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Was it me translate Portuguese

31,870 parallel translation
- I thought it was fun.
- A mim pareceu-me divertido.
But, for me, it was an incredible feeling.
Mas para mim, foi um sentimento inacreditável.
I, uh, was wondering if you could help me'cause I tried looking at it, and then I remembered I haven't paid attention in science since, like, 2011.
Talvez me pudesses ajudar? Porque tentei mas lembrei-me que não presto atenção nas aulas desde 2011.
Well, would it be considered nagging if I was to repeat my previous observation... that the dose is too low to suppress the seizures?
Achar-me-ias muito chato se repetisse a minha anterior observação de que a dose é pequena de mais para impedir os ataques?
Actually, uh... I was thinking of shooting myself with it.
Na verdade... estava a pensar em matar-me com ela.
I remember him saying it was a present.
Lembro-me dele a dizer que era um presente.
You didn't tell me that it was a party.
Não me disseste que era uma festa.
It was hard for me to move here, too.
Também me foi difícil mudar para cá.
I love it, so I was wondering, could you tell me the name of the artist?
Encanta-me, sabes quem foi o artista?
Our dad went a little nuts with Scotty needing special attention and all, so it was pretty much up to me to look out for him once we realized she was never coming back.
O nosso pai andou um pouco maluco com o Scotty a necessitar de atenção especial e tudo isso, então calhou-me a mim olhar por ele assim que percebemos que ela nunca voltaria.
It was a woman, on the bus, and I had a plastic daisy in my hair, I'd been playing with Rosie. And this girl just smiled at me.
Havia uma mulher no autocarro e eu tinha uma margarida de plástico no cabelo com que brincara com a Rosie e uma rapariga sorriu para mim.
It was, until you brought me the key ingredient.
Era, até tu me trazeres o ingrediente chave.
Amabella, sweetie, can you tell me if it was a boy or a girl?
Amabella querida, podes dizer-me se foi um menino ou uma menina?
Was it Sasha and John- - hey, talk to me.
Foi a Sasha e o John que... fala comigo.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me". E eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim. O Dougie deu conta do recado.
It sure was stupid of me to get caught up like I did.
Foi estúpido da minha parte ser apanhado da maneira que fui.
It was... really nice of you to walk me home.
Foi... muito simpático da tua parte acompanhares-me a casa.
Dougie took right over, and he just chopped him right in the throat and said, "You get off," and I kicked him, and I punched him, and that was it, and... and Dougie just took care of business.
Dougie tomou o comando, e deu-lhe um golpe na garganta e disse "larga-me", e eu dei-lhe um pontapé, e um soco, e foi assim, e... o Dougie tomou conta do recado.
I wish it was more.
Quem me dera que fosse mais.
Wasn't me, but it was of this...
Não foi a mim, mas...
Even though everything was familiar... it felt so... overwhelming.
Apesar de ser tudo familiar, parecia-me esmagador.
Yeah. said there was no way a xiaoguilao like me could do it.
Sim. Todos lá, mesmo todos, disseram que era impossível um xiaoguilao como eu conseguir isso.
I wish it was my fault.
Quem me dera que a culpa fosse minha.
First time I fought in the cage... I convinced myself it was just about the money.
Na primeira vez que lutei na jaula, convenci-me que era apenas pelo dinheiro.
It was an army of ninjas, and they tried to kill me, too.
Era um exército de ninjas e também me tentaram matar.
Why would you let me think I was getting away with it?
Porque me deixaste pensar que me estava a safar?
I was young, and... my dad didn't really talk to me about it.
Era nova e o meu pai não falou sobre isso.
Maybe it was just stupid of me to think I could fight on your level.
Talvez fosse um disparate pensar que podia lutar ao teu nível.
And was it his idea that you sleep with me?
Foi ele que teve a ideia de dormires comigo?
I was looking for a sign... it showed me a path.
Eu procurava um sinal e em vez disso, mostrou-me um caminho.
It was selfish and wrong of me to leave without telling you.
Fui egoísta ao partir sem te avisar.
Others before me may have felt it was their destiny... but I am Danny Rand.
Os que me antecederam podiam achar que era o destino deles, mas eu sou o Danny Rand.
It was wrong for me to leave the way that I did.
Foi errado partir daquela forma.
I was wondering if you can tell me where it was coming from.
Pode dizer-me qual a origem?
I believe it was the tenth day that they knelt before me.
Ao décimo dia, eles ajoelharam-se perante mim.
I'm not gonna lie, it was a crazy day, but I'm happy I had you with me, each and every one of you.
Não vou mentir, foi um dia de loucos, mas estou contente que me tenham acompanhado, cada um de vocês.
In high school, it was my dream to work there, but I was too intimidated to apply because all the cool older kids from school worked there.
No liceu, eu queria trabalhar lá, mas sentia-me intimidada para me candidatar porque todos os miúdos mais velhos fixes trabalhavam lá.
It was- - It was stronger than me.
Foi mais forte do que eu.
It was me.
Fui eu.
All I know is, it wasn't me that was thrown out of a four-story window.
Só sei que não fui eu a ser atirado da janela de um quarto andar.
And seeing as he was busy mentoring the local youth of today I was left to finally get a shot at cracking my first case and it has led me here, to Nola Tuiasosopo at least, I believe I'm pronouncing that right, I don't know, she's Samoan.
E como ele hoje estava ocupado a dar umas lições aos jovens locais, tive finalmente a oportunidade no meu primeiro caso... E isso trouxe-me até aqui! Até Nola Tuiasosopo...
If it was down to me, you'd have been dead long ago.
Por mim, estarias morta há muito.
Look, it was cheaper than the tavern and, er, your father only gave me coppers.
Olha, era mais barato do que a taberna, ela, Seu pai só me deu moedas.
When I left England, I thought I was mad, but they taught me how to use it.
Quando abandonei Inglaterra, pensava que estava louco, mas eles ensinaram-me a usá-lo. Agora é uma dádiva.
If it was up to me, I'd burn it.
Se dependesse de mim, queimá-lo-ia.
I wrote a letter to the sheriff, Sheriff Truman, and mailed it, telling him everything I know, and I told him if anything happens to me, it was you who did it, so... there!
Escrevi uma carta ao xerife, o xerife Truman, e enviei-a, contando-lhe tudo o que sei, e disse-lhe que se me acontecer algo, foste tu que o fizeste, por isso... aí tens!
It was me he attacked.
Fui eu que fui atacada.
It was given to me... right before I walked out of my cell and saw you.
Deram-mo... mesmo antes de eu sair da minha cela e te ver.
We both know it was never really mine to give.
Ambos sabemos que nunca me coube dá-la.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
AMIGO ANÓNIMO DO BART Lembro-me como se fosse ontem.
Yeah, and it... it was really dangerous, but he... but he did it to help me, because he knew how much I loved you.
Foi bem perigoso. Mas foi para me ajudar porque ele sabia o quanto eu te amava.

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