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Staff sergeant translate Portuguese

322 parallel translation
"... in the fatal stabbing of Staff Sergeant James R. Judson. "
"sobre o esfaqueamento mortal do Sargento James R. Judson."
One of these 77 men was Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw.
Um desses 77 homens foi o Sargento Raymond Shaw.
Follow Hawkeye, Trapper, Duke, Dago Red, Painless, Radar, Hot Lips, Dish and Staff Sergeant Vollmer as they put our boys back together again.
Sigam o Olhovivo, o Captor, o Duke, o Dago Tinto, o lndolor, o Radar, a Lábios Quentes, a Prato e o Sargento Vollmer que voltam a juntar de novo os nossos rapazes.
Staff sergeant.
Sargento de pessoal.
Thank you, Staff Sergeant.
Obrigado, Sargento.
Staff Sergeant Barnes.
Oficial Sargento Barnes.
Staff Sergeant Barnes, Sergeant Elias...
Oficiais Sargento Barnes, Sargento Elias...
Staff Sergeant Elgin Flowers.
Sargento Elgin Flowers.
We're looking for Staff Sergeant Elgin Flowers.
Estamos à procura do Sargento Elgin Flowers.
Well, get some staff sergeant stripes and cut'em down.
Pegue as faixas de sargento de pessoal e corte.
- Bottom line, Staff Sergeant. You either get rid of that fuckin'head A.S.A. fuckin'P., or I'm gonna... have your ass court-martialed when we get back to the rear.
última frase, tem de se ver livre da merda dessa cabeça ou vai a Tribunal Marcial quando chegarmos.
Not unlike Staff Sergeant Kevin Aiklen _
Assim como o sargento Kevin Aiklen.
Staff Sergeant Kevin Aiklen _
Sargento Kevin Aiklen.
Ain't that Staff Sergeant Slim?
Aquele não é o sargento Slim?
Master Sergent Rob Hancock, Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Padia.
Sargento-mor Rob Hancock, Sargento Elizabeth Padia.
I'm Staff Sergeant Cota.
Sou o Segundo-Sargento Cota.
If I died, I'd have moved up to staff sergeant.
Se eu morresse, tinha sido promovido a Sargento.
I'd be happy to go to staff sergeant, wherever you wanna put me.
Fico como Sargento no pelotão que quiser me colocar.
There's a staff sergeant, but he's nowhere near Bihn's 40 confirmed.
Há um sargento, mas nem chega aos pés dos 40 de Bihn.
Marine Corps Public Affairs Office. Staff Sergeant McCormick.
Gabinete de Informações da Marinha.
Sergeant Jo, Sergeant Park, Staff Sergeants Ko and Han, and 35. young soldiers... do you wish to sacrifice them?
Sargento Jo, Sargento Park, Sargentos Ko e Han, e mais de 30 jovens soldados... Você deseja sacrificá-los?
Did you hear back from the embassy yet, staff sergeant?
Teve notícias da embaixada, Primeiro Sargento?
Meet Marine Staff Sergeant Dale Kortman and Sergeant Raymond Plouhar.
Estes são o Sargento Dale Kortman e o Sarg. Raymond Plouhar, dos Fuzileiros.
When Staff Sergeant Brett Petriken from Flint was killed in Iraq on May 26th the Army sent his last paycheck to his family but they docked him for the last five days of the month he didn't work because he was dead.
E, quando o Sarg. Brett Petriken de Flint morreu no Iraque, a 26 de Maio, o Exército enviou o cheque do último vencimento á família mas descontou os últimos 5 dias do mês em que não trabalhou, por estar morto.
Staff Sergeant LEE Jin-tae
Sargento Lee, Jin-tae
Staff Sergeant Lee Jin-tae!
Sargento Lee Jin-tae!
Staff Sergeant John Mose, reported UA on December 10 2000.
O Sargento John Mohs desapareceu a 10 de Dezembro de 2000.
I don't think the unfortunate Staff Sergeant Allen is going to be of much use there.
Acho que o Sargento Allen não vai servir de muito.
And our heartfelt prayers and wishes go out to the families of Gunnery Sergeant Alvarez, and Staff Sergeant Allen.
As nossas orações sinceras vão para as famílias do Sargento Alvarez e do Sargento Allen.
Morning, Staff Sergeant.
- Bom dia, sargento.
Staff Sergeant Keltie.
Sargento Keltie.
Sounds good, Staff Sergeant.
Parece bom, sargento.
Sounds good, Staff Sergeant!
- Parece bom, sargento.
I played the trumpet in third grade, Staff Sergeant.
- Toquei trompete no 3º ano, sargento.
All right, thank you, Staff Sergeant!
- Obrigado, sargento,
Staff Sergeant Sykes!
- Sargento Sykes?
I don't have a bugle, Staff Sergeant.
- Eu não tenho corneta.
Yes, Staff Sergeant. Good, that's a classic.
- Sim, sargento.
o, Staff Sergeant. Good.
- Não, sargento.
Yes, Staff Sergeant!
- Sim, sargento.
Yes, Staff Sergeant!
Sim, sargento.
Yes, I am still here, Staff Sergeant.
Sim, ainda estou aqui, sargento.
Don't tell my Staff Sergeant, though, all right?
Mas não conte nada disto ao sargento, certo?
My hydration tube is busted, Staff Sergeant.
Não dá bem, sargento.
On top of the world, huh? Yes, Staff Sergeant!
- Estás no topo do mundo agora?
Chief of staff's quarters, Sergeant Aguirre speaking.
Dpt. Do Chefe do Estado-Maior, fala o Sargento Aguirre.
Sergeant, I think this house is close enough to Charleston that it would make an excellent headquarters for our senior staff.
Sargento, esta casa é tão perto de Charleston... ... que serviria como quartel geral para nossos superiores.
if you succeed, you could rise instantly to the rank of sergeant, and i will recommend you for a post on the staff of one of the fuhrer's love camps, where you will be surrounded by the cream of blond-haired german manhood.
- Se tiver sucesso, subirá imediatamente para sargento. Recomendala-ei para o staff de um dos campos do fuhrer, onde estará rodeada dos alemães mais bonitos.
Staff Sergeant Sykes.
Is that an order, Staff Sergeant?
Isso é uma ordem, sargento?
Staff Sergeant, my drinking tube fell off... at the gas chamber at Pendleton.
- Tem calma. - Sargento?

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