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Chief johnson translate Portuguese

391 parallel translation
– Go get chief Johnson, please.
Vá chamar a Chefe Johnson, por favor.
But how are we going to assemble a team with chief Johnson in charge?
Mas como vamos constituir uma equipa com a Chefe Johnson à frente?
Reduce chief Johnson to his rank. You will send a clear and unambiguous signal that you are aware of the issue and that we here at L. A. P. D are serious about correcting it.
Reduza a patente da Chefe Johnson, estará a emitir um sinal claro e sem ambiguidade de que está consciente do problema dela e que nós na Polícia de LA queremos seriamente corrigi-lo.
Tell me, chief Johnson, where exactly do you see an inside?
Diga-me, Chefe Johnson, onde é que está a ver um "dentro"?
Well, i found out a long time ago, a lot of this can just be in how Deputy Chief Johnson is approached.
- Bem. Percebi há muito tempo que o modo como se aborda a Subchefe Johnson é crucial.
I mean, Deputy Chief Johnson, decided that before we delve into this whole special master business, she wanted us to interview as many kids from the drug trial as we could put names to.
A Subchefe Johnson decidiu que antes de nos metermos nessa coisa do nomeado, devíamos entrevistar tantos adolescentes do estudo como possível.
Well, i'll have another talk with Deputy Chief Johnson.
Vou voltar a falar com ela.
Deputy Chief Johnson's authorization for a wire.
A autorização para uma escuta.
Chief Johnson. Yes. Yes.
Subchefe Johnson?
Assistant Chief Pope, Deputy Chief Johnson. I'm sorry about the traffic.
Chefe assistente Pope, Subchefe Johnson, desculpem, o trânsito.
An anonymous complaint against deputy chief Johnson.
Uma queixa anónima contra a Subchefe Johnson?
We made it clear to chief Johnson that there might be $ 2 million moving into terrorists'hands, and she completely blew us off for a pretty routine case of a wife murdering her husband.
Fomos claros com a Chefe Johnson, de poder haver 2 milhões de dólares a passarem para mãos terroristas. Mandou-nos para um caso rotineiro de uma mulher que matou o marido.
All right, so, if internal affairs were to contact you regarding deputy chief Johnson today, you would be inclined...
Se os Assuntos Internos os contactarem hoje, por causa da Subchefe Johnson, estariam inclinados a...
An anonymous complaint against deputy chief Johnson.
Queixas anónimas contra a Subchefe Johnson.
I'm going to tell them that I've observed deputy chief Johnson on every case that she's worked and that I think the charges against her are small-minded, petty, and malicious and that I'm ashamed of whoever may have filed them.
Vou dizer-lhes que observei a Subchefe Johnson em todos os casos que trabalhou. Penso que as queixas contra ela são mesquinhas, menores e maliciosas. E que tenho vergonha de quem as apresentou.
Chief Johnson, thank you for coming.
Chefe Johnson, obrigada por ter vindo.
Resignations from every single member of her squad, effective immediately, if chief Johnson is transferred or put on leave in regard to any disciplinary action relating to this anonymous complaint.
Demissões de todos os membros da equipa, válidas, se a Chefe Johnson for transferida ou mandada em licença, respeitante a acção disciplinar relativa a esta queixa anónima.
Deputy chief Johnson, sergeant Gabriel, this is Bill Blackburn and Steven Sims from the FBI.
Subchefe Johnson, sargento Gabriel, Bill Blackburn e Steven Simms do FBI.
Chief Johnson, sure.
Chefe Johnson, claro.
Uh, chief Johnson, i wonder if you're aw... Uh, pardon me, sir.
- Chefe Johnson, será que...
Can i talk to chief Johnson?
Posso falar com a Chefe Johnson?
Deputy Chief Johnson doesn't have the authority to make a deal.
A Subchefe Johnson não tem autoridade para fazer um acordo.
Excuse me, Deputy Chief Johnson, are we gonna interview Murphy sometime today?
Desculpe, Subchefe Johnson, vamos interrogar o Murphy hoje?
Turns out he reports directly to Chief Johnson and even the mayor's office is involved.
Ele recebe ordens directas do chefe Johnson e até a Câmara está envolvida.
Mr. And Mrs. Williams, I'm Deputy Chief Johnson.
Sr. e Sr.ª Williams, sou a Chefe Johnson.
Chief Johnson is having them tear it apart right now.
A Chefe Johnson está a dar cabo dele agora.
Chief Johnson, you wanted to talk?
Chefe Johnson, queria falar comigo?
Chief Johnson's just about done with Roger Stimple.
A Chefe Johnson está quase a acabar com o Roger Stimple.
Deputy Chief Johnson.
Chefe Johnson.
- No, Chief Johnson was just leaving.
- Não, a Chefe Johnson ia sair.
- Chief Johnson.
- Chefe Johnson.
Dr Johnson, chief surgeon and chairman of the hospital.
Dr. Johnson é o cirurgião chefe.
Uh, Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, Priority Homicide.
Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson, Homicídios Prioritários.
- Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, L.A.P.D.
Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson da Polícia de Los Angeles.
Just wanted to say goodbye and how nice it was meeting you, just plain deputy chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Queria despedir-me. E foi muito bom conhecê-la. Apenas Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Deputy Chief Brenda johnson.
Subchefe Brenda Johnson.
I'm Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, L.A.P.D., Priority Homicide Division.
Sou a Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson, Homicídios Prioritários.
Dr. Tanaka, deputy chief Brenda Johnson, head of our new priority murder squad from Atlanta.
Dr. Tanaka, Subchefe Brenda Johnson. Chefia a nova brigada de homicídios prioritários. Vem de Atlanta.
Hey, Gabriel, you might explain to deputy chief Brenda Johnson here that this is a crime scene, that the maid found the body in the bedroom.
Gabriel. Podes explicar à Subchefe Brenda Johnson que isto é um local de crime. Que a criada encontrou o corpo no quarto.
Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson.
Subchefe Brenda Johnson.
Deputy chief Brenda Thompson.
Subchefe Brenda Johnson.
Deputy chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, LAPD.
Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson, polícia de Los Angeles.
Deputy chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Subchefe Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Excuse me. Chief Johnson.
- Com licença.
Chief Johnson, Mr. Yates, after the distressing incident involving his ex-girlfriend,
Chefe Johnson, Mr Yates.
Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Subchefe, Brenda Leigh Johnson.
- Yes. I'm Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, LAPD. And this is Sergeant David Gabriel.
Sou a Chefe Brenda Leigh Johnson, este é o Sargento David Gabriel.
I'm Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Sou a Chefe Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Chefe Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Mrs. Romero, I'm Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Sr.ª Romero, sou a Chefe Brenda Leigh Johnson.
Listen, Chief Johnson.
Ouça, Chefe Johnson.

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