See what they know translate Portuguese
230 parallel translation
Then I'm coming back here and go to college and see what they know and then I'm going to build things.
Depois vou voltar aqui e vou à faculdade para ver o que sabem e então vou construir coisas.
And I will check with the Elders and see what they know.
E eu vou falar com os Anciãos para ver o que eles sabem.
Jeff, you know, if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see.
Jeff, se alguém entrasse aqui, não acreditaria no que via. - O quê?
You see, I have my own ideas about what newspapers should be... and I know they can be a great deal better than they are.
Sabe, tenho a minha opinião sobre como os jornais devem ser... e sei que podem ser muito melhores do que são.
You know, the Americans may not understand what they see here.
Você sabe, os americanos não poderão entender o que verão aqui.
Well, I don't know what they're talking about, Miss, but you're the prettiest Wild Man I ever did see.
Não sei do que eles estão a falar, Miss, mas é o Homem Selvagem mais lindo que alguma vez vi.
It's monkey see, monkey do. They don't know what happens with the engine.
Eles só imitam, nada sabem de motores.
I can see them still through the window of the University of the Sorbonne, impatient to change the world, vivid in hope, although what precisely they hope for, or believe in I don't know.
Eu ainda posso vê-los pela janela da Universidade de Sorbonne, ansiosos por mudar o mundo, vívidos em esperança, embora o que precisamente ele anseiem, ou no que acreditem eu não sei.
You know, I've been watching people to see what they do with umbrellas when they come in out of the rain.
Tenho observado as pessoas quando elas saem da chuva.
In casting you out, the other gulls have only hurt themselves, and one day they will know this, and one day they will see what you see.
Quem és tu? Ao expulsarem-te, as outras gaivotas apenas se prejudicaram a si mesmas, e um dia compreendê-lo-ão, e um dia verão o que tu vês.
You will see things and judge them before you know what they mean. What things?
Julgará as coisas antes de saber o que significam.
I do not know what they see in him.
Hans, não sei o que é que elas vêem neste homem.
- Let's see if l- - You never get to know what they look like, or who they are.
Posso apanhar uma camioneta e estar na Califórnia quinta à noite...
They never know that a certain percentage... of what they see is not there.
Elas nunca sabem que uma certa percentagem do que vêem não existe.
Because they go out there, they see what's available, you know, those fat, bald-headed little twerps that have no idea how lucky they are that they can't get a woman, and they come crawling back to you, thankful,
Saem, vêem o que há disponível... aqueles minorcas gordos e carecas que não sabem a sorte que têm por não arranjarem uma mulher, e vêm a correr para nós, gratas, sabendo que é impossível arranjarem melhor. Convenhamos...
I wanna know who they see and what they talk about.
Quero saber quem eles vêem e sobre o que eles falam.
That way, see, they didn't know what they were drinking.
Dessa forma, eles não saberiam o que estavam a beber.
I don't know who they are, and I can't see what's goin'on inside.
Eu não sei quem eles são e não consigo ver o que se passa lá dentro.
Somebody's going to see your picture in the paper and they'll come find you and you'll know what your name is.
De certeza que alguém vai ver a tua foto no jornal. Virão procurar-te e vais saber como te chamas.
That was what I was looking for in the French plantation that was a kind of ghostly afterview of something, almost like they talk about the light from the stars. We see it after the star's already dead, you know, and it was that kind of mood.
Era o que procurava na fazenda francesa. tal como quando falamos da luz das estrelas.
As a matter of fact, so do I. Can't tell with men's fashions, the way they fit nowadays... but, uh, if you were to see me naked, you know what you would say?
Jogue! - Sim! - Muito bem!
Buyers are more influenced by what they read than what they see. - You know it.
as pessoas compram pintura mais pelo artigo que leram do que pelos quadros em si, sabe-lo tão bem como eu.
You know what they do in there? Did you see Cuck oo's Nest?
Viste Voando sobre um Ninho de Cucos?
- I don't know. Have to see what they say about that.
Tenho de ver que dizem eles sobre isso.
All they'll see are poor African people with funny names and they won't know what the case is about.
Tudo o que vêem são africanos pobres com nomes esquisitos e nem querem saber qual é o caso.
They may not see it, but I know what's going on.
Eles podem não a ver, mas eu já percebi o que se passa.
They see a mountain and want to Know what's behind it.
Eles vêem uma montanha e se perguntam o que tem atrás dela.
Ben, you and I both know they never let you see what you expect to see.
