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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / Thought you should know

Thought you should know translate Portuguese

783 parallel translation
- I thought you should know.
- Achei que devia alertá-lo.
I thought you should know.
Achei que devias saber.
Sorry to interrupt your game, general but I thought you should know you lost a few pins off your chart.
Lamento interromper-lhe o jogo, general, mas achei que gostaria de saber que perdeu uns pontinhos no mapa.
I thought you should know about it.
Achei que devia saber.
So if I'm gonna stay here a couple days, I just thought you should know.
Achei melhor eu contar, jà que ficarei uns dois dias.
- I thought you should know the truth. I thought you should know so you won't make that mistake again.
Pensei que devias saber a verdade, para não repetires o mesmo erro.
I thought you should know.
Achei que devia saber disto.
I just thought you should know.
Pensei que devias saber.
I just thought you should know.
Achei que tu devias saber.
I just thought you should know.
- Acho que devia saber.
We've been through a lot together and I thought you should know my mind.
Passamos por muita coisa juntos e achei que deveria saber o que penso.
Not yet, not everything. But I did overhear something tonight that could be important, and, uh, I thought you should know.
Ainda não, ainda falta muita coisa, mas ouvi uma coisa esta noite que acho que é importante, e achei que devia saber.
Mazilli, I thought you should know... that you're completely alone.
Mazilli, pensei que deverias saber... que estás completamente sozinho.
I thought you should know.
Achei que devia saber.
I'm your next-door neighbour, and I thought you should know that through some acoustical oddness - I can hear all your patients quite clearly. - Really?
Olhe que há aqui um fenómeno acústico estranho e ouve-se tudo o que os seus doentes dizem.
I just thought you should know.
Só queria que o soubesse.
I thought you should know, I made all the arrangements for Charlie.
Achei que devias saber que tratei do funeral do Charlie.
I just thought you should know.
Penso que deveria de saber.
I don't know. This might be nothing, but I thought you should know.
Pode não ser nada, mas achei melhor avisá-lo.
- I thought you should know.
- Achei que devias saber.
Just thought you should know.
Só achei que devias saber.
I guess that's not the answer to all of Savannah's problems but I thought you should know.
Creio que não é a razão de todos os problemas de Savannah mas achei que devia saber.
- I just thought you should know!
- Acho que devia dizer-to.
I just thought you should know, you know, in case I do finally disappear.
Achei que devias saber, no caso de eu finalmente desaparecer.
I just thought you should know.
Só achei que devias saber.
I thought you should know of certain potentialities.
Achei que devia saber de determinadas possibilidades.
I just thought you should know that the man has gone through.
Achei que devia saber aquele homem passou.
I thought you should know... today has been a very good day.
Eu pensei que deveriam saber... que hoje foi um dia muito bom.
- Anyway, I thought you should know.
- Bom, achei que devias saber.
I just thought you should know the kid next door is chucking water balloons at our house.
Acho que devias saber que o puto do lado está atirar balões de água à nossa casa.
I thought you should know I agreed to a rematch with Tai Wai Tse.
Achei que estaria interessado em saber que aceitei a desforra com o Tai Wai Tse.
I thought you should know O'Brien and Bashir are throwing a party for you at Quark's.
Creio que devia saber que vão dar uma festa em sua honra no Quark.
You know, Jervis, yesterday when I arrived from college... and you looked so stern, and you thought that I should not have come alone -
Ontem, quando cheguei da universidade, pôs uma expressão tão severa, e achou que eu não devia ter vindo sozinha.
You know, somebody beat me over the head that night, and I thought it was the little people, but when I spoke to King Brian about it, he said that you should take the consequences.
Sabe, alguém me bateu na cabeça aquela noite, e achei que eram os leprechauns, mas quando falei com o Rei Brian sobre isso... ele disse que você teria que arcar com as consequências.
I thought I should let you know, I ran all the way here.
Pensei em vir avisar-te. Corri todo caminho até aqui.
Yes, we do, you should know I went to the opera not to spy on you but because I longed for you and was sick with the thought of your leaving me.
Sim, para que saibas que fui à ópera não para te espiar, mas porque estava desesperado, desesperado porque queres abandonar-me.
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi a mulher a dizer que sabia tudo, achei que devia cá vir dizer-vos.
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi aquela mulher dizer que sabia de tudo, achei melhor vir aqui para lhe falar sobre isso.
I feel I know you, although I never thought we should ever really meet.
Acho que o conheço, embora pensasse que nunca nos iríamos ver.
If you are thinking about becoming a revolutionary you should know, though it may not be a happy thought, that any day you can find yourself...
- Javier Héraud.
... and they ask you not to tell me something that you thought that I should know, would you do it?
e esse alguém pediu para não me dizeres algo que tu achas... que eu devia saber, tu não mo dizias?
'I've thought of some things you and your wife should know.'
Sim, claro. Deve ser fácil depois do que lhe disse.
I was never too crazy about this section here, you know? I always thought I should put some more strings in because...
Nem sempre gostei desta secção aqui, sempre pensei por mais instrumentos de corda e porque....
Well, you know, maybe you should have thought about that, Jesse, before you plopped your colored butt down on a stool over there at Miz Patty's.
Sabe, talvez você precise pensar nisso, Jesse, antes de colocar esse seu traseiro preto na cadeira da Patty.
I thought that you should know it, that's all.
Pensei que devias sabê-lo, é só isso.
I just wanted to tell you I was wrong. I thought that you should know.
Só queria dizer que estava errado.
If I didn't know better, I should have thought you wanted them to riot.
Se não o conhecesse, pensaria que queria que se revoltassem.
- Monsieur Poirot, we thought you should be the first to know. We're going to America. Robert's going to forego his last year at King's, and there's a berth on the Queen Mary leaving on Tuesday.
MonsieurPoirot, achámos que devia ser o primeiro a saber, vamos para a América, o Robert vai adiar o seu último ano no Kings e há um camarote no Queen Mary, que parte na próxima terça-feira.
I thought you should hear it from somebody instead of seeing it on the news, because I know that you and he had a thing.
Achei que devia saber por alguém... antes de ler o jornal porque... sabia que vocês tinham... alguma coisa.
Should've told you sooner, but I thought maybe... business, you know, pick up a little.
Já te devia ter dito, mas pensei que as coisas iam melhorar um pouco. Lamento.
I know crew discipline's my responsibility, but, in this case, I thought I should let you get involved before I took any action.
Sei que a disciplina da tripulação é minha responsabilidade, mas, nesse caso, eu achei que deveria deixá-la a par antes de tomar qualquer decisão.

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