His shoes translate Portuguese
842 parallel translation
Pretty soon, I'll be standing in his shoes as boss of this here district.
Em breve estarei no lugar dele como chefe aqui da zona.
Loved by that milksop with buckles on his shoes!
Amada por aquele covarde com fivelas nos sapatos!
¶ His shoes are a terrible disgrace ¶
Seus sapatos são uma terrível desgraça
I undid his shoes.
Tirei-lhe os sapatos.
He hoped I'd speak badly of Russia so he could say no. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
Estava à espera que eu dissesse mal da Rússia para ter argumentos contra mim.
That meant I could put on his shoes and walk out of there officially dead.
Quer dizer que podia pôr os sapatos dele e sair dali oficialmente morto.
His shoes.
- Os sapatos dele.
His shoes?
- Os sapatos?
As it is, he didn't leave any marks at all... because he wiped his shoes on the front doormat.
Ele não deixou marcas nenhumas, porque limpou os sapatos no tapete da porta.
It's a fairly new mat and some of its fibers came off on his shoes.
É um tapete novo e ele tinha algumas fibras dele nos sapatos...
Probably wiped his shoes on the doormat as well.
E devem ter limpo os sapatos dele no tapete.
If anyone takes off his shoes, I'm going to hit him with the machine gun.
Se alguém tirar sapatos atiro-lhe a metralhadora á cabeça! Assim não!
He'd pass out tips among them, as if they'd all shined his shoes or called taxis for him.
Distribuía gorjetas, como se todos lhe tivessem engraxado os sapatos, ou chamado táxis.
One time Atticus said you never really knew a man... until you stood in his shoes and walked around in them.
Um dia o Atticus disse que só se conhece realmente um homem... quando se entra na pele dele e se anda por lá um pouco.
You've got his shoes, and no one else wears shoes like dane's.
Aonde está Dane? Dane?
Before you're through, he'll be so mixed up he'll be wearing his shoes on his head.
Quando terminares, ele estará tão baralhado, que usará os sapatos na cabeca!
That guy Solo's going to wear a hole in his shoes.
Ali o Solo acaba por gastar as solas.
I am baptizing you with water, for your repentance but one is to come after me who is mightier than I so that I am not worthy even to carry his shoes for him.
Eu vos batizo com água, em sinal de penitência... mas aquele que virá depois é mais poderoso do que eu... e nem sou digno de carregar seus calçados.
... if you were in his shoes and Generalissimo Franco gave us a bull trained for the corrida or a batch of castanets and we demanded to twin our town with Madrid what would you do?
Se estivesses nesse lugar... e o Generalíssimo Franco nos oferecesse... um touro treinado para a festa brava... e uma quantidade de castanholas... e nós exigíssemos a geminação da nossa aldeia com Madrid... o que é que tu farias?
And when he's found I'd be scared to be put in his shoes!
E quando ele for encontrado eu teria medo de estar no lugar dele!
I forgot to take his laces out before cleaning his shoes this morning.
Esta manhã esqueci de tirar os cordões dos sapatos antes de limpá-los.
He ´ s never tidy, his shoes is never brushed, and his hair ´ s a mess.
Nunca está arranjado, os sapatos nunca escovados, e o cabelo é uma miséria!
It won't be easy to fill his shoes.
Não vai ser fácil substituí-lo.
I think it would be a good idea to check his shoes.
Eu acho que seria boa ideia, ver os sapatos dele.
He must have had particles of grass on his shoes but they were probably brushed off on the carpet and, unfortunately, the room's been cleaned.
Ele devia ter partículas de relva nos sapatos. Provavelmente, limpou os pés no tapete. Infelizmente, o quarto já foi limpo.
- He can change his shoes in the car.
Ele pode mudar os sapatos no carro.
These are his shoes. Heavy.
Estes eram os seus sapatos.
"Now suppose the owner of these items " wanted the same quality in his watch " that he had in his shoes.
Agora imagine que o dono destes sapatos, queria a mesma qualidade para o relógio.
You know, Bugatti had his shoes custom-made like a glove with a separated thumb.
Sabes que o Bugatti mandava fazer sapatos especiais... como se fosse luvas, com o dedo grande separado?
No, I could stop and let the man's brains run out all over his shoes.
Posso deixá-lo até que fique sem miolos.
But I know how to fix his shoes with wedges... that will cause great pain and slow him down.
Mas sei como colocar cunhas nas ferraduras... Pra causar muita dor e fazer com que ele fique mais lento.
Tell him if he wants to keep his shoes under your bed, he better straighten up.
Diz-lhe que, se quiser manter os sapatos sob a tua cama, tem de se portar bem.
His shoes are dirty.
Tem os sapatos sujos.
I've asked you to investigate the exorcisms of Father Merrin not to step into his shoes.
Eu lhe pedi que investigasse os exorcismos do Padre Merrin não para seguir os seus passos.
- Where God lost his shoes.
- Onde Deus perdeu os sapatos.
Every time I buy a dress or a pair of shoes he yells his head off.
Cada vez que faço compras, grita comigo.
Peter, take Papa's shoes to his room.
Peter, leva os sapatos do Papá para o quarto.
The Red Shoes and his work on La Belle Meuniere.
"Os Sapatos Vermelhos" e o trabalho que fez na "La Belle Meunière".
Him walking in with Harry Worp's shoes in his hand?
Ele entrar com os sapatos do Harry Worp na mão?
Nate doesn't know it, but his search is about to end because those shiny new shoes are going to carry him right into the capital of the twilight zone.
Nate não sabe, mas sua procura vai terminar, porque esses sapatos novos e brilhantes lhe vão levar... directo à capital da Quinta dimensão.
O segredo destes sapatos é aumentar de altura com o bater dos calcanhares.
We warmed his shoes before we put them on.
- Aquecemo-lhe os sapatos.
His first pair of shoes.
O seu primeiro par de sapatos.
Passers-by would think they're seeing a young boy like other boys, except for his manner of walking, so heavy since the day he put on shoes, and the difficulty he has in keeping to my gait and his tendency to break into a trot.
Quem passa pensaria tratar-se de um rapaz como os outros, não fora a sua maneira de andar, tão pesada desde que usa sapatos, a dificuldade em me acompanhar e a tendência para largar num trote.
The lab checked out his clothes and shoes.
Verificou-se as roupas e os sapatos. Não há sangue.
Mr. Arno, leaving his tennis shoes out to be shined.
Huh. o Sr. Arno, deixou os ténis para serem limpos.
He always wears new shoes. He wears number 8 shoe on his left foot and 9 on his right.
Ele calça sempre sapatos novos e desde sempre usou o esquerdo com o tamanho 8 e o direito com o 9.
A racehorse has got to have thin, lightweight shoes on his hooves.
O cavalo de corridas deve ter ferraduras leves.
That fellow's too small to have carried Prof. Nicholson high enough in his arms for the shoes to make that mark.
Este rapaz é muito baixo para poder carregar o professor Nicholson só com os braços, de modo que os sapatos deixassem aquela marca.
You know what he'd do if he was in our shoes? He'd walk in that bank, pull out his gun, and say,
Se estivesse aqui, entraria ali, empunharia o revólver e diria...
This Nawab will polish his shoes.
E este príncipe será seu escravo.