Ben, eu e tu sabemos bem que eles nunca mostram o que queremos ver.
They don't know what it is to see beyond the physical.
Eles não sabem o que é ver além do físico.
want to know what happens when they see things they're not supposed to see?
Queres saber o que acontece quando vêem algo que não deveriam ver?
You know what will happen if they see this?
Sabes o que acontece se eles vêm isto?
I didn't see what they did to you but I do know you suffered and that you're still suffering now and I'm trying to help.
Não percebe? Não é meu amigo!
You will not know your house when you see what they have done.
Não vais reconhecer a tua casa.
If Skaara or Sha're are on the other side, those jarheads'll open fire on them as soon as they see the light of their eyes... if you know what I mean.
Se o Skaa'ra e a Sha're estiverem do outro lado, estes palhaços vão... abrir fogo sobre eles assim que lhes virem a luz nos olhos se é que percebes o que quero dizer.
- Or hating it. Exactly. What they came to see tonight was a professional heavyweight championship fight, and that is not what they're getting, and you better believe they are letting these fighters know it.
Vieram para um combate profissional e não é o que estão a ver.
The thing is, the way that I see it, and, you know... is, I think the world is divided... into those who go after what they want and then those who don`t, right?
É que, ao meu ver, sabem... acho que o mundo é dividido... nos que vão atrás do que querem e nos que não vão, certo?
They do not know if what they see is real.
Eles não sabem se o que vêem é real.
See, I know what dogs do when they're nervous. Stop!
- Eu sei o que os cães fazem quando estão nervosos.
See, what they didn't know is once they got Gary Cooper... in touch with his feelings, they wouldn't be able to shut him up.
Vá, despacha-te e telefona ao Carlo. Já passou a minha parte preferida?
Years from now, the real fight fans will be telling each other they were here to see this bout. Know what?
Daqui a vários anos, os verdadeiros adeptos do boxe contarão uns aos outros que estiveram aqui a ver este combate.
Here's what happened, see? I just thought, you know, what a funny story it would make... you know if the decathlon team, you know, the "Cinderella Team"... that's getting all the attention, you know... if they only won'cause they cheated.
Eu pensei que seria uma história engraçada, se a equipa do Decatlo, a "Equipa Cinderela" estivesse a receber toda a atenção, só tendo ganho, por terem feito batota.
Well, let's see. - I'm starting to think women don't know what they want.
Acho que as mulheres não sabem realmente o que querem.
I don't know what they were using but they scratched up the wood on the lid real good. See?
Não sei o que usaram, mas riscaram o tampo de madeira todo.
You get your nurse alone, take a breath, let her see your eyes glisten, and say, " Baby, they're training me for war, and I don't know what'll happen, but if I die tomorrow, I want to know
Apanha uma enfermeira sozinha. Respira fundo. Deixa-a ver os teus olhos lacrimejantes e diz-lhe ; " Querida, estão a treinar-me para a guerra.
They know what they're doing. They can see talent.
Sabem o que fazem e sabem localizar o talento.
It has to do with choices and honoring people's ability to say what it is they want to see and consumerism and art and commodity and if you don't like it, send it back, and you get what you pay for or just participating, you know, making choices.
T em a ver com escolhas e homenagear a capacidade de as pessoas dizerem o que querem ver e consumismo e arte e utilidade se não gostares, devolve-lo e tens aquilo por que pagaste ou apenas participando, fazendo escolhas.
They see the walls, they see what I have here, they see my things... and they see a bit of me, you know, but...
e vêem um pouco de mim, mas...
I know exactly what they see in me.
Sei exactamente o que viram em mim.
I'll check with the Elders, see if they know what happened.
Vou falar com os Anciãos para ver se sabem o que aconteceu.
I knew that they needed it and I know that he'd finished it, so I just figured I'd run it down there myself, like what you were talking about last week, just taking care of stuff when we see it,
O quê? Sabia que precisavam delas e sabia que ele já tinha terminado portanto, mandei-as.
But they don't know the pain in me...'cause they can't know what I can see...
Mas eles não sabem a dor em mim. Porque eles não sabem o que eu posso ver.
see what happens 165
see what i did there 45
see what i mean 250
see what you think 16
see what i can find 21
see what we can find 16
see what you can find out 42
see what you've done 31
see what you can find 52
see what 279
see what i did there 45
see what i mean 250
see what you think 16
see what i can find 21
see what we can find 16
see what you can find out 42
see what you've done 31
see what you can find 52
see what 279