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Rockettes translate Portuguese

33 parallel translation
Williams was on stage, dancing with the Rockettes.
D Williams estava a dançar no palco com as Rockett.
Hold it. This is amazing!
... volto para as "Radio City Rockettes".
Long hours of precision choreography that would put the Rockettes to shame.
Longas horas de coreografia precisa que envergonharia as Rockettes.
It's all the new Rockettes.
São as novas Roquetes.
He danced with the Rockettes.
Dançou com as Rockettes.
I played a few choruses, but I never made the Rockettes.
Cantei em alguns coros, mas nunca cheguei às Rockettes.
But if angels came dancing down to Earth like the Rockettes even they couldn't get a dime from this administration with the name "gay" on it.
Mas nem todos os anjos juntos arranjaram dinheiro para algo como homosexual.
It's the geriatrics Rockettes.
São os Rockettes do geriátrico.
You're afraid I'm too primitive to perform with your little estrogen Rockettes.
Tem medo que eu seja primitivo de mais para estar em cena com as suas rockettes estrogénias, não é?
When you're in there, it's like peeing with the Rockettes.
Quando estás lá, é como estares a mijar com as Rockettes.
I got them lined up like Rockettes.
Parecem as Rockettes.
- I can't believe this! It's the Rockettes!
São as Rockettes!
- The Rockettes?
- Das "Rockettes"?
- The Rockettes?
- Os "Rockettes"?
Yeah, and the bullets are lining up like the Rockettes at Christmas.
Sim, e as balas estão alinhadas como as Rockettes no Natal.
The Rockettes.
As The Rockettes.
If anyone else, you'd think he was screwing the Rockettes.
Se fosse outro, irias pensar que ele andava a comer as Rockettes.
Please welcome my Rockettes!
Por favor dêem as boas vindas às minhas Roquettes.
- I can take the models, the Rockettes, the Shakira.
Eu aguento as modelos, as Rockettes e a Shakira!
Those other Rockettes who called you slow are crazy.
As outras Rockettes que te chamaram lenta, são malucas.
How lucky is it that an aspiring dancer just off the bus from Iowa runs into the producer of the Rockettes?
Como é que uma aspirante a bailarina acabada de chegar do Iowa dá de caras com o produtor do bailado Rockettes?
Then this pre-natal nitwit Decides to do his rockettes impression.
Depois este imbecil pré-natal decide fazer das suas.
Well, how'd it go at the Rockettes audition?
Então como é que foi a audição para a dança?
- Cousin? I'm taking my wife and kids to see the Radio City Rockettes.
Vou levar a minha mulher e filhos para ver as Radio City Rocketts.
Ever seen the Rockettes?
- Já viu as Rockettes?
Amy, remember when we tried out for the rockettes?
Amy, lembras-te quando tentamos entrar para as rockettes?
And we failed because we accidentally kicked those two rockettes to death?
E não entramos porque acidentalmente demos pontapés às rockettes até à morte?
Like Broadway and the Rockettes and the ice skating.
Broadway, The Rockettes, patinar no gelo...
It looks like somebody threw a hand grenade into a room full of rockettes.
Parece que alguém atirou uma granada para uma sala cheia de foguetes.
Nah, got a real sweet gig as a Rockette right now.
Não. Sou dançarina pelas Rockettes e tenho um espetáculo agora.
She's either having her rockettes dream or her catheter's out.
Ou ela está a sonhar que é dançarina ou o cateter caiu. Com licença...
Look at us! We're like the Rockettes!
Olhem para nós, parecemos as Rockettes!
Fermez les'rockettes', o.k.? About 2 years in high school and about 4 years in college.
Dois anos no secundário e quatro na universidade.

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