.
We've got to stick together.
- Il faut rester ensemble.
We got to stick together.
On se serre les coudes!
I wish we could stick together, but I've been eating for two years now.
- Je sais. J'aimerais pouvoir rester mais je mange depuis deux ans.
We gotta stick together.
Ne nous séparons pas.
What chance do we have if we don't stick together?
Mais quelle chance on a si on n'est pas groupés?
Dear Kathy : Ten weeks have passed, and tomorrow we finish boot camp. We hope we can stick together and go to radio school from here.
Chère Kathy... dix semaines ont passé.
He says we should stick together on everything.
Dans une équipe, on doit tous se mouiller.
We have to stick together.
Unissons-nous... j'ai besoin de toi.
We, drinking guys, must stick together.
Entre buveurs, on doit se soutenir.
We Warsovians have to stick together.
Entre Varsoviens, il faut se serrer les coudes.
Look, men, we gotta stick together.
T'inquiète pas. Attends pour voir.
Do we have to stick together?
Pas besoin de rester collés!
We veterans must stick together.
Il faut nous unir!
We've got to stick together.
Vous devez rester solidaires.

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