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Israelis translate Russian

264 parallel translation
"When a general truce between the Israelis and the Arabs.."
Дня, когда ООН провозгласила о прекращении огня между сторонами
I believed in the fight the Israelis were showing. "
Мирьям была в армии
The others on the hills. The Israelis.
Звено в цепочке, как говорит Бергер
Why the Israelis are always
Почему израильтяне всегда так торопятся?
How did Muhamad arrive to the Israelis?
Как это Мухаммед попал к израильтянам?
So the Israelis took him to UN post.
Израильтяне привезли его в отделение ООН.
Even the Israelis couldn't prove it.
Даже израильтяне не смогут ничего доказать.
We're Israelis!
Мы израильтяне.
A plane full of Israelis was hijacked.
По радио только что сообщили об угоне самолета с кучей израильтян.
- Mr Zamir, are there many Israelis aboard?
Господин Замир, правда ли, что на борту много израильтян?
Let's say the plane lands in Algeria, now that wouldn't be the first time a large group of Israelis have been held in an Arab country, right?
Если самолет полетит в Алжир, то это не будет первым случаем, когда израильтян держали в заложниках в арабском государстве.
I don't understand why the same thing always happen to Israelis?
Почему с израильтянами всегда происходит одно и то же? Не понимаю.
We believe we have about 103 Israelis, the rest of them are American, French and German tourists, among them, of course, several Jews.
- Всего 1 03 израильтянина. Остальные пассажиры - американцы, французы и немецкие туристы. Среди них, конечно, есть евреи.
This time we have the Israelis by the balls.
На этот раз мы взяли Израиль за горло.
No, we've been promised that the Israelis won't be separated from the others.
Нам обещали, что никакого разделения заложников не будет.
I think they're only taking Israelis.
- Кажется, только израильтян.
If within 24 hours the Israelis do not agree to our demands, we'll start killing them.
Если израильтяне не выполнят наших требований, убьем.
After the separation, the Israelis were moved to the small one, but we're sure they were moved back to the large one where the restrooms are located.
Во время разделения, израильтян перевели в маленький зал, но мы полагаем, что позже их вернули в большой, так как там расположены туалеты.
We're going on a mission thousands of kilometers away to rescue Israelis, just because they are Israelis and Jews.
Мы с вами летим за тысячу километров от Израиля, чтобы спасти израильтян, и делаем это потому, что они израильтяне,
If the Israelis don't start to release our people by midday tomorrow, we have to kill the first two hostages.
Если израильтяне не освободят наших людей завтра до полудня, мы должны расстрелять двух заложников.
The Israelis have never been fucked with.
Никто не связывается с израильтянами.
Rumour is the Israelis slipped a bomb in between their sheets.
Израильская разведка им в постель подбросила бомбу. Но парню повезло. Его не было дома.
These are the Germans. They are the men trying to free the Israelis.
Это представители немецких спецслужб, они попытаются освободить израильтян.
It's 23 minutes past seven in the evening, and inside that little block are ten Israelis ;
Сейчас 19 : 23, и за этими стенами находятся 10 израильских спортсменов.
Last week's peace summit between Arabs and Israelis... was disrupted by bomb threats from the Christian Coalition.
Встречи принесли положительные результаты? Я слышала, мирный самммит между арабами и Израилем был...
This is nothing compared to what the Israelis would do to you.
Эти унижения – ничто по сравнению с тем, что они сделают с вами.
All the Israelis have been killed.
Все израильтяне убиты.
Tell me the plans of the Israelis, Andy.
Расскажи мне о планах израильтян, Энди.
I felt very proud that for the first time I was able to confront the Israelis.
ъ онвсбярбнбюк яеаъ нвемэ цнпдшл... врн боепбше ъ яонянаем опнрхбнярнърэ хгпюхкэръмюл.
The Israelis were in five apartments.
хгпюхкэъме мюундхкхяэ б 5 юоюпрлемрюу.
The terrorists demanded that Weinberger, already heavily wounded show them where the rest of the Israelis were.
реппнпхярш онрпеанбюкх, врнаш ръфекн пюмеммши беимаепцеп, онйюгюк хл, цде мюундъряъ нярюкэмше.
I had the first telephone call from the head of the team... Dan Shilon Israeli Television this morning at 6 : 00, and he told me that the Arabs are there and one of the Israelis was killed.
лме онгбнмхк цкюбю декецюжхх б 6 вюянб српю, х пюяяйюгюк лме, врн рюл ашкх юпюаш х ндхм хг хгпюхкэръм сахр.
They killed one of the Israelis, and they say it was the boxing coach. "
нмх яйюгюкх : " ашк сахр ндхм хг хгпюхкэръм, рпемеп анйя ╗ пнб.
How many Israelis are they holding as hostage in the block?
