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They didn't say anything translate Portuguese

109 parallel translation
They didn't say anything about a girl.
Não disseram nada de uma moça.
They didn't say anything about me?
Não falaram em mim?
- Didn't they say anything?
- Não disseram nada?
They didn't say anything?
Não disseram nada?
They didn't say anything about a punchline.
Não me falaram de remate nenhum.
- They didn't have to say anything.
- Não precisavam ter dito nada.
Willy, they probably didn't want you to say anything to people who didn't already know about them.
Willy, eles provavelmente não queriam a que você diga a quem não soubesse
They didn't say anything to me about any survivors.
Não falaram nada sobre sobreviventes. O míssil.
Bud, didn't they say anything besides "groovy" back in the'60s?
Bud, eles não dizem mais nada além de "bestial", nos Anos 60?
You know, when I took this job, they didn't say anything about cooking.
Acreditas, a Charlene? Que idiota. Céus, odeio-a.
- They didn't say anything?
Eles não disseram nada?
They didn't say anything else. Just wanted to talk.
só disseram que queriam falar
They didn't say anything, could've been a regular robbery.
Não disseram nada, pode ter sido um roubo normal.
They didn't say anything about sick, something about missing.
- Eles não disseram doente. Disseram... Desaparecido.
Did someone come back from the dead and say they didn't feel anything?
Alguém voltou dos mortos e disse que não sentiu nada?
And they didn't say anything about... why did mom leave?
Mas não dizem nada sobre... Por que se foi ela embora?
- Really? Anything new with them? Did they say anything new about themselves thatyou didn't know?
Alguma novidade de que ainda não soubesses?
The two who found the body... say they didn't see, hear, or smell anything.
Os dois que encontraram o corpo... dizem que não viram, ouviram, ou cheiraram nada.
- They didn't say anything?
- Não disseram nada?
They didn't say anything about suicide.
Não se fala em suicídio.
They didn't say anything else?
- Não disseram mais nada?
they didn't say anything unusual?
Nada de nada. De que é que falaram?
There's been a call this morning. There was someone there... but they didn't say anything.
Hoje recebi outra chamada em que do outro lado não falaram.
They didn't say anything about a little blue man.
Não disseram nada sobre um homenzinho azul.
They didn't say anything because they don't want to start a panic.
Eles não disseram nada para não criar pânico.
- I did, and they didn't say anything.
- Fiz-o, e não me hão dito nada.
They didn't say anything. They just sit you down, debrief you, and then stick you in some shit-bag motel.
Mandaram-me sentar, proibiram-me de falar e depois meteram-me num motel reles.
They didn't say anything about the rent.
Eles não disseram nada acerca da renda.
They didn't say anything on the news.
Mas não disseram nada nas notícias.
And then I didn't hear anything until Michael Eldridge called from FEMA to say they were in this bunker place.
E foi a realização do Rick. Não saber era a pior parte. Ele ligou de Cheyenne do aeroporto com o Ken.
He / she looks, it is well, we have a body, we have some rakes... and a lot of people that didn't see anything... because they fear to say something, the friends, well... then...
Está bem, temos um corpo, temos umas pistas... e muita gente que não viu merda nenhuma... porque temem dizer alguma coisa contra os amigos,... então o quê...
They didn't say anything about the bones in the autopsy findings.
Não diziam nada sobre os ossos na autópsia.
I wonder why they didn't say anything.
Por que não terão dito nada?
They didn't have Say Anything in Baghdad?
Não passaram o "Não Digas Nada" nos cinemas em Bagdade?
They didn't say anything about it, Comrade lieutenant.
Eles não dizem nada sobre isso, camarada tenente.
They say that children take after their parents and robots take after humans, but you didn't turn out anything like me.
Tal pai, tal filho... Tal homem, tal robot... mas acabaste por não te pareceres nada comigo.
Beau told to all that they didn't say anything
Beau disse a todos que não dissessem nada
They didn't say anything.
Não sei. Não disse nada.
They didn't say anything.
Eles não falaram nada. Só levaram ele.
They didn't say anything.
Não disseram nada.
What are there of the other ones? They say that they didn't see anything.
O que houve com os outros tipos Disseram que não viram nada.
They didn't say anything about me, did they?
Mouth, não disseram nada sobre mim, pois não?
And now, all these years later, after getting caught, they have the arrogance to sit here and look you in the eye and say, "No, no, no, the Ford, Ford Company didn't do anything wrong."
E agora, todos estes anos depois, depois de sido pegado, eles têm a arrogância para sentar aqui e olha você no olho e diz, "Não, não, não, a Ford, Companhia de Ford não fez nada erradamente."
It didn't say anything about those jars. - They could be nothing.
Ele não mencionou os frascos, podem não ser nada.
I knew they were doing sutures on themselves And I didn't think I needed to say anything Because I had shut it down, I had handled it.
Sabia que eles estavam a fazer suturas neles próprios e pensei que não precisava de dizer mais nada porque eu tinha acabado com aquilo, tinha tratado daquilo.
They didn't say anything about you coming to town.
Porém, não disseram nada sobre vires à cidade.
So... er... this school you auditioned for, did they say anything, you know, like why you didn't get in?
Então... a escola para a qual concorreste, disseram alguma coisa, tipo, porque é que não entraste?
Didn't they say anything about a location?
Não disseram nada sobre um local?
So, Davies and Wardell say they didn't hear anything on watch, which leaves you two.
O Davies e o Wardell dizem que não ouviram nada durante a vigia, o que sobram vocês.
Why didn't you say anything when they brought Tim in today?
Porque não disseste nada quando eles prenderam o Tim hoje?
Then why didn't Yuki say anything when they tried to take me away?
Então porque não disse nada Yuki quando me levaram?

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