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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ W ] / Wish you were here

Wish you were here translate Portuguese

246 parallel translation
Some football game. I wish you were here. Instead of me.
Que pena não estarem aqui, nem me poderem substituir!
"I'm in Acapulco," I said, "I wish you were here."
Disse-lhe só que estava em Acapulco.
Wish you were here.
Que pena não estar cá.
Wish you were here.
"Queria que estivesses aqui".
Listen, I wish you were here.
Nancy gostaria que estivesses aqui.
Looking and seeing. I wish you were here, Grandma.
Gostava que estivesse aqui, avó.
I wish you were here with me right now.
Quem me dera que tivesses agora aqui comigo.
Wish you were here.
Era bom que aqui estivesses!
Oh, I wish you were here, Charles.
Oh, desejaria que estivesse aqui, Charles.
Wish you were here with your car.
Quem me dera que aqui estivesses com teu carro.
I used to wish you were here to see it.
Costumava desejar que estivesses cá para veres.
Queria que estivesses aqui.
"Hawaii is wonderful. " I wish you were here,
" O Havai é maravilhoso, gostaria que estivessem aqui,
Wish you were here.
Vai chover. Queria que estivesse aqui.
Boy, I wish you were here to see it.
Queria que estivesses aqui para ver.
Gorgeous. Wish you were here.
Gostava que estivesses aqui.
And I wish you were here.
E gostava que estivesses aqui.
"I miss you," or, "I wish you were here," or,
"Tenho saudades tuas", ou : "Quem me dera que estivesses aqui", ou...
- Wish you were here.
Que pena!
" I do wish you were here to advise me.
" Quem me dera que aqui estivesse para me aconselhar.
Wish you were here.
De onde é que és?
So back then I get postcards from these guys. "Wish you were here," and all that.
Eu recebia postais deles, a dizer "Gostavamos que aqui estivesse".
Wish you were here.
Quem me dera que estivesses aqui.
Wish you were here?
Queria que estivesses aqui?
Well, I wish you were here, Nadia.
Como eu gostava que estivesses aqui, Nadia.
I wish you were here with me.
Quem me dera que estivesses aqui comigo.
I made a list of all the things I wasn't going to say to you like, "I miss you. I wish you were here." So how are you?
Fiz uma lista daquilo que não... te iria dizer como, " Tenho saudades tuas.
Wish you were here, all that.
Gostava que estivesses aqui. Isso tudo.
"Wish you were here."
"Queria que estivesses aqui."
Wish you were here, Hermione.
Quem me dera que estivesses connosco, Hermione.
When you're here, you wish you were back out there.
Quando cá estamos, preferíamos estar lá.
Since you and Sir Roger were so close, maybe he might have come here to wish you luck in private or something like that.
Já que era tão íntima de Sir Roger, ele pode ter vindo desejar-lhe sorte.
- Oh, I wish that were true. You see, I think you came over here in order to get her signature on this power of attorney.
Quis obter a assinatura dela nesta procuração.
It's only natural that you wish he were here instead of me.
É muito natural que o desejes aqui, em vez de mim.
Gee, I wish I knew you were stuck here.
Podias ter dito que estavas cá. Viemos cedo da festa.
I wish you were here.
Gostava que estivesses.
I know how much you love Grandpa and Grandma and wish they were here with us, so it's only normal to fantasize.
Sei o quanto amavas os teus avós... e o quanto gostarias que eles estivessem aqui connosco. É normal que fantasies.
I wish I knew why you were here.
Quem me dera saber porque é que está aqui.
I wish she were here with me to see you.
Gostaria que ela estivesse aqui.
Now, Mrs. Nugent, I wish most profoundly that you were not here.
Sra Nugent, eu gostaria que aqui não estivesse.
If that baby starts crying, you'll wish you were anywhere but here.
Todas as minhas outras crianças morreram por ela. Este aqui não vai! Cuidado para não despertar Obstetrius.
I wish you were here to help me.
Queria que estivesse aqui para me ajudar.
I wish Woody were here to see you.
Oxalá o Woody estivesse aqui para te ver.
There's no pussy here just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman.
Aqui não há rata só uma dose que vos fará querer terem nascido fêmeas.
Oh, I wish you were really here.
Queria que estivessem aqui.
- I'd like to stay. If they notice we're up here, you'll wish you were him if you don't already.
Se eles sabem que estamos aqui, desejará ser ele, se não o fôr já.
I used to make fun of your visions, but I wish you were here now.
mas oxalá estivesses aqui agora.
Don't you wish they were really ho's... and they came over here and said,
Não queriam que fossem realmente putas, e viessem aqui e dissessem ;
I wish that we were here to stay longer and could, you know, fight till the end, but at the end of the day it's a competition, and people are going to U-Turn you to benefit
Estou mesmo chateado. Queria mesmo esta oportunidade. Por isso, isto é muito chato.
Even so... I imagine you wish he were here.
Mesmo assim, creio que você gostaria que ele estivesse aqui.
♪ Do you wish you were here ♪ ♪ Like I wish I... ♪

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