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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / They don't know anything

They don't know anything translate Portuguese

320 parallel translation
- They don't know anything.
- Eles não sabem nada. - Não.
They don't know anything about this.
Eles não sabem nada sobre isto.
- They don't know anything.
- Não sabem nada.
They don't know that anything hits the water between here and Vicksburg ends up down at the big whirlpool!
Eles não sabem que tudo o que cai na água entre este local e Vicksburg acaba por ser arrastado até o remoínho.
I don't know anything, they never told us soldiers anything.
Nós, soldados, nunca sabemos nada...
They don't know anything about boxing.
Muitos críticos escrevem e não sabem nada de boxe.
Over at the hangars, old man. I don't think they know anything about your starter's forms.
Acho que não sabem disto das fichas de partida.
They don't know anything about that, do they, Scott?
Eles não sabem nada sobre isso, não é Scott?
Well, they don't know anything about it.
Eles não sabem de nada.
Well, if you don't say anything, Chief, maybe they won't know that he's missing.
Se não disser nada, Chefe,.. ... talvez eles não percebam que ele está ausente.
I mean, if they don't know anything about...
Quero dizer, se eles não souberem nada...
Nothing. They don't know anything yet.
Ainda não sabem nada.
The doctors, they don't know anything.
Os médicos não sabem nada.
The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality... for the Saturday Evening Post... don't know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating.
Os estupores irascíveis que escreveram isso sobre o individualismo para o Saturday Evening Post, não sabem mais sobre uma verdadeira batalha do que sobre fornicação.
They don't go to union meetings they don't want to know anything
Não há reunião do sindicato. Não querem saber de sindicato.
They don't know anything about this.
Não sabem nada sobre isto.
They said he'd be back by Monday, and they don't know anything about her there.
Eles disseram que estaria de volta na segunda, e não sabem nada dela.
They don't want to know anything.
Não querem saber de nada!
Phillipe and Pepe don't know anything else. They've been fighting Charlie since they were 10.
Philippe e Pepe enfrentam os vietcongues desde os dez anos.
Listen, those guys don't tell me anything they don't want me to know.
Ouça, eles não me dizem nada que não queiram que eu saiba.
I don't know anything about what they had going.
Não sei nada sobre o que eles faziam.
They don't know anything about this.
Eles não sabem nada disto.
They don't know anything.
Não sabem de nada.
- They don't know anything
- Mas então, não sabe nada.
I don't know how anything works if they're gnats.
Não sei como é que a coisa funciona, se forem mosquitos.
- You don't look like you're much of anything to me. That's what they tell me... at the m-monastery. I know.
Não me parece que gostes de muita coisa.
Now, I've talked it over with my girls, and they don't seem to know anything.
Falei com as minhas raparigas e elas não sabem de nada.
I explained that you'd come all the way here from Edinburgh, on appointment, to study methods of manufacturing by Plexicorp, but they don't seem to know anything about it.
Expliquei que veio de Edimburgo para estudar os métodos de fabrico da Plexicorp, mas parece que eles não sabem de nada.
They just don't know anything.
- Apenas não sabem nada.
The mujas don't seem to run on anything we know of and they have an RPG.
Os mujas não parecem precisar de rações, gasolina ou seja o que favor. E têm uma RPG.
They don't mean anything, you know?
Eles não dizem aquilo por mal.
They don't want anything else to do with it, you know?
Eles não querem mais nada a ver com isso, sabes?
I don't know what they have to do with anything, but I like them.
Não sei se têm algo a ver com alguma coisa, mas gosto.
They don't know anything!
Eles não sabem de nada!
They don't want to know anything. They're bored to death.
Os estudantes são ovelhas, nada lhes interessa, tanto lhes dá.
They don't know how to do anything but die.
Eles só sabem morrer.
I have some virus, and the doctors, they don't know what it is, and there isn't anything they can do about it.
Tenho um vírus desconhecido, e os médicos dizem que não podem fazer nada.
"They don't know if they've got anything to talk about."
"Nem sabem se têm alguma coisa sobre que conversar."
And if they did find out anything, you know who'd be in trouble, don't you?
E se descobrirem alguma coisa, também ficas em sarilhos, não?
They don't know how to do anything.
Não sabem fazer nada!
Is there anything they don't know?
Haverá alguma coisa que não saibam?
I think as long as they think you don't know anything, you'll be fine.
Enquanto pensarem que não sabe nada.
According to Weyoun they don't know anything about the gateway.
Segundo o Weyoun, não sabem nada sobre o pórtico.
I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask about all these things, they mean anything or not I don't know, but I do know that I felt the lawyer, the boy's lawyer, was not doing his job.
Eu tinha algumas perguntas sobre tudo isso, se elas significam algo, eu não sei, mas eu sei que o advogado do garoto não estava fazendo seu trabalho.
They don't know anything, about the points.
Não sabem nada.
They don't know anything about your skills!
Não sabem nada das tuas possibilidades!
- They don't mean well or anything, you know, I'm just saying you gotta be pretty damn- -
Não estou a dizer que eles não têm boas intenções, mas temos de ser quase...
They always turn the camera and play music and, you know, the wind blows in, and the curtains move and you don't see anything.
Viram sempre a câmara, põem música a tocar, o vento sopra, a cortina agita-se... e nunca se vê nada.
They don't know anything about it.
Eles não sabem nada sobre isto.
I didn't see anything. I don't know where they are.
Não sei onde eles estão.
The officers just order us about, they don't tell us anything. I don't even know where I am. I hate the army.
Os oficiais só nos dão ordens, não nos dizem nada.

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