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Blackburn translate Portuguese

147 parallel translation
Blackburn Apartments?
Apartamentos Blackburn?
Stop blaming yourself for what happened to Ed Blackburn.
Ben, pára de culpares-te pelo que houve com o Ed Blackburn.
And Blackburn was a crack shot. He could hit anything he could see.
E o Blackburn tinha boa pontaria, não falharia um tiro sequer.
Then this is what got Ed Blackburn, Gramps Johnson, and the rest?
Então foi isso que matou Blackburn, Johnson e os outros?
This place reminds me of Blackburn, Lancashire.
- Lembra-me Blackburne, Lancashire.
Is Colonel Blackburn in there?
O coronel Blackburn está aí?
I want to talk to Colonel Blackburn.
Quero falar com o coronel Blackburn.
What did Blackburn tell you?
O que te disse o Blackburn?
Diane, at this particular juncture, I would like to make specific mention of Annie Blackburn.
Diane, queria mencionar especificamente a Annie Blackburne.
Annie Blackburn, you have almost perfect timing.
Annie Blackburne, tens um senso de tempo quase perfeito.
The winner of the contest and our new Miss Twin Peaks is Annie Blackburn.
A vencedora do concurso, e a nossa nova Miss Twin Peaks é... Annie Blackburne!
Oh, just thinking about Annie Blackburn.
Estava a pensar na Annie Blackburn.
If there was bad news Garvin would've sent Phil Blackburn.
Se houvesse más notícias, o Garvin teria enviado o Phil Blackburn.
You called Blackburn- -
Ligaste ao Blackburn...
And then, the next day, Mr. Blackburn told me that she said that I had sexually harassed her.
E no dia seguinte o Sr. Blackburn disse que ela me tinha acusado de a ter assediado sexualmente!
I talked to Phil Blackburn.
Falei com o Phil Blackburn.
Donald W. Blackburn, MD.
Donald W. Blackburn, MD.
How come Blackburn's name's not on here?
Porque é que o nome do Blackburn não está aqui?
Are you coming, or waiting for Blackburn?
Vens ou esperas pelo Blackburn?
Blackburn's dead.
O Blackburn está morto.
It's Blackburn.
É o Blackburn.
Every place you've gone, every person you've seen... every word you and Blackburn ever said to each other, bugged... taped, seen and heard by me as it happened!
Todos os sítios onde foste, todas as pessoas que viste cada palavra que tu e o Blackburn trocaram, foi gravada filmada, vista e ouvida por mim no momento preciso.
This is a modified version of Ken Blackburn's 1998 world-record design.
É uma versão modificada do avião recordista do Ken Blackburn, de 1998.
- Blackburn.
- Blackburn.
- Sergeant. - Yeah?
Soldado de Primeira Classe Blackburn.
Private First Class Blackburn. - Yeah? - Reporting for duty.
Apresenta-se ao serviço.
- Blackburn, tudo bem?
Go, Blackburn.
Vai, Blackburn! Vai!
Go! Go!
Vai, Blackburn!
Blackburn! Take up overhead pattern to provide sniper cover.
Assumir posição elevada para proteger contra atiradores.
Blackburn, can you hear me?
- Blackburn, estás a ouvir?
Blackburn wouldn't have fallen, none of this would've happened.
- Aconteceu porque o Blackburn caiu.
I was talking to Blackburn the other day and he asked me,
Outro dia, estava a falar com o Blackburn e ele perguntou...
Oh, by the way, I'm Sloan Blackburn.
Oh, a propósito, eu sou Sloan Blackburn.
Mr. Blackburn, are you in here?
Sr. Blackburn, está aí?
- Ian Blackburn.
- Ian Blackburn.
He's been living with Mr. Blackburn since he was a baby.
Vive com o Sr. Blackburn desde que era um bebé.
At which point Blackburn grabbed the monkey, and they skedaddled down that hall toward the bedroom.
Altura em que o Blackburn pega no macaco e correm por aquele corredor em direcção ao quarto.
- Which is what Blackburn did.
- Foi o que o Blackburn fez.
- Yeah, what if Ian blackburn trained the chimp to shoot him in the panic room?
E se o Ian Blackburn treinou o chimpanzé para matá-lo na sala de pânico?
Randy, Ian blackburn had a $ 100,000 life insurance policy.
Randy, o Ian Blackburn tinha uma apólice de seguro de $ 100,000.
Look, in the panic room, Ian blackburn was shot four times.
Na sala de pânico, Ian Blackburn foi baleado 4 vezes.
- Yeah? We're helping the police investigate the death of Ian blackburn.
Estamos a ajudar a polícia a investigar a morte de Ian Blackburn.
- Mrs. Blackburn..
- Sra. Blackburn... - Chloe.
- Chloe. Chloe blackburn.
Chloe Blackburn.
Ian blackburn used to record memos to himself.
Ian Blackburn usava-o para gravar notas pessoais.
Ian blackburn was killed by a bald man, and Darwin saw it happen.
Ian Blackburn foi assassinado por um careca e o Darwin assistiu a tudo.
Kurt didn't build the panic room to protect Ian blackburn.
Kurt não construiu a sala de pânico para proteger o Ian Blackburn.
You're under arrest, Mr. Wolff, for the murder of Ian blackburn.
Sr. Wolff você está preso pelo assassinato de Ian Blackburn.

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