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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I stabbed him

I stabbed him translate Portuguese

144 parallel translation
When I decided against that Navy career, I stabbed him.
Quando não optei pela Marinha, dei-lhe um desgosto.
Your Troyian pig was here in my quarters without any permission, so I stabbed him.
O seu porco troyiano estava aqui sem autorização! E apunhalei-o.
- I stabbed him. - You..?
They all ran off when I stabbed him.
Fugiram todos quando o esfaqueei.
I stabbed him with a poker through the heart and the son of a bitch still lived.
Eu o apunhalei no coração e continuou vivo.
I killed my father, I stabbed him 12 times.
Matei meu pai. Apunhalei-lhe 12 vezes.
He went out through the back gate. I stabbed him in the back.
Ele saiu pela porta de trás e eu o apunhalei pelas costas.
So I stabbed him... over... and over.
Então preguei-lhe uma facada... e outra... e outra.
I stabbed him.
Eu apunhalei-o.
He stabbed me in the back, so I stabbed him.
Ele tramou a minhas costas e eu lhe paguei com a mesma moeda.
I went to his motel room and I stabbed him in the hand.
Eu fui ao motel e espetei-lhe uma tesoura na mão.
And... that's when I stabbed him in the eye with a kitchen knife.
Foi nessa altura que eu o apunhalei num olho com uma faca de cozinha.
Dad, I stabbed him myself.
Pai, eu própria o esfaqueei.
He looked to see what I had in my eye, and I stabbed him in the heart with a glass dagger.
Ele tentou ver o que eu tinha no olho... e eu o apunhalei no coração com uma adaga de vidro.
I stabbed him to death.
Esfaqueei-o até à morte.
I stabbed him with some scissors.
Esfaqueei-o com uma tesoura.
There was an accident, I stabbed him.
Houve um acidente, apunhalei-o.
I stabbed him accidentally.
Apunhalei-o acidentalmente.
No, I stabbed him, as I've just told you.
Não, apunhalei-o, como acabei de dizer.
I simply picked up the dagger and I stabbed him.
Não, peguei no punhal e matei-o.
I stabbed him.
Eu esfaqueei-o.
I stabbed him
Eu apunhalei-o.
To make sure he was dead, I stabbed him with this.
Para me assegurar que estava morto, cravei-lhe esta lança.
I stabbed him and ran away.
Apunhalei-o e fugi.
I stabbed him three times.
Dei-lhe três punhaladas.
I stabbed him.
Eu parei-o!
So I picked up that little sword on his desk, that fancy letter opener or whatever it was, and I stabbed him with it.
Peguei naquela faca, no abridor de cartas chique ou o que raio era aquilo, e esfaqueei-o.
I heard of a girl once, kissed a guy and stabbed him in the back.
Soube de uma moça que beijou um sujeito e o apunhalou.
I couldn't but Then how do you know they stabbed him in the back?
Adormeci e, quando acordei, olhei pela janela.
I'm not so much a coward that I cannot face Him when I've stabbed Him.
Não sou tão covarde que não possa encará-lo... ao traí-lo.
And it was raining so I loaned him my raincoat, and a few minutes later he was stabbed to death on the street.
E uns minutos mais tarde mataram-no na rua com uma facada.
So you see, I almost stabbed him right through the heart.
E eu quase o apunhalei. Bem no coração.
I never shook anyone's hand and stabbed him in the back!
Nunca apertei a mão de ninguém e apunhalei-o pelas costas!
I imagine the punishment will be severe, considering you stabbed him nine times.
Imagino que o castigo será muito severo, considerando que Ihe apunhalou nove vezes.
I stabbed Marcus in the heart because I love him.
Apunhalei o Marcus no coração porque o amo.
I picked up the knife and stabbed him.
Peguei na faca e apunhalei-o.
He stabbed it between my legs and he... I couldn't stop him, I tried it.
Ele estava entre as minhas pernas, e ele... não o consegui parar.
I stabbed the dude, I admit that, everyone saw me fuckin do that, but I didn't actually kill him,
Apunhalei-o. Admito isso.
She left my dad real quick, when I was young. I had to cook for him. Until one day he got stabbed.
A minha mãe abandonou o meu pai muito cedo e eu é que tive de cozinhar para ele até ao dia que foi esfaqueado.
I told the guard that I was going out for a pack of cigarettes. Then I totally stabbed him.
Disse ao guarda que ia comprar um maço de tabaco e depois esfaqueei-o.
Gail... stabbed him. - Oh, I know.
- A Gail esfaqueou-o.
I should have stabbed him in his particulars when I had the chance.
Eu devia tê-lo apunhalado nas partes íntimas quando tive oportunidade.
I should have stabbed him in his particulars.
Devia tê-lo apunhalado nas partes íntimas.
Do you think I drugged him first, and then stabbed him?
Acha que o droguei e que depois o apunhalei?
He put his foot through the window, I grabbed a hold of him, and he grabbed a piece of glass, and he stabbed me.
Ele quis entrar pela janela, agarrei-o... ele pegou nuns vidros e agrediu-me.
I stabbed him!
Eu o apunhalei!
In my younger days, I would have either stabbed him with the scissors or strangled him with the tie. But not this time.
Em outros tempos, teria esfaqueado com a tesoura ou estrangulado com uma gravata, mas não desta vez.
How awful is that? There was a guy that I know someone stabbed him to death because he called his mother "moose".
Um gajo que eu conheço foi esfaqueado até à morte.
I'm the one who should have stabbed him.
Devia ter sido eu a traí-lo.
She attacked me, we struggled, she grabbed the shears I fought, that's how I got these cuts, then Javier interceded and she stabbed him.
Atacou-me. Lutámos. Ela agarrou nas tesouras.
I could tell you stories about demon... why don't you start by telling me why you stabbed him with one of your meat thermometers right before he died.
Podia contar-lhe histórias a respeito do Demon... Porque não começa por me contar porque o apunhalou, com um dos seus termômetros de carne antes dele morrer.

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