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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Won't happen

Won't happen translate French

2,820 parallel translation
It won't happen again.
It won t happen again.
I won't let it happen again.
Je ne laisserais pas cela se reproduire.
I can't promise you that something like this won't happen with Nicole again, but I can promise to be straight with you.
Je ne peux pas vous promettre que Nicole ne recommencera pas, mais je peux vous promettre d'être franc avec vous.
That won't happen.
Ça n'arrivera pas.
It won't happen again.
Ça n'arrivera plus.
I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
J'ai craqué.
I may have underestimate them, but it won't happen again. Of course it won't.
Je les ai sous-estimés, mais ça n'arrivera plus.
It won't happen again.
Désolée, ça n'arrivera plus.
It won't happen again.
Ça ne se produira pas encore.
It won't happen again.
Je voulais me détruire, ça n'arrivera plus.
This really won't happen to us again.
Il est hors de question qu'on revive ça.
It won't happen again, sir.
Cela ne se reproduira plus.
That won't happen, so let's spin it like that.
Ça n'arrivera pas, alors laissons-les dire ça.
And I can't guarantee it won't happen again.
Et je ne suis pas certain que ça ne se reproduise pas.
- That won't happen.
Mais c'est peine perdue.
It won't happen again.
Ca n'arrivera plus.
But bad things happen here, too, and Nick Dalton won't always be there to save you.
Mais des malheurs arrivent aussi ici, et Nick Dalton ne sera pas toujours là pour te sauver.
.. but he won't let anything wrong happen.
.. tu ne laisserais jamais quelque chose de mal se produire.
You have my word it won't happen again.
Vous avez ma parole que ça ne se reproduira plus.
I won't let that happen again.
Ça ne se reproduira plus.
I swear it won't happen again.
Ça se reproduira plus.
That was so unprofessional. it won't happen again.
J'ai manqué de professionnalisme.
It won't happen again.
Cela ne se reproduira pas.
We won't let that happen.
- On les laissera pas.
It won't happen again. - Okay--also, the dry cleaning.
- Et le pressing.
Sorry. It won't happen again.
Ça ne se reproduira plus.
Because it won't happen again.
Ça ne se reproduira pas.
And I won't let anything happen to you.
Et je ne laisserai rien t'arriver.
I won't let anything happen to you.
Je ne laisserai rien t'arriver.
It won't happen again, and I'll let you make more decisions... In the future, okay?
Ça ne se reproduira pas, et je te laisserai prendre plus de décisions, à l'avenir.
We won't let anything happen to you.
On laissera rien t'arriver.
It won't happen again, OK?
Ça ne se reproduira pas, d'accord?
And I won't even have to fuck my own daughters to make it happen.
Et je n'aurai même pas à baiser mes filles pour ça.
Go away! I won't let that happen to Mac and Anna.
- Je dois protéger Mac et Anna.
Won't happen again.
Qui c'était?
I screwed up, and it won't happen again.
J'ai merdé et je recommencerai pas.
That's not true, all right? We won't let that happen.
Non, on va le boucler une fois pour toutes.
I won't let that happen.
Je vous le promets.
Won't happen again.
Ça n'arrivera plus.
But please, Lauren, it won't happen again. I promise.
Mais s'il te plaît, Lauren, ça ne se reproduira plus, je te le promets.
We won't let that happen.
On laissera pas tout ça se produire.
I won't let that happen.
Je ne laisserais pas ça se produire.
I am so sorry, coach. It won't happen again.
Je suis tellement désolée, coach. ça ne se reproduira plus.
I won't happen again,
Ça ne se reproduira plus.
I won't let that happen.
Je ne le laisserai pas faire.
It won't happen again, Mr. police officer.
On ne le fera plus, monsieur l'agent!
Uh, I promise, it won't happen again.
Je te promets, que ça n'arrivera plus.
I won't let that happen.
Ça n'arrivera pas.
Division has the resources that I need, and they won't let anything happen to me.
La division a les ressources dont j'ai besoin. et ils ne laisseront rien m'arriver.
I won't let anything happen to you.
Tu ne crains rien avec moi.
Look, there are a lot of people who actually need a job, so if you're not gonna take it seriously- - It won't happen again.
Ecoute, il y a plein de gens qui ont besoin d'un travail. Donc si tu ne ne prend pas au sérieux. Cela n'arrivera plus.

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