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Thought translate Portuguese

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Well, I thought we were having a nice conversation, but it turns out, I was being offensive.
Pensei que estávamos a ter uma conversa, mas em vez disso, estava a ser ofensivo.
I thought I was getting better at it, but clearly I'm not.
Pensava que estava a melhorar, mas não estou.
I thought you were great, but, oh, my God, you were so dominated by your parents.
Eu achava-te demais, mas, caramba, eras tão submisso aos teus pais.
Well, I thought we were going in order.
Pensava que era por ordem cronológica.
I thought he was gonna say, "I love cheese"
Pensava que ia dizer que, "Amo queijo"
Well, I thought you guys would celebrate by making a nice bundt cake.
Bem, pensei em celebrar a ocasião, com um fofo pão-de-ló.
Yeah, I thought it would come to me, but...
Pois, eu pensava que ele se atiraria a mim, mas...
Before I met you, I-I thought married people just threw stuff at each other.
Antes de vos conhecer. Eu-eu pensava que casais apenas mandavam coisas uns aos outros.
I thought we were all supposed to tone it down.
Pensava que todos iamos acalmar.
Oh, honey, I thought we talked about that.
Querida, já falámos sobre isso.
I thought you'd be too busy cowpokin'and... ah, forget it, I'm too sleepy.
Pensei que estarias ocupada a brincar aos cowboys e... Esquece, estou com muito sono.
I thought I was getting better at controlling it.
Pensei que estava a melhorar no controle.
I thought I'd be safer here.
Pensei que estaria seguro aqui.
Only had the prototype standing by, but I thought it'd come in handy.
Tinha o protótipo preparado, mas pensei que seria útil.
We thought...
I came to study in the U.S. because I thought I'd have freedom here.
Vim estudar nos EUA porque pensei que teria liberdade aqui.
Hope you thought of some good last words.
Espero que tenhas pensado nas tuas últimas palavras.
Thought you might want this back.
Pensei que talvez queiras isto de volta.
You were only trying to do what you thought was best for your people.
Só fizeram o que achavam melhor para o vosso povo.
We thought you were a goner.
Pensamos que te tínhamos perdido.
- I thought Tanaka was a nuclear juror.
- Achei que era um nuclear.
I thought we were having a motions hearing.
Achei que teríamos nossos pedidos ouvidos.
- I thought he was in your corner.
- Achei que era a seu favor.
Or so I thought.
Ou foi o que pensei.
And she threw it away because she thought her opinions were more important than the rules.
E ela jogou isso fora porque achou que suas opiniões eram mais importantes do que as regras.
I just wouldn't just, like, tell him what I thought, I would also draw and write down some of my, I guess you could say, interpretations of his design.
Não lhe dizia só o que achava, também desenhava e anotava algumas interpretações do seu desenho, digamos.
I thought, "Let's make the bag a little bit wider, make sure it's stable, but then let's remove part of the midsole, so we actually see it."
Pensei : "Façamos a bolsa mais larga, garantindo que está estável, mas retiremos parte das solas, para a vermos."
I thought we needed to design a shoe, and that became their first cross-trainer. It needed some lateral stability.
Pensei que tínhamos de criar uma sapatilha que foi o primeiro ténis de treino geral, precisava de estabilidade lateral.
I was very proud that we got this far. I thought, "Oh, this is going to be amazing."
Foi um orgulho chegarmos tão longe, achei que seria incrível!
When the Jordan 1 came out, we thought it was whack. Initially, like, corny people wore them.
Quando saíram os Jordan 1 achámo-los uma treta, só gente pirosa os usava.
He thought one way, I thought another.
Pensámos de maneira diferente e ganhei eu.
I thought, "This is good, these people are feral, and they stay up all night making models, I feel quite at home here."
E pensei : "Isto é bom, eles são meio selvagens, passam a noite a fazer maquetes, sinto-me em casa."
[Angela] So I think Es has done exactly the same thing, but we never really thought she'd go into anything connected with art.
Acho que a Es fez exatamente o mesmo, mas nunca pensámos que ela fosse trabalhar nas artes.
I thought that bands, you see,'cause I had been going out with a record producer, and we went to see lots of shows, and I always thought they were visually desperately boring.
Pensava que as bandas... porque namorava com um produtor musical e víamos muitos concertos, achava sempre que a nível visual eram enfadonhos.
And I didn't like this shape,'cause I thought it was a humpbacked band shape.
E não gostava desta forma, porque me parecia uma forma corcunda de banda.
I was used to looking at opera and theater, and I thought that was a mess.
Estava habituada à ópera e ao teatro e aquilo era uma confusão.
There was nothing there, it was just objects placed in space with a mirror set quite far behind them, so the audience's depth perception was really messed about with so they thought they were reading a box and they were just reading objects in relation to an invisible box.
Não havia nada, eram só objetos no espaço, e um espelho colocado bem atrás deles, por isso a perspetiva do público estava completamente distorcida e pensavam que viam uma caixa, quando viram objetos em relação a uma caixa invisível.
I thought that if I made a beautiful object, it was the most important use of my time.
Pensei que fazer um objeto bonito seria o uso mais importante do meu tempo.
Well, whatever the perp was using the boat for, he thought it was worth killing over.
Qualquer que seja o motivo do uso do barco, ele pensou que valia a pena matar.
Thought if I saved her precious company, I-I'd finally get it.
Achei que se salvasse a sua preciosa empresa, - finalmente teria isso.
Listen, Ryan, I-I never thought that I would be a hero.
Ouve, Ryan, nunca pensei que ia ser um herói.
Yeah, there was a time when I thought I would be an archeologist.
Houve um tempo em que pensei que queria ser arqueólogo.
This isn't the first time I thought about doing this.
Esta não é a primeira vez que pensei em fazer isto.
When I didn't get a job in my chosen field, he thought maybe we'd wasted my tuition.
Quando não consegui emprego na minha área, ele pensou que tínhamos gasto com o meu ensino.
I swear, I actually thought I'd be in Architectural Digest by now.
Juro que pensei que estaria na Architectural Digest.
Spunky's mama thought he was an intruder.
A mãe do Spunky pensava que ele era um intruso.
I thought we were all in this together.
Pensava que estávamos todos juntos nisto.
He stuffed all our pillows with hay because he thought it looked comfortable in cartoons.
Ele encheu todas as nossas almofadas com feno porque pensou que parecia confortável nos desenhos-animados.
We thought that meant breaking the original curse. We...
Pensámos que queria dizer desfazer a maldição original.
I thought Agent Christopher was yanking my chain when she said "time travel," but... holy crap.
Pensava que a Agente Christopher gozava comigo quando falou de viajar no tempo, mas... -... caramba!
Thought you said he was gonna be fine.
Disseste que ele que ficaria bem.

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