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So before we put that fucker in the ground, I'd like to play you one of his favorite songs.
Antes de pormos aquele cabrão debaixo de terra, gostava de tocar uma das músicas preferidas dele.
So I'd like you to be present for the witness statement if you would, for posterity, whatever that means.
Então, eu gostava que estivesses presente no depoimento o farias para a posteridade, sabes o que isso significa.
And I have something that I'd like you to solve.
E eu tenho uma coisa que gostava que resolvesses.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
- Gostaria disso, não?
I'd like to say that... it? Lls me with pride, you getting married here, with us. It's an honor for Villapuebla to be the?
Quero dizer que estou muito orgulhoso que casem aqui connosco.
Turns out I'd rather not know that you think my favorite tea smells like cat urine, so... See? And by the way, nobody looks good in skinny jeans.
Já pensares que o meu chá preferido cheira a mijo de gato... e ninguém fica bem com jeans apertados.
Yes, that's why I'd like to pay you for your trouble.
Sim, é por isso que gostaria de lhe pagar pelo seu incómodo.
Oh. That's good, otherwise they'd have to oil you like the Tin Man.
Ainda bem, ou tinham de lhe pôr óleo, como ao Homem de Lata.
I'd like to see that investigation if you still have access.
Eu gostava de ver essa investigação, se ainda tiveres acesso a ela.
Warren just informed me that you'd like to be bunked together.
A Warren informou-me que querias ficar com ela.
Turn me in. Hmm. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Querias isso, não querias?
I will certainly ask you... about your notorious nailed-to-the-cross prison interview with Madoff. But before all that, I'd like to go back and start with the early years.
Irei perguntar sobre a sua grande entrevista com na prisão com Madoff, mas antes disso, gostaria de retroceder e começar pelo início.
Everyone thought you'd be like that for ever and they didn't know why.
Todos pensavam que ia ser assim para sempre. Eles não sabiam o porquê.
I'd also like to check out the sharp objects that you carry around for work.
Gostaria de verificar também objectos pontiagudos que traz para o trabalho.
Enfim, penso que gostaríamos de vos agradecer profundamente por estas boas-vindas calorosas.
I'd like to tell you the story of how I came to meet my incredible wife, because up until the birth of this child, it's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Quero contar-vos a história de como conheci a minha linda mulher... pois até ao nascimento desta criança... tinha sido a melhor coisa que me tinha acontecido.
Um... if, if we're okay, then, then, why'd you leave like that this morning?
Mas se estamos bem, por que te foste embora daquela maneira, esta manhã?
Maybe you'd like to see that.
Talvez gostes de ver isso.
You'd think a woman like that...
Achas que uma mulher assim iria fartar-se do pão?
Now, if that sounds good to you, and you'd like to keep your heads firmly attached to your body, signify by stepping up.
Se isso vos parecer bom, e se gostarem de manter as vossas cabeças ligadas ao corpo, significa unirem-se.
That we will always find each other, and while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say, here's to not having to look for a while.
mesmo acreditando nisso do fundo do coração, gostava que levantassem os copos e que se juntassem a mim neste brinde...
Yeah, that's right. You're asking me, but you're asking me like you'd ask me if I want fries with that.
Pois, estás a perguntar-me, mas é como se me estivesses a perguntar se quero batatas fritas.
And I want someone to know the truth about me in this world, and I'd like that to be you, if you're okay with that.
E quero que alguém neste mundo saiba a verdade sobre mim e quero que sejas tu, se não te importares.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
- Gostava que assim fosse, não era?
I'd just like to hear you name one thing that you can put in there that's more useful than an E.R.
Quero saber o que vai lá pôr mais útil que as Urgências.
Where'd you learn how to kick like that?
- Onde aprendeste a rematar assim?
You'd think he'd be angry with a task like that but he really has brought back a jeweled branch!
Seria de pensar que ele tivesse ficado chateado com uma tarefa daquelas... mas ele trouxe mesmo um ramo de jóias!
Like when I met you, I'd been in that bar for almost an hour. I was about to leave.
Quando te conheci, estava naquele bar há quase uma hora, prestes a ir embora.
Why is it that if anybody else had have acted like an alien and shoot people, you'd have blown their brains out and used what's left of their skull as an ash tray?
Porque, se fosse qualquer outra pessoa, a agir como um alien, a atirar nas pessoas, tinha explodido os seus miolos... e usado o que sobrasse do crânio como cinzeiro!
I thought you'd like to know that Harold got a job at another firm.
Achei que gostasses de saber que o Harold conseguiu emprego noutra firma.
Well, Why'd they tie you up like that and then just leave you?
Porque é que te ataram assim e te deixaram aqui?
But you'd never do that, because you're not like them.
Mas nunca farias isso, porque não és como eles.
So now that we've established that fun is, in fact, possible, maybe you'd like to start having some.
Então agora que estabelecemos que a diversão é, de facto, possível, talvez gostasses de começar a ter alguma.
Having said that, we'd like a commitment from you to enter into a good-faith negotiation with the intention to sell to Mr. Cuban.
Tendo dito isto, gostaria de um compromisso da sua parte para entrar numa negociação de boa-fé com a intenção de vender ao Sr. Cuban.
- Why'd you come slinking in like that?
- Porque entraste assim?
Ceren, where'd you find a jerk like that?
Ceren, onde arranjaste um idiota daqueles?
That's so lovely. But I was thinking, maybe this afternoon you'd like to borrow my credit card and buy yourself a new wardrobe.
Isso é adorável, mas estava a pensar que talvez esta tarde quisesses levar o meu cartão de crédito e comprares roupas novas.
Reckon you'd like that.
Acho que até ias gostar.
There's one thing I'd like you to confirm for me. What is that?
Há uma coisa que gostaria que me confirmasse.
We'd like to ask you a few questions, if that's all right.
Gostaríamos de fazer-lhe algumas perguntas.
I was just thinking you keep running your mouth, I'd like to go ahead and arrange that.
Estava aqui a pensar. Se não te calas, não me importo nada de tratar disso.
That's real nice of you, but I'm not in what you'd call the best place to start something romantic, like, right now.
Isso é simpático da tua parte mas não estou no sitio certo para começar algo romântico, tipo, neste momento.
If you'd listen, Brian will tell you that living inside of a body like this...
Se ouvisse, o Brian dizia-lhe que viver num corpo como este...
Man, where'd you learn to work a joystick like that, bro?
Onde aprendeste a pilotar assim, irmão? Já ouviste falar de vídeos-games?
And you'd like that, right?
- Gostavas disso, não gostavas?
But then you'd have to face your real problems- - like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself.
Mas depois terás de enfrentar os teus verdadeiros problemas... Como o facto de o Stefan me ter convidado a estar aqui.
So I'll definitely call you sometime. - I'd like that.
Então, vou ligar-te mesmo qualquer dia.
- Thought you'd like that.
- Pensei que ias gostar.
I remember you telling me... that you'd very much like to visit an active volcano.
Lembro-me que disseste que gostavas muito de visitar um vulcão activo.
Now, having said that, I'd like to disabuse you of any notion that we're out searching for Hannibal Lecter.
Agora, dito isto, não quero que se convençam de que andamos à procura de um Hannibal Lecter.
I had a feeling you'd say something like that.
Pressentia que iria dizer algo do género.
you'd like it 22
you'd like her 33
you'd like him 31
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
you'd like her 33
you'd like him 31
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830