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But something went wrong translate Portuguese

78 parallel translation
But something went wrong, and you had to kill him.
Mas algo correu mal e teve de o matar.
But something went wrong, didn't it?
Mas alguma coisa deu errado, não?
But something went wrong with the moon and the sea,
Mas algo deu errado com a lua e o mar,
But something went wrong.
Mas algumas estavam erradas.
There was another infant created in that experiment, but something went wrong.
Houve outra criança criada naquela experiência. Mas algo coreu mal.
But something went wrong.
Mas algo correu mal.
But something went wrong.
Mas algo deu errado.
She was pregnant. But something went wrong.
Estava grávida, alguma coisa saiu mal.
But something went wrong.
Mas alguma coisa correu mal.
- Exactly. But something went wrong.
- Exactol Mas algo correu mal.
But something went wrong.
Mas algo saiu errado.
Benway did my transition, but something went wrong.
O Benway fez-me a transição, mas algo correu mal.
Thanos managed to create naquadria in the lab, but something went wrong.
Thanos conseguiu desenvolver a naquadria em laboratório, mas houve qualquer coisa que correu mal.
But something went wrong.
Mas não correu bem.
Everything was going according to plan... but something went wrong.
Estava tudo a correr conforme planeado... mas algo correu mal.
But something went wrong. Horribly wrong.
Mas algo correu mal, horrivelmente mal.
But something went wrong with the procedure, didn't it?
Mas houve algo de errado no procedimento da operação não é?
But something went wrong and you shot him, didn't you?
Mas algo correu mal e matou-o. Estou certo?
But something went wrong, and someone was killed.
Mas alguma coisa correu mal e uma pessoa morreu.
But something went wrong, and I ended up in the wrong place, or he did.
Mas qualquer coisa correu mal e eu fui parar a um sítio errado... Ou então foi ele, nunca ficou esclarecido.
They made us stronger, faster, better. But something went wrong.
Tornaram-nos mais fortes, mais rápidos e melhores.
But something went wrong. You're him.
Tu és ele.
But something went wrong.
Mas algo correu mal. Tu és ele.
I went to a lot of movies, but something always seemed to go wrong.
Fui muito ao cinema, mas sempre alguma coisa dava errado.
I do, but if something went wrong...
Quero, mas se alguma coisa correr mal...
Something went wrong, but I'm okay.
Meti-me num sarilho, mas... Já estou bem.
I mean, obviously something went wrong, but I'll bet they wanted the same things.
Claro que algo correu mal, mas deviam querer as mesmas coisas.
But on that fateful night, something went terribly wrong... and one... though some say more than one... of the alien crafts crashed onto our planet... starting what was to become the most elaborate cover-up mankind has ever known.
Mas, nessa noite fatídica, algo correu terrivelmente mal. Há quem diga que foram várias as naves extraterrestres que caíram no nosso planeta, iniciando o que se tornaria a operação de encobrimento mais elaborada que a Humanidade já viu.
I came home one night, and I don't know how I knew, but I just knew something was wrong, so I went straight to your room... and you were just lying there sleeping like an angel.
Ao regressar uma noite para casa, não sei como soube, mas soube que algo estava errado, fui diretamente ao seu quarto. E estava apenas ali deitada, dormindo como um anjo.
But we know that something went wrong with the adoption... because Dibbs'partner never showed up at the motel.
Mas sabemos que algo correu mal com a adopção, pois o parceiro do Dibbs nunca apareceu no motel.
Right, but if something went wrong, we could land, presumably.
Certo, mas se alguma coisa corresse mal, poderíamos supostamente aterrar.
But on the surface, something went terribly wrong.
Mas à superfície algo correu terrivelmente mal.
But something went terribly wrong, and his soul never made it back.
Mas algo saiu terrivelmente errado. E sua alma nunca mais regressou.
Once the Wraith were gone and the planet was once again habitable, I was to fly one of the two shuttles back to the surface, but obviously something went wrong.
Uma vez que os wraiths tivessem ido embora e o planeta fosse novamente habitável, eu voaria com uma das duas naves de volta à superfície, mas...
But then something went wrong, and the baby she had been counting on never came.
Mas depois algo correu mal e o bebé com que ela contava nunca nasceu.
But something obviously went wrong and this Derrick James shoots the manager.
Alguma coisa obviamente deu para o torto e o Derrick James dispara no gerente.
But at some point they loved each other as we are, and something went wrong. I just don't want that to happen to us, I made a huge mistake.
Mas eles estiveram tão apaixonados como nós e depois algo correu mal e eu não queria repetir aquilo, mas cometi um erro enorme e magoei-te.
felt so lonely, she had no choice but to leave you in the dust and do something beautiful with her life you didn't have the brains to appreciate and when you went off and became a profligate idiot, she was still a one-man woman, even though it's the wrong man.
e fazer algo bonito com sua vida porque não a valorizas-te e quando vais embora e tornas-te um idiota depravado, ela continua mulher de um homem só, mesmo que do homem errado.
But about that... something went wrong.
Mas depois disso, alguma coisa correu mal.
- But of course, something went wrong.
- Mas, claro, algo correu mal. - Muito.
We don't know. But something went really wrong.
Não sabemos, mas alguma coisa correu mal.
But, as we sit here, it would be hard for any of us, including you, I hope, not to acknowledge in good conscience, that somewhere, something went very wrong.
Mas, enquanto aqui sentados, seria difícil para qualquer um de nós, incluindo você, espero, não reconhecer, em pura consciência, que a certa altura, algumas coisas tomaram o caminho errado.
Something went wrong, but now you're in the city, everything feels all right.
Algo deu para torto, mas agora estás na cidade Tudo sabe bem.
But once he went undercover, something went wrong.
Mas assim que ficou infiltrado, algo correu mal.
Dad used this program to input a new identity into an operative, but once he went undercover, something went wrong.
O meu pai usou este programa para dar uma nova identidade a um agente. Mas assim que ficou infiltrado, algo correu mal.
I don't know, but something clearly went wrong.
Não sei, mas é claro que aconteceu alguma coisa.
I did everything like you said, just like we planned it, but something, something went wrong. I don't know what to do.
Fiz tudo como disseste, como planeamos, mas algo, algo correu mal.
But something went terribly wrong, didn't it?
Mas algo correu mal, não foi?
The plan was to box him in. - But I think something went wrong.
O plano era cercá-lo mas acho que correu alguma coisa mal.
Listen, something went wrong and we will never know what that is, but for all the doctors she saw, for all of the help she received, she was fighting that wrong alone.
Ouça, algo correu mal e nunca saberemos o que foi, mas, apesar de todos os médicos que ela viu e de toda a ajuda, estava a lutar sozinha contra isso.
But then something went wrong at this last party.
As minhas mãos estão limpas.

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