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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I just didn't know

I just didn't know translate Portuguese

1,755 parallel translation
I just didn't know that.
Não sabia disso.
I just didn't know how to tell you.
Eu só não sabia o que te dizer.
No, I didn't know about it. I just found out.
Claro que não. Acabei de saber.
I said to him I didn't want to know where it came from Just that he's finds it quickly
Disse-lhe que não queria saber de onde vinha mas que tinha de arranjar um rapidamente.
I just... I didn't know what else to do.
Não sabia o que havia de fazer.
You know, I didn't want to just...
Eu não queria...
Then you know that I didn't give her anything, and I just got up and I walked away.
Então sabe que não lhe dei nada, que me levantei e fui embora.
I just didn't know I actually had one.
Só não sabia que, de facto, tinha um.
I mean, I didn't plan for it to be like that, you know with no laj, but it just happened.
Quer dizer, nunca pensei que viesse a ser assim, tu sabes, sem demora, apenas aconteceu.
Well, it's just when you called me back... I didn't know if you wanted to talk about real estate or not.
Bem, é que quando me telefonaste, não sabia se querias falar de imobiliário, ou não.
I know it didn't win or anything, I was just wondering maybe if you had read it, I thought maybe you can give me your feedback.
Eu sei que não ganhou ou nada, estava só a pensar se talvez você a tivesse lido, achei que talvez você pudesse dar-me o seu parecer.
The way he was acting, I just - I didn't know.
O Jules estava a fingir.
I know you didn't just disrespect me, did you?
Não acabou de me desrespeitar, não é?
I didn't know you could just attend those.
Não sabia que se podia assistir.
It's just I didn't know.
É só que... eu não sabia.
Truth is, I didn't know if I want to go on this date, it's just my friend, she's kinda forcing me. Things we need to get with.
Na verdade, não queria ir, mas a minha amiga, coloca-me nestas situações, a sair com ela.
I just didn't know how.
Só não sabia como...
And I just didn't want, you know, you to feel objectified in any way,
E não quero que te sintas como um objecto.
I didn't want to say anything, you know, because I knew, sooner or later, you'd find out. It's just not gonna work.
Eu não queria dizer nada porque sabia que mais tarde ou mais cedo darias conta de que não resultava.
Hey, you know what? During this whole time, I just didn't feel bad once about killing you,
Durante todo este tempo, ainda não me senti mal uma única vez em matá-la, e ainda não sinto.
I know I really could have just put my foot down, but I didn't.
Sei que eu poderia ter recusado... mas... não recusei.
You know if I didn't, you'd be dead right now instead of just wincing.
Se não controlasse, você estaria morto em vez de estar a tremer.
I didn't want to just phone, you know.
Eu não queria apenas telefonar, sabes?
He told me to just lie still while he, you know, did it to me, and that if I didn't follow his every word...
Disse-me para ficar deitada quieta enquanto ele... me servia. E se eu não seguisse os comandos dele, ele...
I didn't know if I wanted to, you know, sometimes it's better just to let things go, don't go ferreting around for more problems.
Eu não sabia se queria, por vezes é melhor deixar as coisas acontecer e não andar a procurar mais problemas.
I was so proud of him, he... but I, I, you know, I didn't know what to do when I, I tried to catch his eye... and he looked at me and... the robber saw him... and he just aimed his gun straight at me.
Mas estava tão orgulhosa dele. Mas não sabia o que fazer e tentei chamar a atenção dele. Ele olhou para mim e o assaltante viu-o.
I know that he just wants to find her and tell her that he didn't fall off the face of the earth.
Sei que ele só quer encontrá-la e dizer-lhe que não desapareceu da face da Terra.
I just didn't know what your family would do, or mine.
Só não sabia o que a tua famíllia iria fazer, nem a minha.
I just saw all the people that she helped, You know, most of which didn't even believe her either at first, so...
Vi todas as pessoas que ela ajudou, sabes, a maioria delas também não acreditavam nela ao princípio, por isso...
It's just... i got him back, you know, But he didn't get his life back.
Tenho-o de volta, sabes, mas ele não recuperou a vida dele.
I can't believe this. I just got screwed by my two best friends and I didn't even know it.
Acabo de ser lixado pelos meus dois melhores amigos e nem me apercebi.
That's how I know he didn't just jump into something out there.
Por isso sei que ele simplesmente não saltou para qualquer coisa.
I'm sorry.I just... didn't know what to say exactly.
Desculpe. Apenas... Não sabia o que dizer, exatamente.
I'm--I'm sorry.I just didn't know it was happening today.
Desculpe, não sabia que seria hoje.
You know, when I woke up next to you yesterday, I just didn't know what to think.
Quando eu acordei ao teu lado, ontem, não sabia o que havia de pensar.
Okay, just so you know, should be bringing this to the psychologist. But I didn't, because this kind of "self-expression" usually gets a kid expelled.
Muito bem, para que saibas, devia ter mostrado isto à psicóloga, mas não o fiz porque este tipo de expressão de sentimentos normalmente faz com que um miúdo seja expulso.
I just didn't know if I could trust you or not.
Não tinha a certeza se podia confiar em ti.
Even when I didn't know if I had it or not, I just assumed I couldn't take the chance.
Mesmo quando não sabia que a tinha, assumi que não podia arriscar, mas agora,
I know if you think hard, you can remember a half-hour period where you just plain didn't see him.
Se pensar bem, lembrar-se-á de uma meia hora em que simplesmente não o viu.
I just-I- - I didn't know what to say.
Eu não sei o que dizer.
I know you didn't just say that.
Eu sei que você não basta dizer isso.
I don't know, why didn't you just come by and say hello?
Não sei, porque não vieste ter comigo cumprimentar?
But you know, I, I still don't understand why you... you didn't go back and have the test just to make sure.
Continuo sem perceber porque é que... não foste fazer o exame só para ter a certeza.
Ok iam sorry i didn't tell you. I just don't want anyone to know
Desculpa, por não te dizer, mas não quero que o pessoal saiba.
I just, I didn't even know that I was gonna propose it. It just...
Eu teria falado, mas não sabia que iria propô-lo.
I spent so much time really trying not to be mad at you, trying to just understand, but, you know, you didn't give me much to work with.
Passei tanto tempo a tentar não me zangar, a tentar compreender, mas não me dás grande hipótese.
You said you were going to tell her and she said she knew and then I just talked about it and I guess she didn't know.
Disseste que lhe ias contar e ela disse que sabia. Eu falei nisso e afinal, ela não sabia.
I just know you didn't have a chance to study last night.
Simplesmente sei que não tiveste tempo para estudar ontem à noite.
I just didn't know you and Davis were spending so much time together.
Só não sabia que tu e o Davis andavam a pensar assim tanto tempo juntos.
You know, I think she was just this sad, lonely girl who loved David Cassidy and wanted to go back to Albuquerque, but she didn't have any family there, so she let herself be adopted by these people,
Era só uma rapariga triste e só, que adorava o David Cassidy e queria voltar para Albuquerque, mas já não tinha lá família. Por isso, deixou-se adoptar por esta gente.
I just didn't know if you wanted me to come.
Só não sei se queres que eu também vá. - Sam, tu tens as aulas.

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