You're saying that translate Portuguese
3,371 parallel translation
So you're saying it's just a coincidence that Anne was working with primates and mysteriously killed where Bigfoot prints were found?
Então, estás a dizer que é só coincidência que a Anne lidava com primatas e foi misteriosamente morta onde acharam as pegadas?
Look, I hear what you're saying, Erin, but I'm guarding this guy that you let go.
Ouve, entendo o que queres dizer, Erin, mas, eu estou a vigiar este tipo que deixaste sair em liberdade.
You're not just saying that?
- Não estás a dizê-lo por simpatia?
So what you're saying is that capturing Wo Fat is personal for Steve?
Então, está a dizer que capturar o Wo Fat é pessoal para o Steve?
You're saying it's one of us that's on the force?
- Está a dizer que é um de nós?
You don't wanna be saying that, because these infected vampires that are making their way from small town to small town, yeah, they're dangerous.
Não quer dizer isso, estes vampiros infetados andam de cidade pequena em cidade pequena... Sim, são perigosos.
So you're saying that you think her mom is laying out all of her old pillows and toys because she's expecting her return?
Estás a dizer que achas que a mãe dela está a organizar todos as suas almofadas e brinquedos antigos porque está à espera dela?
So you're saying Moe is Dumbo his bourbon is the giant ears and we're that flock of racist crows?
Então, estás a dizer que o Moe é o Dumbo, o bourbon dele são as orelhas gigantes, e nós somos aquele bando de corvos racistas?
You're just saying that because you think he's gonna say no.
Só estás a dizer isso porque achas que ele vai recusar.
So you're saying that he was left there, knowing that we would find him.
Estás a dizer que foi deixado lá por saberem que seria encontrado.
Are you sure? You're not just saying this because of Pelant and everything that's going on here?
Não estás a dizer isso por causa de Pelant e tudo o que está a acontecer?
You're just saying that.
- Estás a falar por falar.
We didn't bully her, if that's what... you're saying.
Não implicávamos com ela, se é isso que quer dizer.
Is that what you're saying?
É isso que me estás a dizer?
So, you're saying that Connor wasn't lying in 2008 when he said he never saw the beating, but he is lying now about killing the judge?
Então, estás a dizer que o Connor não mentiu em 2008 quando disse, que não viu o espancamento, mas agora está a mentir sobre matar o juiz?
And I'm not saying that you're doing it on purpose.
Não digo que estás a fazer isso de propósito.
I'm just saying that if you care about her... And I think you do... Maybe you should let her know you're not interested.
Só digo, que se te importas com ela e eu acho que sim, talvez seja melhor dizeres que não estás interessado.
So, you're saying that nobody will believe that he forced me to have sex, but they might believe that I did it'cause I wanted to?
Então está a dizer que ninguém acreditaria que ele forçou-me a fazer sexo, mas já acreditarão se eu disser que fiz porque quis.
It sounds like you're saying "Fluttershy", but how can that...
Parece que disseste "Fluttershy", mas como é que pode...
- And you're saying she's not? I can neither confirm nor deny any information that would jeopardize our investigation.
Não confirmo nem nego alguma coisa que arrisque a nossa investigação.
So you're saying Senator Coto misspoke when he ordered an investigation of the Executive Death Squad that Spencer was running with the late Commander Danforth, of which Nikita was alleged to be a member.
Então, o Senador Coto mencionou indevidamente quando ordenou uma investigação do esquadrão da morte executivo que Spencer liderava junto do Comte. Danforth, do qual alega-se que a Nikita seja membro.
You're saying that was the right thing to do?
Está a dizer que era a coisa certa a fazer-se?
You're just saying that.
Estás a dizer por dizer.
You're saying that Birkhoff... You think...
Estás a dizer...
Y-You were saying that at times you're ashamed of him, that he makes you feel ashamed.
Dizias que tinhas vergonha dele, que ele te envergonhava.
I was just saying that we're lucky, you know, luckier.
Só estou a dizer que tivemos sorte, sabes, mais sorte.
You're saying that somebody jacked up her DBS levels and then turned it back off?
Estás a dizer que alguém elevou os níveis de DBS dela e, em seguida, voltou a baixá-los?
So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face.
Por isso espero que estejas confortável em dizer o que quer que tu sintas directo na minha cara.
You know Frank, I can't believe that we're saying two people killed McCann and Anton.
Frank, não acredito que dissemos que duas pessoas mataram o McCann e o Anton.
So you're saying that Ali's still alive?
Então, está a dizer que a Ali ainda está viva?
You're just saying that to scare me.
Só estás a dizer isso para me assustares.
And you're only saying that Ava knew about it because your precious government is no longer in power to protect you.
E só está a dizer que a Ava sabia porque o seu precioso governo já não está no poder para o proteger.
You're not saying that because she's not here, are you?
Não estás a dizer isso só porque ela não está aqui, pois não?
You're saying that this is where I'm from?
Está a dizer que eu sou daqui?
Well, it sounds like you're saying that I could do better than Sheldon.
Parece que estás a dizer que podia arranjar melhor do que o Sheldon.
You're saying saying that because I've got the upper hand.
Estás a dizer isso porque estou em vantagem.
You're trying to figure out what school is best for you as though I didn't exist, but I do. - Rachel, I'm not saying that you have to go to Columbia. - Mike- -
Estás a tentar decidir qual é a melhor para ti como se eu não existisse, mas existo.
Is that what you're saying I'm doing?
- É isso que dizes que eu faço?
So you're saying that size does matter?
- Então, o tamanho é importante?
Well, you're just saying that because we're sweating.
Estás só a dizer isso por estares a suar.
You're just saying that because you love me.
Só estás a dizer isso porque me amas.
So, what you're saying is that you only date girls with stripper names and who start with "C?"
Então, o que estás a dizer é que só sais com raparigas com nome de strippers e que comecem por c?
You're saying that Dickinson was a virgin?
Estás a dizer que a Dickinson era virgem?
That's what you're saying? Oh, hey, you want to hang around here?
Queres ficar por aqui?
You're saying that somebody's trying to reform troubled kids by messing with their brain?
Estás a dizer que alguém está a tentar alterar o comportamento de miúdos problemáticos mexendo-lhes no cérebro?
so what you're saying is that this is kind of a...
Então estás a dizer que isto é um tipo de...
You're saying that you never even met Darcy?
Está a dizer que nunca conheceu a Darcy?
But now you're here saying that he has what?
Mas agora vem dizer que ele tem o quê?
That what you're saying?
É o que estás a dizer?
Even if what you're saying is true, that doesn't mean I murdered Alice!
Mesmo se for verdade o que está a dizer, não significa que matei a Alice.
You're saying this because you bet Lily that Robin and I would end up together.
Estás a dizê-lo porque apostaste com a Lily que íamos ficar juntos.
you're saying 130
saying that 31
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
saying that 31
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19