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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / What's her story

What's her story translate French

91 parallel translation
- What's she doing? What's her story?
- D'où sort-elle?
What's the idea? We discussed money three years ago when I sold her a story...
Il y a trois ans de cela, je lui ai vendu un scénario.
What's her story?
Que s'est-il passé?
And that old story with her and him... what was his name?
Comment s'appelle donc cet homme?
What's this story about her daughter?
Et sa fille?
That's not what she told us. Did you check her story out?
Le canif était à Chiyoko Hata.
- What's her story?
Il s'est passé quoi?
Yeah, what's her story?
Qu'est-ce qu'elle veut?
- What's wrong with her story?
- Pourquoi?
Let me ask you something. What's the story with her? Who?
Oui, ça s'est plutôt bien passé.
- What's her story?
Comment est-elle?
What's her story?
Quel genre de personne est-elle?
- What's her story?
What's her story, then?
C'est quoi, son histoire?
So, what's her story?
C'est quoi son histoire?
What's her story?
C'est quoi son histoire?
That's what she says, but I think we have to find a way to verify her story.
Il faut trouver un moyen de vérifier son histoire.
- What's her story?
- Et elle?
That will be up to Marshall, but we can bring her into custody. What's my cover story with Sloane?
Ça dépendra de Marshall, mais on pourra la mettre sous protection également.
So to make a long story short, your mom went to her great-grandmother and said "What's the deal with the little pan?"
Bref, ta mere est allée voir son arriere-grand-mere et a dit : "Pourquoi un petit plat?"
So, Fred, what's her story?
Et Fred, d'où elle sort?
I'm not sure exactly what her story is, but she's connected to Big Ed somehow.
Je connais pas bien son histoire, mais elle est liée à Big Ed d'une façon.
What's her story?
Quelle est son histoire?
And I found what seems to be notes from her new story. New story, About what?
Je crois qu'il s'agit d'un nouvel article.
What's her story? She's the kind of girl you want your daughter to grow up to be.
C'est le genre de fille que tout le monde voudrait avoir.
- What's her story?
- Bilan?
Either he's spun her a story, justifying why she has to keep her mouth shut. Or else she knows exactly what's he's doing and is actively helping him.
Soit il lui racconte des histoires pour qu'elle ne parle pas, soit elle sait très bien ce qu'il fait et elle l'aide activement.
What's her story?
- c'est qui? elle?
- What's her story?
Quelle est son histoire?
It's about what they think, and they're not buying her or her story.
Ce n'est pas ce que je pense qui est important. C'est ce qu'ils pensent, et ils ne lui accordent aucun crédit, ni à elle, ni à son histoire.
And that blue, busty gal- - what's her story?
Et la nana bleu aux gros seins, c'est quoi son histoire?
She got a boyfriend, or what's her story?
Elle a quelqu'un? Parle-moi d'elle.
No, I mean what's her story, story?
Non, je veux dire son passé.
- What's her story?
- Qu'est-ce qu'elle a?
Ball : It's certainly an angle on the vampire story that, to me, when I first read it, felt incredibly fresh and it made it sort of mundane, which I think is what is so great about her books and about the show.
C'est certainement le point de vue sur l'histoire d'un vampire, qui, pour moi, quand je l'ai lu pour la 1re fois, semblait incroyablement frais et l'a rendu banal, et c'est ce qu'il y a de super à propos des livres et de la série.
So what you're saying is if I hear a story about a girl who's been with a guy for 13 years and he finally married her, that's the exception.
Ce que tu essaies de dire, c'est que t'as entendu parler d'une fille qui était avec un gars durant 13 ans, qu'il l'a finalement épousée et que ça, c'est une exception.
So what are you saying- - we give her ford's story in exchange for keeping Mary out of it?
Ça veut dire quoi? qu'on lui donne l'histoire de Ford pour laisser Mary en dehors de ça?
So what's your story with her?
Qu'y a-t-il eu entre vous?
I'm trying to figure out what Betty's big story is so I can kill it. But I don't know her password.
J'essaie de découvrir le plan de Betty pour le réduire à néant.
So what's her story?
Tu sais quoi d'elle?
So... What's her story?
Alors... quelle est sa version?
What's her story?
Uh, you know, what's her story?
- C'est quoi, son histoire?
What's her story, anyway?
C'est quoi, son problème?
Are you gonna ask her if it's one of her girls or what? Or you just gonna read'em a bedtime story? That's all you about, is bullshit.
Alors, tu lui demandes si c'est une de ses filles?
What's her story about?
Ça parle de quoi sa nouvelle?
What's her story? Are you guys friends?
Vous êtes amies?
What's her story?
Qu'est ce qui lui est arrivé?
So, the maid, what's her story?
Alors, c'est quoi l'histoire de la femme de chambre?
Maria Ortiz has a story. I don't know if she's innocent or guilty or what it is, but there is something else there, and that lawyer is stopping her from telling.
Je ne sais pas si elle est innocente ou coupable ou ce que c'est, mais elle cache quelque chose et son avocate l'empêche de nous le dire.
What's her story?
- D'où elle sort?

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