Was it hard translate Portuguese
2,525 parallel translation
It was hard for me to believe that she believed that this was true.
Para mim, foi difícil acreditar que ela acreditava naquilo.
It was hard for Michael to say no, as a kid and as an adult.
Foi difícil para o Michael dizer não, enquanto criança e enquanto adulto.
Was he the one who wedgied you so hard, your testicle reascended, and you spent your whole Christmas break waiting for it to come back down?
E foi aquele que te puxou as cuecas com tanta força, que um dos teus testículos ascendeu e passaste as férias de Natal à espera que voltasse ao normal?
But it was also a really hard upper thrust, hard enough to break the tip off of the knife on the vertebrae.
Mas foi também muito difícil introduzir a faca para cima, o suficiente para partir a ponta da faca na vértebra.
The record labels were very unhappy with that and felt that, only because Napster was hard to use, could the music survive, and here was Apple coming out with a digital music product that was easy to use and was going to make it much more popular.
" Parem, não é para isso que aqui estou. Eu não vim até aqui para vos ouvir. Tenho as minhas próprias ideias em relação ao que temos de fazer.
It was hard to say...
Quase que não disse...
I have a hard time passing through, it was worse those days...
Tenho dificuldade em passar, que hoje já não há tanta rede na área.
After he died, I wouldn't go into his room for a year because it was too hard and it always made me wanna cry.
Depois, não entrei no quarto dele durante um ano, porque era demasiado difícil e tinha vontade de chorar.
It was hard to tell what was going on underneath the pantsuit.
É difícil de imaginar o que tinhas por dentro do fato.
It's hard to believe that it was him.
É difícil acreditar que era mesmo ele.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Não foi assim tão difícil, pois não?
Some of that is just me. Some of it was he wanted me to have kids and I have a hard enough time taking care of myself.
Em parte apenas por mim, em parte por ele querer ter filhos e eu já ter dificuldade em cuidar de mim própria.
It was hard to be in your lives from 2,000 miles away.
Era difícil estar presente em sua vida, agora 300 km.
You know how hard it was to take that weight off?
Sabe como foi dificil para tirar esse peso fora?
It was just so fuckin'hard the first time
Foi duro como a porra da primeira vez.
I know it was hard on you guys.
Sei que foi difícil para vocês.
I find it hard to believe that the only option available to you at the time was violence.
Acho difícil crer que a única opção que tinham era a violência.
I was in school, but I dropped out because I wanna work in fashion. But it's really hard to find a paid internship.
Estava a estudar, mas deixei, porque quero trabalhar em moda, só que as propinas são caríssimas.
It was a hard time, until one day, about a year later, our mother walked onto the dusty lot.
Foram tempos difíceis até que um dia, tipo um ano depois, a nossa mãe aproximou-se do empoeirado estacionamento.
Shortly after that, he sent us on this month long, massive trip, to a place that's really hard to get to, to get a shot that's is just- - it was such a shot in the dark.
Pouco depois, ele mandou-nos numa grande viagem de um mês a um lugar de difícil acesso para fazer algo que é... Era um grande tiro no escuro.
It was hard to figure out what he was talking about, but... they're calling it El Nifio, which means "the boy."
Foi relativamente dificil perceber a que é que ele estava a referir-se, mas eles chamam-lhe o El Niño, que significa "o menino."
I guess it was hard, too... because Brad had to get drunk every time they fooled around.
Deve ter sido difícil, porque o Brad tinha de se embebedar, sempre que curtiam.
The idea that it was a systemic flaw is something which is very hard for people to grasp and even harder to depict as a good story
Porque é que o dinheiro foi tão barato durante tantos anos? A ideia de que foi uma falha sistêmica é algo muito difícil de as pessoas compreenderem. Ainda mais difícil é descrevê-la como uma boa história.
But in the beginning I'm sure it was very hard to deal with the guilt.
No início, era difícil determinar com a culpa de ir.
It's hard to explain what this town used to be like. I mean, it was fun.
É difícil explicar o que esta cidade costumava ser, quer dizer, era divertida.
It was hard...
Foi difícil...
If I did it, I was gonna do it and I was gonna learn the lesson the hard way, which I did, repeatedly.
