I just told you translate Portuguese
2,610 parallel translation
- I just told you...
- Já te disse.
You weren't curious when I just told you about my guy.
- Estou curiosa. - Não ficaste quando eu disse.
You weren't curious when I just told you about my guy.
Achas mesmo que a acupunctura ajudava?
Well, I just told your mom about what happened. You're okay, though?
Acabei de contar à tua mãe o que aconteceu.
I just told you what you needed to hear.
Só te disse o que precisavas de ouvir.
Yeah. What I just told you is everything I've got.
Pois, mas já disse tudo o que tenho.
I'm not gonna tell a bunch of total strangers what I just told you.
Não vou contar a perfeitos estranhos o que acabei de te contar.
I just told you, we got a confession out of Bishop.
Acabei de dizer que temos uma confissão do Bishop.
It's what I just told you.
É o que acabei de te dizer.
Not sure I believe that. I just told you I did it.
Não tenho a certeza se acredito nisso.
You told me to come to the dark side. I just told you to get in touch with your feelings. I didn't think you'd turn into Darth Caroline.
- Disse para expressares o que sentias, não te transformei na Darth Caroline.
Look, I told you, I just suck.
- Já disse, eu sou mau.
Listen, I would have told you the mayor appointed me interim chief, but I just found out myself in the car on the way from the church.
- Eu ter-lhe-ia dito que o Prefeito me nomeou, mas acabei de saber no carro, a caminho da igreja.
I just told Leo about my affair, and he left me, so I am going to India, and by the way, you're dead to me.
Acabei de contar ao Leo, o caso, e ele deixou-me, por isso acho que vou para a Índia, e já agora... Estás morto para mim.
LLOYD : I told you, she was just leaving.
Já te disse, estava a sair.
I told him you can't just come over to someone's house unannounced. Why not?
Disse-lhe que não pode aparecer simplesmente sem avisar.
- I told them that I would put you on a plane... - Can't we just- -
- Não podemos...
No, I told her I was over you, and, just to be clear...
Eu disse-lhe que já te tinha esquecido. - E, só para que conste...
It's just... Louis would've never told Jessica that I existed, let alone that I helped him if you hadn't done that.
É só que o Louis nunca teria dito à Jessica que eu existia quanto mais que o ajudei se não tivesses feito isso.
I just never told you who they were.
Apenas nunca te disse quem eles eram.
I told you, man, you just got out of juvie, and that Sutton girl...
Já te disse, meu. Acabaste de sair do reformatório e essa Sutton...
I told you, I just wanted lan off my boat.
Eu disse-te, só queria o Ian fora do meu barco.
- Well, truth be told, I didn't bid on you just to clean my attic.
Bem, verdade seja dita, eu não te arrematei apenas para limpar o meu sótão.
And I told her she was just being paranoid. But after seeing you two basically lost in each other's eyes, maybe she wasn't.
Disse-lhe que estava a ser paranóica, mas depois de vos ver basicamente perdidos nos olhos um do outro, talvez não esteja a ser.
When I told you there was going to be accountability, I wasn't saying it just to hear myself speak.
Quando disse que ia haver responsabilidades, não era apenas para ouvir o meu próprio discurso.
No, that's not... You just told me yesterday what a great job I'm doing.
É que tu disseste-me ontem que o meu trabalho é bom.
Thank you. I just wanted to say my dad told me you're seeing each other. And I think it's great.
Só queria dizer que o meu pai me disse que estavam juntos e acho que é fantástico.
No, just exactly what I told you. - Hmm.
Não, foi só o que te disse.
It's just like I told you an hour ago.
Assim como nos disse há uma hora atrás.
I told him, "Just as long as you do not touch him my mouth will stay shut and that evidence will stay buried."
Eu disse-lhe que desde que não lhe tocassem, a minha boca permaneceria fechada a as provas continuariam enterradas.
I never told you it was the name of a song I wrote just before we met.
Nunca disse mas é a música que fiz antes de conhecer-te.
If I'd have told you what it really was, you would have been scared or you'd just kill Duke, right?
Se te tivesse dito o que realmente era, terias ficado com medo ou terias matado o Duke, certo?
So, um, if you'll excuse us for a moment, I'm just gonna run what you told us by Mr. Gibson, and, uh, we'll see how reacts.
Então, se nos desculpar por um momento, só passarei ao Sr. Gibson o que nos disse, e vamos ver como ele reage.
Just don't tell her I told you.
Não lhe digas que te disse.
Perhaps you can help us. I can't decide whether to take out an "I told you so" ad in the New England Journal or stay classy and just spray-paint it on your car.
Não sei se faço um anúncio do tipo "Eu disse-te", no jornal New England ou "Mantenho a classe"
I... I found that photo, and you told me that it was just some hiking trip, that Thayer was my brother, so he was like a brother to you.
Encontrei aquela foto e tu disseste-me que tinha sido só uma excursão, que o Thayer era meu irmão e que era como um irmão para ti.
I just feel really connected to you, after you told me what happened to your parents, trusted me enough to let me in.
Sinto-me muito ligada a ti, depois de me teres contado o que aconteceu aos teus pais. Confiaste em mim para te abrires comigo.
Oh, so it's just a coincidence that I've been dragged in here to go over Tom Walker's death just two days after I told you I killed him?
Então, foi coincidência este interrogatório sobre a morte do Tom Walker, dois dias depois de te ter contado tudo.
I killed him with my own hands, just like I told you.
Eu matei-o com as minhas mãos, como te disse.
Okay, you told me that I'm top dog but secretly, you think you're top dog, all right? Now you're just trying to out-top-dog the top dog.
Disseste-me que sou líder, mas, lá no fundo, tu achas-te um líder e estás a tentar superar o líder.
I told you, if you saw bugs on her they're just termites.
Eu disse-te que se visses bichos nela, eram só térmitas.
I could tell you that I just happened to be in the neighborhood, but honestly, since four of my last five calls to your phone went straight to voicemail and the fifth one told me your number was changed,
Eu podia dizer que estava pela vizinhança, mas honestamente, 4 das minhas últimas 5 chamadas para ti caíram directamente no voice-mail. E a 5ª disse-me que o teu número mudou.
I really just told you everything, didn't I?
Contei-te mesmo tudo, não foi?
I would just prefer if you told me about it right away.
Preferia que tivesses falado logo comigo.
Just do what you're fucking told or I'll rip you in fucking two!
Apenas faz o que te mandaram ou eu parto-te ao meio!
I really just told you everything, didn't I?
- Contei-te mesmo tudo, não foi?
When I told you I saw a ghost, you weren't even worried about me, you just yelled.
Quando disse que vi um fantasma, não te preocupaste, apenas berraste.
I know what you told me, but a 14-year-old boy who's dumped with foster families isn't just angry.
Sei o que disse, mas um menino de 14 anos que foi largado com famílias adoptivas, não sente só raiva.
Mr. Martin, I've just been told our investigators would like to ask you some questions as well.
Sr. Martin, os nossos investigadores também gostariam de lhe fazer umas perguntas.
If I told Amanda you warned Nikita about dear old Dad you might just lose your head.
Se eu dissesse à Amanda que tinhas avisado a Nikita sobre o pai, talvez ficasses sem cabeça.
I told him, I says, Ron, you just have to come in here and see for yourself.
Sim, por favor, venha. Eu disse : "Você tem que vir aqui e ver com os próprios olhos."
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just want to be with you 40
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just want to be with you 40
i just got here 258
i just did 342