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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / She didn't say anything

She didn't say anything translate Portuguese

272 parallel translation
Well, she didn't say anything, that is, right away.
De início... nada.
She started crying softly, like the rain on the window, and we didn't say anything.
Começou a chorar levemente como a chuva na janela. Não dissemos nada.
She didn't say anything and a fella gets nervous after a while.
Ela não disse nada, e depois dalgum tempo fica-se nervoso.
She didn't say anything?
- Sim, papá. - Ela não disse nada?
Didn't she say anything to you this morning?
Você não disse nada?
- She didn't say anything. Anything about him.
- Nada sobre ele.
Didn't she say anything?
Não disse nada?
She'd been wondering why she didn't hear anybody say anything.
Ela estaria intrigada por não ouvir vozes nenhumas.
She didn't say anything.
Quais são?
She just sat by the fire and didn't say anything.
Ficava... sentada frente à lareira... e não dizia nada.
That's true... and since Bruno loves her a lot, if she asked him not to say anything he didn't
É verdade... e como Bruno a ama, se ela pedisse q / ele não contasse a ninguém ele não contaria.
And she didn't say anything?
E não disse nada?
She didn't say anything because she didn't want any favouritism.
Ela não disse nada, porque não queria privilégios.
She didn't say anything about any problems at home or with any boyfriends or anything like that, did she?
Ela não mencionou nada sobre algum problema em casa... com algum namorado ou algo assim?
She didn't say anything to me.
Não sei. Ela não disse nada.
She didn't say anything.
Que estranho, não me disse nada.
Cliffie, you know, she didn't really say anything.
Cliffie, ela não disse nada.
She didn't say anything
Ela simplesmente ficou ali, sem dizer uma palavra.
So, anyway, she said she'd be grateful if I didn't say anything to the agency, because she didn't want that them to think she was unreliable, you know.
Por isso, disse-me que ficaria grata se eu não dissesse nada à agência, porque não queria que pensassem que ela era de pouca confiança.
So she just left the office didn't say a word to you about anything?
Então, ela saiu do escritório e não te disse uma palavra acerca de mais nada?
She didn't have to say anything. I could hear it in her voice.
- Não precisou dizer, bastou ouvi-la!
But the other times, when he came back, she didn't say anything?
Mas, das outras vezes, quando ele voltava, ela não dizia nada?
She didn't say anything about me?
Ela não falou em mim?
She didn't say anything about me?
Ela não falou de mim?
She didn't say anything about a boyfriend.
Ela não disse nada sobre um namorado.
She didn't stop by to say hi or anything?
Não passou por aqui?
No, she didn't say anything, or we wouldn't be sitting here.
Não, se ela tivesse dito alguma coisa, nós não tariamos sentados aqui.
Well, she didn't say anything.
bem, ela não disse nada.
- Why didn't she say anything?
- Porque é que ela não diz nada?
She didn't say anything about it.
Ela não dizia nada.
She didn't say anything?
Ela não disse nada?
Didn't say anything when she took $ 2000 worth of Japanese koi fish and released them into Lake Tahoe singing "Born Free."
Nada disse, quando ela pegou em dois mil dólares de peixes japoneses e os libertou no Lago Tahoe, a cantar o "Born Free".
She didn't say anything, she just stared and then she opened her shawl...
Não disse nada, só ficou a olhar para mim e aí abriu o xaile...
- She didn't say anything.
- Ela não disse nada.
I didn't say anything because I thought she was experimenting or trying something new and she would do it one or two times and it wasn't a big deal.
E não disse nada porque julguei que ela estivesse a experimentar ou a tentar algo de novo e que o faria uma ou duas vezes e que não era nada de sério.
She didn't happen to say anything about meetin'up with an old friend?
Ela não falou em nada sobre re-encontrar um velho amigo?
- She didn't say anything?
- Não disse nada?
She didn't say anything to you about it?
Ela não te disse nada?
No, actually, she didn't say anything.
Não, na verdade, ela não me disse nada, Craig estamos no meio de um...
She didn't say anything.
Ela não disse nada.
She didn't say anything.
Ela não me disse.
And, no, she didn't say anything, if that's what you're asking yourself.
E, não, ela não me disse nada, caso estejas a perguntar isso a ti próprio.
Piper just left without Leo, and she didn't say goodbye to us, or come up and show us what she's wearing or anything.
A Piper acabou de sair sem o Leo, e não se despediu de nós, nem sequer subiu para nos mostrar o que tinha vestido, nem nada.
She didn't say anything about my health, right?
Ela não disse nada sobre a minha saúde, pois não?
She didn't say anything to you?
Ela não vos disse nada?
She didn't say anything.
Ela não está a dizer nada.
- She didn't say anything.
- Ela não disse.
She didn't say anything... but the way she looked....
Ela não disse nada... mas a forma como olhou....
She didn't say anything for the rest of the evening : just kept on sewing.
Ela não disse nada o resto da noite. Apenas ficou sentada, a coser.
- She didn't say anything about it.
- Ela não sabe nada a esse respeito.
I guess she didn't say anything about puking on them, though.
Acho que ela nunca te disse nada sobre vomitares sobre eles.

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