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Deal the cards translate Portuguese

55 parallel translation
Go ahead, deal the cards.
Vamos, dá as cartas.
Deal the cards.
Baralha as cartas.
Deal the cards.
Dê as cartas.
Go on. Deal the cards.
Vá lá, dê as cartas.
Deal the cards.
– Deal the cards.
- Dá as cartas.
You want to play poker, deal the cards.
Se queres jogar às cartas, dá as cartas.
Will you deal the cards, Cluny?
Quer baralhar as cartas Cluny?
Deal the cards, Cluny, and you'll find out.
Dê as cartas Cluny e já verá.
Deal the cards, boys.
Dêem a cartas, rapazes.
Deal the cards.
Dá as cartas.
Come on, deal the cards.
Vamos, dá as cartas.
- Deal the cards.
Dê as cartas.
- Fuck that shit. - Come on, deal the cards.
Foda-se isso.
You sure won't let me deal the cards.
Claro, nunca mais me deixará trabalhar!
You definetly wont let me deal the cards.
- um branco o ponha no olho da rua. - Eu cumpro o meu dever. Quer o quê?
I got the money! Deal the cards!
Dá as cartas!
Why don't you just deal the cards?
Vamos dar cartas?
Deal the cards.
- Dê as cartas.
- Deal the cards.
- Dê as cartas.
Deal the cards, Grace.
Dá as cartas, Grace.
Just deal the cards.
Dá as cartas.
Ok, deal the cards.
Está bem, dá as cartas.
I'll put everyone around a table and we deal the cards again.
Eu fico com a tarefa de juntar todos à mesma mesa. E voltam-se a dar as cartas.
Go fuck yourself and just deal the cards.
Vai-te lixar, e distribui a porcaria das cartas.
- Deal the cards, man.
- Distribui as cartas, meu.
You gotta deal the cards, roll the dice. Anything can happen.
São as cartas, são os dados, qualquer coisa pode acontecer.
We were just getting ready to deal the cards.
Estamos a prepararmo-nos para dar cartas. Bree, estás bem?
Deal the cards!
Dá as cartas!
You can deal the cards, just rearrange the deal.
Podes trocar as cartas, apenas rearranja o trato.
All right, boys, deal the cards and let's get this party started.
Certo, rapazes. Distribuam as cartas e vamos começar a festa.
Deal the cards I call your bluff
- Dá as cartas - Estás a fazer bluff
They stack the deck and they deal the cards.
Eles organizam o baralho e distribuem as cartas.
Deal the cards, Charlie.
Thanks, Kid. - Deal the cards.
- Dá as cartas.
Deal the cards, boss.
Dá as cartas Moss.
I shuffle like cards the lives I deal with.
Embaralho como cartas as vidas com as quais lido.
Baseball cards. I mean, what is the big deal, anyway?
Qual é a piada?
My deal. Five card draw, all red cards wild. Well, the place is still standing.
Vais passar a noite connosco, e de manhã vais ligar ao Whizzer, e vão conversar sobre a vossa relação como adultos maduros e racionais.
deal the cards.
Dê as cartas.
From now on, I'll deal out the cards, you say "gin" whenever you feel like it.
A partir de agora dou eu as dar cartas e tu dizes "gin" sempre que te apetecer.
Deal the bloody cards!
Dê as malditas cartas!
- Scored two cards out of the deal.
- Consegui dois cartões.
White needs the SIM cards to complete the arms deal.
O White precisa dos cartões SIM para completar a venda de armas.
If White needs the SIM cards to complete the deal, why try to kill the one person who knows where they are?
Se o White precisa dos cartões para completar o negócio, porquê tentar matar a única pessoa que sabe onde estão?
Tell him you have the code cards and you wanna make a deal.
Dizer-lhe que tens os códigos dos cartões e que queres fazer um acordo.
Sometimes life isn't fair, but... we're dealt the cards that we know how to deal with.
Às vezes, a vida não é justa, mas temos de lidar com a situação o melhor que pudermos.

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