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Try and keep up translate Portuguese

114 parallel translation
- I had an idea. Try and keep up, OK?
Tenta acompanhar-nos, sim?
Watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?
Sigam os acordes por mim e tentem acompanhar, certo?
Try and keep up, will ya?
Tenta compreendê-la, ok?
You just have to try and keep up.
Só tens de acompanhar-nos.
Just try and keep up.
Tenta e segue-me.
Try and keep up.
Tenta mante-las.
You try and keep up there, hotshot.
Tenta manter-te colado a mim, cromo.
- Try and keep up.
- Susan, atualiza-te.
Try and keep up.
Tenta não ficar para trás.
Honey, try and keep up.
Querida presta atenção.
The first round was live, the rest were blanks, Oz. Try and keep up, really.
A primeira bala era verdadeira, as restantes eram de pólvora seca.
It's important to Lucas so I like to try and keep up.
É importante para o Lucas, por isso tento informar-me.
Try and keep up.
Tenta acompanhar-me.
Don't try and keep up.
Não tentes acompanhá-lo.
Come on, Stripey, try and keep up.
Vá lá, Stripey, vê se me acompanhas.
You try and keep up with the times, eh, Conners?
Tenta manter-te actualizado, Conners.
I'll try and keep up.
Vou tentar perceber tudo.
Don't try and keep up with those guys.
Não te mistures com essa gente.
Try and keep up with the acronyms.
Tentem estar a par dos acrónimos.
Try and keep up, will you?
Preste atenção.
Try and keep up, clone.
Tenta acompanhar, Clone!
Try and keep up!
Tenta acompanhar-me!
You cocksuckers try and keep up.
E vocês, seus paneleiros, tentem não ficar pra trás.
Run! Just, try and keep up.
Tenta manter o ritmo.
Go up to the road and keep firing on them in case they try to come to the front, ja?
Sobe a estrada e mantém o fogo no caso de eles tentarem vir para a frente, sim?
I suggest that you reach deep down inside yourself there... and try and find something that will keep you awake a little while longer... because this transmission coming up may just...
Eu sugiro que você faça uma análise profunda de você mesmo... E tente achar algo que o mantenha acordado um pouco mais, porque essa transmissão está vindo e pode ser importante para a sobrevivência.
Keep them up and don't try anytricks.
Mantenham-nas em cima e nada de truques.
We'll try and keep ourselves from getting blowing up, is what we're gonna do.
Tentar não ir pelos ares. É isso que vamos fazer.
It's hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.
é trabalho duro e eu tento fazer o melhor mas minhas mãos doem a maior parte do tempo.
And try to keep up with me.
E tenta acompanhar-me.
You know, I try to sleep at work, but I keep thinking any minute one of'em's gonna go into labor and I'll just end up- - Totally wired.
Tento dormir no trabalho mas penso nelas a entrarem em trabalho de parto e...
You try and keep it down up here, OK?
Não faça muito barulho, ouviu?
- H-He, he sent him down here. All of them. They sent us down here because... they want us to change or grow up or something, and all they do is try and keep us the same.
Ele mandou-o para cá, todos eles nos enviaram para cá, porque querem que mudemos, ou cresçamos ou alguma coisa.
Grab your gear and try to keep up.
Agarre seu equipamento e tente continuar.
I had to start making up rules to, um, just try and keep it under control.
Tive que começar a inventar regras para... tentar e manter-me controlado.
Try and keep up, would ya?
Acha isso?
Harvard and Cornell try to keep up with them as they cross the half way point.
Hararde Corell ameaçam o líder, quando estamos a metade da corrida.
I try to keep looking up and forget about what's down.
Tento olhar para a frente esquencendo tudo o que passou.
And try to keep up.
Bifocals, avozinho.
And don't try to keep up, you're way out of your league.
E não tente manter a pedalada, ele mete-o a um canto.
Hey, gang... just a little reminder that as the battle for the cup heats up, let's try to remember... to keep up that Tall Oaks spirit of fair play and friendly competition.
Ei, malta... era só para vos lembrar que a corrida aquece, por isso... mantenhamos o desportivismo e a justeza na competição.
I try to keep'em separated, but I woke up this morning and they were sort of together.
Tentei afastá-los, mas quando acordei, estavam juntos.
You stay here, and if he shows up just call me and try and keep him calm.
Fica aqui, e se ele aparecer liga-me e tenta mantê-lo calmo.
I know something bad is going on, so they say I'm delusional and give me pills, drugs, to try and keep me quiet, knowing that if I stop taking the drugs and speak up, I'm gonna sound crazy.
Eu sei que se passa alguma coisa má, por isso eles dizem que estou paranóico e dão-me comprimidos, drogas, para me manterem sossegado, sabendo que se parasse de tomar os comprimidos e contasse, pareceria que estava maluco.
- the bathroom? - You gotta try to keep up me here, cause I've got like 45 seconds and I really need to get your advice on something.
Tens de me acompanhar porque eu tenho tipo 45 segundos e preciso do teu conselho sobre algo.
Now stand back and try to keep up.
Agora fica atrás e vê se aprendes alguma coisa
In the meantime, try to be a good boy and don't keep the little gazelle up past her bedtime.
Entretanto, tenta ser um bom menino e não mantenhas acordada a pequena gazela depois da hora de dormir.
So we can either try and trap this thing and... and keep it still for long enough for us to get across, or we can sit here on our asses and in a half a fucking hour, we'll be up to our necks in it.
Então podemos tentar fazer uma armadilha a esta coisa e... mantê-lo quieto o tempo suficiente para atravessarmos, ou podemos sentar-nos e daqui a meia hora, termos água até ao pescoço.
Anyway, Drew and I packed up and we moved into the house, to try and keep things the same for Emma,
De qualquer forma, a Drew e eu fizemos as malas e mudámo-nos para a casa, para tentar manter as coisas iguais para a Emma,
How hurt you've been, but you still keep getting back up, you dust yourself off and you try again...
O quanto fora magoada, mas ainda continuava a erguer-se, a sacudir-se e a tentar de novo...
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Guys, you can't just keep hooking up { \ pos ( 192,210 ) } and not at least try and figure out what you mean to each other.
Pessoal, não podem continuar a curtir e, pelo menos, não tentarem perceber o que significam um para o outro.

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