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Waterford translate Portuguese

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He pitches for the Waterford County Tigers.
Joga para os Waterford County Tigers.
- Waterford crystal - Napoleon's pistols
Cristal verdadeiro As pistolas de Napoleão
A representative of the concerned Travelers'Society named Ralph P. Waterford.
Um representante da Sociedade de apoio aos imigrantes " chamado Ralph P. Waterford.
There's a Ralph P. Waterford known in Taiwan as the secretary-general for the World Campaign Against Communism, Inc.
Há um Ralph P. Waterford conhecido em Taiwan como secretário-geral para a Campanha Mundial Contra o comunismo, Inc.
All that Waterford Crystal I borrowed... from Universal premiere at the Sheraton Hotel.
Todos aqueles copos de cristal que pedi emprestado na estreia da Universal no Hotel Sheraton.
He doesn't have to be on display for the entire community of Waterford.
Ele não tem de se mostrar a Waterford em peso.
- Waterford.
- Em Waterford.
He was shot resisting arrest near Waterford... where he had stolen a car, and was attempting to flee.
Foi baleado ao resistir à prisão em Waterford, onde roubara um carro com que tentava fugir.
- lt's not Waterford.
- Não são Waterford.
The finest French wines, waterford crystal goblets,
Os melhores vinhos franceses, Taças de cristal Waterford.
waterford Snakes.
Waterford Snakes.
Gerry how did one of my Waterford crystal brandy glasses get into the laundry basket?
Gerry, como é que um dos meus copos de cristal Waterford de Brandy foi para dentro do cesto da roupa suja?
'The Waterford Mill, built 1825. Long a tourist attraction.'
- "Moinho Waterford... construído em 1825, atração turistica".
You have to plan for a Waterford that does not exist at this moment.
Tem que criar uma Waterford que não existe. Não no momento. - Bom dia, pessoal.
- Waterford, Vermont.
- Waterford, Vermont.
Waterford, Vermont.
- Waterford, Vermont.
Everyone goes to Waterford, Vermont.
Todos virão para Waterford, Vermont.
The fires, believed set by a teenager... were the inspiration for the Waterford Huskies.'
"... suspeitos de terem sido premeditados por um adolescente... serviram como inspiração para o Waterford HusKies... "
Waterford historic firehouse, 1851.
Posto de Bombeiros de Waterford, 1851.
No, he doesn't want to work out with the Waterford Huskies.
Ele não quer malhar com o Waterford HusKies.
I'm somewhere in the...
- Waterford, Vermont. Estou em...
The original kitchen burned in 1960, as part of a spate of suspicious fires which lead to the inspiration of the formation of the Waterford Huskies.
A cozinha original pegou fogo em 1960... juntamente com outros incêndios suspeitos, que na verdade... inspiraram a formação do Waterford HusKies.
$ 6,000,000. The Waterford Merchant's Association demands through me, as their council... five percent of the movie profits... as geared to the most favorable definition of profits... - of either the producer...
A Associação Comercial, por mim representada... como conselheiro, exige 5 % dos lucros do filme... sendo a mais propícia definição dos lucros que o produtor...
Start back up the Waterford Sentinel.
Reativar o Waterford Sentinel.
Waterford Sentinel?
Waterford Sentinel?
'The Waterford Sentinel, the voice of the mountains.'
"O Waterford Sentinel, a voz das montanhas."
The sleepy town of Waterford, Vermont, where movie star, Bob Barrenger... fresh from his troubles with the law last year, is again in hot water... involved in a car crash with a very young woman.
Na pequena cidade de Waterford... o astro Bob Barrenger, que no ano passado quase foi preso... está novamente encrencado... envolvido num acidente de carro com uma moça muito jovem.
Gave rise to the Waterford Huskies.
Viva o Waterford HusKies.
ln a Waterford Crystal flute.
Bem, Guam.
On the Hillside Academy team, we have Brad Langford and Nancy Waterford.
Na equipa da Academia de Hillside, temos Brad Langford e Nancy Waterford.
He's at the Waterford Institute.
Ele está no Instituto Waterford.
"Waterford W Collection - 11-inch spire stem vase."
"Colecção W de Waterford jarra de pé em espiral de 28 cm."
It's Waterford.
É um Waterford.
It's made of Waterford crystal. It weighs in at about 1,070 pounds and is six feet in diameter.
É feita de cristal Waterford, pesa cerca de 480 quilos e tem 1,80 de diâmetro.
That's right Molly you were born in Waterford, Vermont.
Isso mesmo, Molly. Adiante, Tiffy. Nasceste em Waterford, Vermont.
what kind of town is Waterford, Vermont?
Que tipo de vila é Waterford, Vermont?
- He's gonna meet us at the Waterford station when the train stops.
- Ele vai ter connosco à estação de Waterford quando o comboio lá parar.
Waterford next!
Waterford a seguir!
Not long afterwards, 200 knights and 1,000 infantry under Strongbow's leadership stormed the town of Waterford.
Pouco tempo depois, 200 cavaleiros e 1.000 da infantaria liderados por Strongbow invadiram a cidade de Waterford.
Waterford, Wexford and Dublin were in his hands.
Waterford, Wexford e Dublin estavam em suas mãos.
Looks like one of us is going back to trial.
Parece que o "Waterford" vai voltar a tribunal.
I want you with me in DC quarterbacking Waterford.
Quero-te comigo em Washington, para auxiliar no Waterford.
A Waterford Crystal teddy bear!
Um ursinho da Waterford Crystal!
- It's Waterford crystal.
- É Waterford Crystal.
It's Waterford Crystal.
É Waterford Crystal.
It's Waterford Crystal, no big deal.
Cristal Waterford, não é nada.
I think that was Waterford.
- Acho que era de cristal.
I'm Commander Waterford.
Sou o Comandante Waterford.
Mrs. Waterford.
Senhora Waterford.

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