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What's his condition translate French

56 parallel translation
What's his condition?
Dans quel état est-il?
- What's his condition?
- Comment va-t-il?
What's his condition?
Comment va-t-il?
All right, here's what it should say. "Ray entertains and informs his readers with stories that use sports to illuminate the human condition."
Quand je vois la distribution fonctionner, Peter et Doris, Brad et Patty, je me dis : "Regardez la richesse de ce qu'ils apportent."
- What's his condition?
- Quel est son état?
- What's his condition?
- Comment va le petit?
What's his condition, sir?
Dans quel état est-il?
What's his condition, nurse?
Quel est son état?
- What's his condition?
- Son état?
What's his condition?
Comment va t-il?
His condition isn't life-threatening, but we are going to keep him here to run some tests tomorrow just so we can find out exactly what's going on.
Sa vie n'est pas en danger. Mais on va le garder en observation pour savoir exactement ce qu'il a.
What's his condition?
- Son état?
What if I were to erase that debt... in exchange for his giving you his daughter's hand? Would that put you in a better frame of mind to consider my investment?
Si j'effaçais cette dette à condition qu'il vous donne sa fille en mariage, cela vous disposerait-il à réfléchir à ma proposition d'investissement?
What's the latest on his condition?
Et ça en est où?
The feds get him in his condition, who knows what he's liable to say.
Si les fédéraux le chopent dans cet état, qui sait ce qu'il peut raconter.
- What's his condition?
- Dans quel état est-il?
So what if I put up the £ 5,000 you're light? So long as I pick up his share, this guy Joe's share, in return.
Je pourrais mettre les 5 000 £ manquants, à condition que je récupère la part de ce type Joe.
... Nno, I'm asking what his specific condition is. Down's Syndrome?
Peut-être que ce robot peut être programmé pour sortir des idées de films!
What's the nature of his condition?
Quel est son mal?
What's his condition now?
Il est dans quel état?
And that's what would happen if I put his skull flap on in this condition.
Et c'est ce qui arrivera si je laisse son cerveau dans cet état.
- What's his current condition?
- Son état?
What's his condition for Christ's sake?
! Comment va-t-iI, pour l'amour du ciel?
What's his condition?
Il est dans quel état? ...
What's his condition?
- Dans quel état est-il?
What other explanation can there be for the lengths to which he's gone to hide his condition?
M. Stone, levez-vous.
What I'm paying you for is to get me information on Murano's physical condition, not his eating habits.
Si je te paie... c'est pour avoir des infos sur sa condition physique, pas ses habitudes alimentaires.
- What's his condition?
{ \ pos ( 192,200 ) } - Comment va-t-il?
Poon Dong is still in L.A. And if I'm right he's got what you need in pristine, working condition beating inside his chest.
Poon Dong est ici. Et je crois savoir qu'il a ce dont tu as besoin, en excellent état.
What's his condition?
Dans quel état il est?
What about aftercare? His parents have agreed to take him back on the condition that he stays clean.
Ses parents ont accepté de le reprendre s'il reste clean.
- What's his condition?
Il va bien? - Il se retire?
What's his condition?
Quel est son état?
- What's his condition?
Comment va-t-il?
- What's his condition?
- Son état n'est pas trop grave?
What's his condition?
Quel est son état de santé?
- What's his condition?
- Son état de santé?
His heart condition wasn't critical, if that's what you're here to find out.
Son état cardiaque n'était pas critique, si c'est ce que vous voulez savoir.
What's his condition?
Comment il va?
- What's his condition?
Il est dans quel état?
- What I'm finding is that he's almost got a dual condition, two completely separate groups of voices, one that's consistent with his general delusions, the other...
- Ce que je vois c'est qu'il a presque trouvé une double condition, deux groupes de voix distinctes, l'un correspond... à son délire général, l'autre...
The condition his teeth are in now you know he's suffered a lot before he's even been here, so he knows what pain is.
L'état de ses dents sont maintenant vous savez qu'il a beaucoup souffert avant qu'il a même été ici, donc il sait ce qu'est la douleur.
What's his condition?
Son état de santé?
Reddington, what's his condition?
Reddington... Comment va t'il?
What's his condition?
Il est dans quel état?
And what's his condition?
Son état?
What's his condition?
Quel est son problème?
What's his condition?
Il va comment?

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