Se fizesse, ia fazê-lo e aprender a lição da maneira mais dificil, que eu fiz, várias vezes.
It was so nice because he squeezed my hand hard...
Foi tão bonito por que... ele apertou forte a minha mão...
It was hard enough finding this place.
Ir para onde? Foi tão difícil encontrar esta casa.
I was glad he was dead, it would have been hard for me to kill an injured person.
Estava contente que ele havia morrido. Teria sido difícil aceitar matar um homem ferido.
It was so hard for me, but Adan...
Foi muito difícil para mim... mas o Adán...
I know it's tough sometimes, but one thing my grandma told me that day was that sometimes life can be cruel, sometimes life can make you sad or angry, maybe even want to hurt somebody, but no matter how hard life gets,
Eu sei que é difícil às vezes. A minha avó disse-me uma coisa um dia... Que, às vezes a vida pode ser cruel...
I told you he was gonna make it hard on us.
Eu disse-te que ele nos ia dificultar a vida.
I just couldn't do it anymore, it was too hard.
Simplesmente não podia mais. Era muito difícil.
- It was not so hard, was it?
- Não foi assim tão difícil ou foi?
It was hard to concentrate.
Foi difícil concentrar-me.
No, you don't understand how hard it was to get her here.
Não percebe como foi difícil trazê-la cá.
Patrick. It was so hard for you.
Patrick, é difícil para ti.
That was not so hard, was it?
Não foi assim tão difícil, ou foi?
Murdoch ordered hard a-starboard and reversed engines, but it was very close.
O Murdoch ordenou rumo a estibordo e inverteu os motores, mas já estávamos muito próximos.
♪ I always gotta keep one rolled. ♪ I always looked up to him. And when I found out he was a fan and embraced what I do, you know, it really just gave me that go hard and that motivation to keep doing what I'm doing.
Sempre o admirei e, quando descobri que era meu fã e gostava do que eu fazia, isso deu-me mais força e motivação para continuar a fazer o que faço.
Murdoch ordered hard a-starboard and reversed the engines, but it was very close.
O Murdoch ordenou rumo a estibordo e inverteu os motores, mas já estávamos muito próximos.
It's embarrassing, but I had no idea the honeymoon was gonna cost so much and Rick screwed me so hard on that commission.
É embaraçoso, mas não fazia ideia que a lua-de-mel ia ficar tão cara e o Rick lixou-me bem naquela comissão.
It's hard enough to face this tragedy, but now to be told it was all a sham?
Já é dificil o suficiente enfrentar esta tragédia, e agora dizem que é tudo um embuste?
He had trouble adjusting. It was hard for him to make friends.
Tinha dificuldade em adaptar-se, era difícil para ele fazer amigos.
It was really hard on my mother.
Foi muito complicado para aminha mãe...
It was kind of hard around our house because was Bruce was so frustrated.
O clima estava tenso em casa, porque Bruce estava tão frustrado.
It was hard.
Foi difícil.
That wasn't too hard, was it?
Não foi assim tão difícil, pois não?
"This e-mail was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive... right this second. So unless it's you, you got trouble."
Este e-mail foi enviado porque alguém está a tentar entrar no meu computador, por isso, se não forem vocês, têm problemas. "
It was so hard for me to hold it in.
Foi muito difícil para mim, não dizer nada.
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it bad 29
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was it not 62
was it her 21
was it true 23
hardware 22
hard 725
hardy 174
was it an accident 37
was it bad 29
was it him 59
was it not 62
was it her 21
was it true 23
hardware 22
hard 725
hardy 174
hardly 502
harder 533
hardman 24
hardcore 24
harding 62
hardison 43
hard pass 21
hard kill 18
hard day 29
hard times 35
harder 533
hardman 24
hardcore 24
harding 62
hardison 43
hard pass 21
hard kill 18
hard day 29
hard times 35
hard work 70
hardly ever 25
hard to tell 74
hard to starboard 26
hardworking 26
hard worker 16
hard right 23
hard to explain 19
hardly at all 16
hard to believe 105
hardly ever 25
hard to tell 74
hard to starboard 26
hardworking 26
hard worker 16
hard right 23
hard to explain 19
hardly at all 16
hard to believe 105