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Was it translate Portuguese

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Was it the dragon?
Foi o dragão?
The hit was amazing, but what made it even better was that my family was there to share the moment with me.
A jogada foi fantástica, mas o que fez dela ainda melhor foi que a minha família estava lá para partilhar o momento comigo.
It was a woman.
Foi uma mulher.
"Time to go." It was a woman.
"É hora de ir". Foi uma mulher.
It was Lindsey, from Witness Protection.
Foi a Lindsey. Da protecção de testemunhas.
It was one of my first back.
- Foi dos primeiros quando voltei.
It's the exact weapon Jack Vaughn used when he was a mob enforcer in Boston.
É a mesma arma que o Jack Vaughn usou quando era executor da máfia em Boston.
Your gun was used in a murder in D.C. recently and others like it over the last 5 years.
A sua arma foi usada num crime em Washington recentemente e em outros parecidos nos últimos 5 anos.
It was like... Sc... scope something, I don't know.
Escopo-alguma coisa.
Walker and I, we kicked it around on the flight, and we imagine that Scratch was digging further into Reid's past and he saw that Lindsey had become a contract killer.
O Walker e eu conversámos durante o voo e achamos que o Arranhão pesquisou o passado do Reid e viu que a Lindsey se tornou uma assassina contratada.
Because it was in Monterrey.
Porque foi em Monterrey.
It was dumped two states over.
Foi largada dois estados a frente.
It was no short order, believe me.
Não foi nada fácil, acredite em mim.
I'm sure it wasn't, and in the end, justice was served.
Tenho certeza que não, e no fim, a justiça foi servida.
I nearly allowed my emotions to carry the situation, and it was out of line.
Quase deixei as minhas emoções controlarem a situação, e ultrapassei os limites.
She said it was for you, for the FBI.
Ela disse que era para vocês, para o FBI.
It was all a lie to get her to drop the gun.
Não. Foi tudo uma mentira para fazê-la largar a arma.
Well, clearly, it wasn't what we thought it was.
Obviamente, não é o que nós pensávamos ser.
When I left oz, it was falling apart...
Quando deixei Oz, estava tudo a ser destruído.
It was our first adventure together, though my motives were less than chivalrous then.
Foi a nossa primeira aventura juntos, apesar dos meus motivos terem sido pouco cavalheirescos.
Granted, it was hardly love at first sight. But... Things changed.
Pois, não foi bem amor à primeira vista...
It was amazing!
Foi fantástico.
They say that he's stable, but it was such a tumble.
Dizem que está estável, mas foi uma queda muito feia.
It was just his arm this time.
Desta vez foi só o braço dele.
My wife had the perfect answer for this, and I'll tell you what it was later.
A minha mulher deu a resposta perfeita, mas conto-a mais tarde.
My dad shouted at the security guard like it was his fault.
O meu pai berrava com o segurança como se a culpa fosse dele.
It was a different time for late people.
Eram tempos diferentes para os impontuais.
It was the golden age.
Foi a era dourada.
But it was with my penis.
Mas era com o meu pénis.
I wrote, " It's an honor to be here, because 13 years ago, I was a coat check person at this event.
Escrevi : " É uma honra estar cá, porque, há 13 anos, trabalhei no bengaleiro, neste evento.
She was like, "This guy just doesn't have it."
Dizia : "Ele não tem jeito para aquilo."
It was actually worse than just that.
Na verdade, foi pior do que isso.
It really was.
Foi mesmo.
It was in the woods.
Foi na floresta.
It was like seeing Bigfoot.
Era como ver o Bigfoot.
It was a weird show.
Foi um espetáculo estranho.
It was in a giant gymnasium, and there was a 30-foot crucifix on the wall.
Foi num ginásio gigante e havia um crucifixo de nove metros na parede.
And it was really sort of awkward backstage after the show between me and this guy who booked me.
Foi muito constrangedor, nos bastidores, depois do espetáculo, entre mim e o tipo que me contratou.
It was a Canadian television special hosted by them, and I had to follow Fozzie Bear.
Era um especial televisivo canadiano apresentado por eles, e eu entrava a seguir ao Urso Fozzie.
No, it was- -
Não, foi...
And I'm pretty sure if there was a line, I stepped over it right there.
Tenho a certeza de que, se houvesse uma linha, tê-la-ia ultrapassado agora.
But in our house, it was the joke of the year!
Mas lá em casa foi a piada do ano!
And it was worse than just mice.
E eram piores do que ratos.
It was nearly identical.
Era quase igual.
It was Mouseachusetts.
Foi Ratoschusetts.
You might've seen it on YouTube because it was caught on tape, it was put on YouTube.
Talvez tenham visto isso no YouTube, porque foi filmado e puseram isso no YouTube.
It was seen by millions of people.
Milhares de pessoas viram isso.
If you haven't seen it, there is nothing I could do to properly convey just how extreme this rant was other than typing out a transcript of what he said, printing it out and just reading it to you.
Se não o viram, não há nada que eu possa fazer para transmitir adequadamente quão forte foi esta reprimenda, a não ser transcrever o que ele disse, imprimir a folha e lê-la para vocês.
But instead, I was like, " Yeah, maybe it's your fault.
Em vez disso, disse : " Talvez tenha sido culpa tua.
Sitting at our table was Jared Leto, but I didn't know it was him because he was preparing for his role in Dallas Buyers Club.
Na nossa mesa estava o Jared Leto, mas não sabia que era ele, porque se estava a preparar para o papel em O Clube de Dallas.
It was leaders of Israel and Palestine, people of all religions, and they were gathered behind the idea that despite our differing jokes and opinions, civility is ultimately what matters.
Foram os líderes de Israel e da Palestina, gente de todas as religiões, e reuniram-se com a ideia de que, apesar das nossas opiniões e piadas diferentes, a civilidade é o mais importante.

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