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Bought it translate Portuguese

3,953 parallel translation
Katie bought it for me.
A Katie comprou-o para mim.
My girlfriend bought it for me.
Foi uma amiga minha que me comprou.
We bought it, it was our property.
O compramos, era nossa propriedade.
Facebook bought it for a billion dollars.
O Facebook comprou-a por mil milhões.
I bought it in Rome, not Florence.
Comprei-o em Roma, não em Florença.
Well, if she really wanted to buy it, she would have bought it.
Bem, se ela realmente quisesse comprá-lo, ela teria-o comprado.
We bought it from an insurance company some years ago.
Comprámo-la a uma companhia de seguros, há uns anos atrás.
I was upset when I bought it.
Estava enervado, quando o comprei.
Did she find out who bought it? Not yet.
Ela descobriu quem o comprou?
I mean, he must have bought it on the street like I did.
Deve ter comprado nas ruas, tal como eu.
I think she bought it.
Eu acho que ela acreditou.
No. I bought it in a shop.
- Não, comprei-o.
You were angry I even bought it.
Estavas zangada. Eu até a comprei.
I bought it off of John cougar mellencamp.
Comprei-o ao John Cougar Mellencamp. Ao baixista dele, na verdade.
I suppose she hasn't bought it in?
Não acho que ela a tenha mandado vir de fora?
- Limited series "R." Bought it from Eric Clapton. -
Série limitada R. Comprei-o ao Eric Clapton.
Who bought it?
- Quem a comprou?
Is it true some old-timer nearly bought it out there?
É verdade que um velhadas quase morreu ali fora?
It wasn't exactly my taste, but a customer of mine happened to be in here, saw it, fell in love with it, bought it on sight.
Não faz exactamente o meu estilo, mas, um cliente meu que estava cá, viu, gostou e comprou.
I may have bought it, but I didn't realize it was evidence of any sort.
Comprei-a, mas não sabia que era algum tipo de evidência.
They bought it in the room.
Aprovaram logo na sala.
I bought it when I bought yours.
Comprei quando comprei a droga para ti.
We bought it used. Freezer works too good.
Comprámo-lo usado e o congelador trabalha bem de mais.
I bought it at CC.
Comprei no CC Mat.
We told Joe that Granddad had bought it for him.
Dissemos ao Joe que o avô tinha comprado aquilo para ele.
I know you love him. And I know it's true love, not bought by gold and silver.
Sei que o amais de verdade, que o ouro ou prata não comprará.
He bought me nice things, took me nice places, and he was always hot for it.
Ele deu-me coisas engraçadas.
Have you bought it?
- Compraste-o?
When he bought heroin, was it pure or cut?
Quando ele comprou heroína, era pura ou misturada?
'Known in the trade as the Eye of the Rainbow because of its distinctive colouring in the light " it was bought at auction in New York.
Conhecido como o "olho do arco-íris" pelas suas cores reflectidas à luz, foi comprado num leilão em Nova York.
Don't think it's bought you any favors.
Não penses que isto te compra favores.
I bought something I shouldn't have and I can't get rid of it.
Comprei algo que não devia, e não consigo livrar-me dele.
It can never be bought for yourself.
Não podes compra-la, tem que ser oferecida.
It bought me influence precisely when I needed it most.
Trouxe-me influência no momento preciso.
You bought me something? - I'm sure you'll love it.
Vais adorar.
"Bought some fish. She liked it."
Comprei peixe.
Don't get mad at me. I bought this awesome bug spray. It has DEET.
Não fiques com raiva de mim, comprei este maravilhoso spray para insectos.
None of the artifacts you bought from Sutton made it in your museum.
Nenhum dos artefactos que comprou do Sutton - estava no seu museu.
" The Catholic Church bought this place in'62... and turned it into a sanitarium for the criminally insane.
QUATRO MESES ANTES A Igreja comprou estas instalações em 1962 e transformou-as num hospício para criminosos inimputáveis.
At first, I bought a strip joint, made it cool and very private.
Primeiro, comprei um clube de strip. Porreirinho e privado.
But it doesn't matter'cause somebody done came and bought your ring.
- Mas não faz diferença, porque alguém já aqui veio e comprou o teu anel.
I needed a little boost, so I bought some prescription uppers off of a friend. It was the only way I could keep up with all the cheaters.
Precisava de um impulso, então, comprei uns estimulantes a um amigo.
'Molly's children went to live with their grandmother,'who bought an immaculate pram on hire purchase,'investing in the future, whilst turning back the clock. 'Her spotless house became a happy home again,'centred on a baby boy and a little girl. 'There was pain, but she could bear it.
Os filhos de Molly ficaram a viver com a avó, que comprou um imaculado carrinho de bebé, investindo no futuro, enquanto voltava atrás no tempo.
These are some of the pictures that I've... I won, or I bought or framed them. But this particular one, it's a little moldy.
Estas são algumas das fotografias que eu ganhei, comprei ou emoldurei, mas esta, em particular, está um pouco bolorenta.
I bought it from my boy, azam ghol.
Comprei-o ao meu amigo, Azam Ghol.
Except to say this. Next time you decide you wanna deal E to a kid who's clearly never bought in his life do it in the locker room. Because this jumpy fool is a neon sign shouting, "Drugs ahoy," chief.
Digo-te, a próxima vez que quiseres vender ecstasy para um rapaz que nunca comprou, faz isso na sala do andar de baixo, porque esse idiota é um letreiro de néon escrito'drogas à vista'... chefe.
You bought into this ideology, you have to see it through.
Aceitaste esta ideologia, tens que vê-la acontecer.
So, went to the pet store, bought this aquarium, but then we started looking at it, realized how lonely it looked, which meant, of course...
Por isso, fomos a loja de animais e compramos este aquário, mas ao olhar para ele, percebemos quão solitário parecia estar
So, I bought it for me. That's a healthy attitude.
É uma atitude saudável.
I bought it for you.
I picked it up when I bought mine, for your wife.
Escolhi-o quando comprei o meu, para a tua mulher.

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