яйнкэйн хгпюхкэръм нмх депфюр гюкнфмхйюлх?
I thought and still think that the Israelis would rather have let their whole athletic team be killed than let this happen.
ъ дслюк х онмхлюк, врн хгпюхкэръме яйнпее онгбнкър... врнаш ху яонпрялемш ашкх сахрш, вел янцкюяхрэяъ мю ху рпеанбюмхъ.
They were thinking that they could talk to them and convince them to let the Israelis go.
нмх дслюкх, врн лнцср цнбнпхрэ я мхлх х саедхрэ ху нросярхрэ хгпюхкэръм.
I spent my time standing guard outside. But after some time I was relieved and I went into the room where the Israelis were being held.
ъ бяе бпелъ нупюмък ямюпсфх мн яосяръ мейнрнпне бпелъ ъ ашк нябнанфдем х бньек б йнлмюрс цде яндепфюкхяэ хгпюхкэръме.
I found one of our guys sitting with the Israelis, his gun by his side.
ъ намюпсфхк ндмнцн хг мюьху оюпмеи, яхдъыхл я хгпюхкэръмюлх ; ецн нпсфхе ашкн мюопюбкемн мю хгпюхкэръм.
We began to chat with the Israelis and told each other stories and jokes.
лш мювюкх пюгцнбюпхбюрэ я хгпюхкэръмюлх... х пюяяйюгшбюкх дпсц дпсцс пюгмше хярнпхх х ьсрйх.
General Ulrich K. Wegener... The Israelis, they wanted to send a team which was rejected by the German government, of course.
хгпюхкэръме унрекх онякюрэ яоежцпсоос, мн мележйне опюбхрекэярбн, йнмевмн, нрйкнмхкн щрн опедкнфемхе.
This building now swarming with Germans trying to rescue the Israelis.
щрн гдюмхе яеивюя йхьхр мелжюлх, ярюпючыхлхяъ яоюярх хгпюхкэръм.
The Palestinians and Israelis would be flown in by helicopter.
оюкеярхмжеб х хгпюхкэъм опхбегср мю бепрнк ╗ ре.
The Palestinians and Israelis were to be flown by helicopter to Furstenfeldbruck Airport.
оюкеярхмжш х хгпюхкэръме... днкфмш асдср бшкерерэ мю бепрнк ╗ рюу б ющпнонпр тчпяремтекдапчй.
The terrorists brought the Israelis down a passage into an underground car park and to a bus. Robert Thompson, a 24-year-old Canadian water polo player saw them leave.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] реппнпхярш яосярхкхяэ я хгпюхкэръмюлх бмхг б ондгелмши цюпюф х б юбрнася пнаепр рнлоянм, 24-кермхи бюрепонкхяр хг йюмюдш, бхдек щрн.
So then they brought seven of them out and they put seven of the Israelis on the bus and then he went back inside, and then they brought out more.
пНАЕПР рНЛОЯНМ ] нмх бшбекх яелепшу хг гюкнфмхйнб... х оняюдхкх ху б юбрнася. гюрел нмх бепмскхяэ мюгюд х бшбекх нярюкэмшу.
What were the Israelis doing?
врн декюкх хгпюхкэръме?
Just as the helicopters bearing the Palestinians and Israelis were landing the police squad assigned to the decoy plane fearing that they were under-trained took a vote to abandon their mission.
б щрн фе яюлне бпелъ, йнцдю бепрнк ╗ рш я оюкеярхмжюлх х хгпюхкэръмюлх опхгелкъкхяэ, онкхжеияйюъ цпсоою, мюгмювеммюъ б ондярюбмни яюлнк ╗ р, хяосцюбьхяэ рнцн, врн с мху меднярюрнвмн ондцнрнбйх, опнцнкнянбюкю опнрхб свюярхъ б ноепюжхх.
And I only hope that our people and the Israelis, that they could get out of the helicopter but they had tied them together or whatever and so they couldn't leave the helicopters.
мн ъ ме лнц щрн ядекюрэ ъ рнкэйн мюдеъкяъ... врн мюьх кчдх х хгпюхкэръме, яслекх бшапюрэяъ хг бепрнк ╗ рю. мн нмх ашкх ябъгюмш бяе блеяре. х онщрнлс нмх ме ялнцкх онйхмсрэ бепрнк ╗ р.
Both were seriously wounded. At midnight came the official announcement of the spokesman of the German government who said all the Israelis are saved and all the terrorists are dead.
ръфекн пюмхб нанху. [юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] б онкмнвэ ашкн нтхжхюкэмн назъбкемн... опедярюбхрекел цеплюмяйнцн опюбхрекэярбю, йнрнпши гюъбхк,
Look at the Israelis.
Вот израильтяне.
The Sikhs are killing tons of Israelis.
Сикхи убивают евреев.

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