She didn't show up translate Russian
140 parallel translation
She didn't show up, so I'm playing this.
Она не вскрылась, я играю эту.
So when she didn't show up...
Так что когда она не пришла...
She didn't show up?
Вообще не появлялась?
Then there was the woman he was supposed to photograph. Sam said she didn't show up.
Кроме того, вчера к Сэму должна была прийти фотографироваться одна женщина, но по его словам, она так и не появилась.
She didn't show up
А она не появилась.
Alice Cavender didn't come home last night and she didn't show up at school today.
Алиса Кавендер не пришла домой прошлой ночью... и не появлялась в школе сегодня.
It's not like she's in the back going, "I can't believe Jerry didn't show up."
Она не же плетется сзади бормоча "не могу поверить что Джерри не пришел."
She was found in her quarters this morning when she didn't show up for an appointment.
Ее нашли в собственной каюте этим утром, когда она не явилась на назначенную встречу.
He came to see his daughter, and when she didn't show up, he left.
Он ходил повидаться с дочерью, и не встретив ее, уехал.
I bet she didn't show you that before she sent you up there.
Она тебе его показывала?
We wanted to meet yesterday. But she didn't show up.
Должны были встретиться вчера утром, но она не пришла.
- She didn't show up for a check.
- Она не пришла ко мне на проверку.
And then, of course, she didn't even show up.
А потом, разумеется, она даже не появилась.
She didn't think you were going to show up.
Она думала, ты не придешь.
Police said if she didn't show up, well....
Полиция сказала, раз она не появилась в первую неделю...
You know, a girl once promised to play with us, but she didn't show up.
Знаете, одна девчонка обещала придти поиграть с нами, но так и не появилась.
Don't know why she didn't show up today
Не знаю, почему она сегодня не пришла
The judge issued the warrant when she didn't show up for court.
- Судья выписал постановление, потому что она не явилась в суд.
I waited for her after school but she didn't show up.
Я ждал её после школы, но она так и не появилась.
The first day after I got back, he was waiting for Becky, but she didn't show up, so I walked him home.
В первый день после моего возвращения, он ждал Бэкки, но она не появилась, поэтому я отвёл его домой.
She didn't show up on set because of what you said.
Она не пришла на съемку из-за того, что ты сказал.
She didn't show up.
Она не пришла.
She was summoned, but didn't show up.
Мы ее вызвали, но она не явилась.
- She didn't show up.
- Она не появлялась.
She didn't show up.
Она не появилась.
She thumbed her nose at money-printing in Search and Destroy'cause it didn't meet her moral standards, while letting HBO bid her up on a commercially untenable show about the United Nations.
Она отказалась от несущего золотые яйца "Найти и Уничтожить", потому что оно не отвечало ее моральным принципам, зато перекупила у HBO коммерчески провальное шоу про ООН.
Do you know how it felt calling your house when you didn't show up at school and having your mom say, "serena didn't tell you that she moved to connecticut?"
Ты знаешь, какого это, позвонить тебе после того, как ты не пришла в школу, и услышать от твоей мамы : "Разве Сирена не сказала тебе, что она переезжает в Коннектикут"?
She didn't show up there because she knows I'm off today?
Она не пришла, наверное, потому что знала, что меня не будет сегодня?
She didn't show up for work.
Она не пришла на работу.
She didn't show up for practice.
Она не показывалась на репетиции.
she didn't show up at all.
она не пришла вообще.
Elise said that if you didn't show up to the audition, she's dropping you for good.
Элис сказала, что если ты не придешь на пробы, она не будет твоим агентом больше никогда.
And she didn't show up.
А она не пришла.
Last Monday, she didn't show up at the studio for a session.
В прошлый понедельник она не появилась в студии для записи
She isn't crying, even though he didn't show up after the last time.
Она не плачет, хотя он не показывается с того времени.
She didn't show up to court today.
Она сегодня не пришла в суд.
She didn't show up for school Yesterday or this morning.
Не пришла в школу ни вчера, ни сегодня утром.
She didn't show up for work yesterday or today.
Она не вышла на работу не вчера, ни сегодня.
So when she didn't show up last night and didn't answer her phone and never called me back, I knew something was wrong.
Так что, когда она не появилась вчера вечером, не отвечала на звонки и не перезвонила, я понял, что что-то случилось.
I thought she was blanking me cos I didn't show up yesterday.
Я думал, что она обиделась на меня, потому что я не пришел вчера.
Then one day she didn't show up.
И, вдруг, на очередные каникулы она не приехала.
One day in 1968, she just didn't show up for work.
В один из дней в 1968 она не вышла на работу.
She's upset that you didn't show up tonight.
Она расстроена, что ты не пришел сегодня вечером.
We were worried immediately when she didn't show up the next day because she never missed work.
Мы сразу заволновались, когда она не появилась на следующий день потому что она никогда не пропускала работу.
Meanwhile, Cheryl has be calling me all day because she's angry I didn't show up.
Тем временем, Шерил названивает мне весь день, потому что она зла из-за того, что я не появилась.
Lots of young people send naked pictures of themselves to, you know, cement their relationship - - uh, yeah, yeah, uh, this Keisha - - not at home, and she didn't show up for work this morning.
ћолодежь обмениваетс € своими обнаженными фотографи € ми, чтобы укрепить отношени €... - ƒа-да... Ёта иша...
The Head of Housekeeping found her when she didn't show up for her union break.
Старшая горничных нашла ее, когда она не явилась на их перерыв.
And are you aware that she didn't show up at her place of business today?
Вы в курсе, что сегодня она не появлялась на работе?
She didn't show up for her date last night.
Она не пришла на свидание вчера вечером.
She just didn't show up.
Она просто не пришла.
And she didn't show up for work?
И она не появляется на работе?
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't want to 23
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't have to 49
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't have to 49
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't care 26
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
show up 35
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died 453
she died last year 19
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
show up 35
she did 1380
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she died 453
she died last year 19