And it was translate Turkish
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When I left this morning, he was going to plant his rosebushes so I'm pretty sure the flash bang went off and it was a huge mistake and he's gonna kill me and I want to try coffee before I die.
Ben bu sabah giderken güllerini dikmek üzereydi. Yani eminim, flashbang patladı ve bu büyük bir hataydı ve beni öldürecek. Ölmeden önce kahve tatmak istiyorum.
And it was Walter Samson's godson.
Walter Samson'ın manevi oğluydu.
And there was a fireplace, and it was warm.
Bir şömine vardı ve çok sıcaktı.
It was a betrayal. And it was unfair.
Bir ihanetti ve adil değildi.
And it was terrifying.
Ve korkutucuydu.
It felt right, but now I'm not sure how much was you and how much was programmed.
Doğru gelmişti ama şimdi ne kadarı sendin ne kadarı programlanmıştı emin olamıyorum.
And there was not one damn thing I could do about it.
Bu konuda yapabileceğim tek bir halt da yoktu.
Neval read it first. Then she insisted I read it, too. And she was right.
Sonra bana ısrarla'0kumaIısın.'dedi ve haklıymış da.
I said it was good. Zoom in on the serial number and then trace it back to the owner.
Seri numarasına yakınlaştırırız sonra da sahibini buluruz.
Thought it was an emergency but she just wanted to talk about plans for the spring, a hike she wanted to take and some mural she wants to paint?
Acil bir durum sandım ama bahar için planlarını konuşmak istemiş. Geziye çıkıp duvarlara resim yapacakmış.
And it was about, you know, capturing terrorists.
Evet ama o saldırıları önlemek içindi.
Sounds like it was and I just got fired.
Sanki öyleymiş ve kovulmuşum gibi geliyor.
And take it from me, I was a monster in elementary school.
Benden örnek al. İlkokulda bir canavardım.
So, I was wrong and it won't happen again.
Yani hatalıydım ve tekrarı olmayacak.
And it turns out it was all for nothing.
Ki meğerse boşuna uğraşıyormuşum.
Actually, I was hoping to use my experience and parlay it into the business world.
Deneyimlerimi kullanıp iş dünyasında değerlendirebilirim diye düşünmüştüm.
And if it wasn't Oliver, it was going to be someone else. Or something else.
Oliver olmasaydı ya başka biri ya da başka bir şey olacaktı.
And the truth is, it was pretty much about Mike.
Açıkçası Mike ile alakalıydı.
I was up front about it with you and with him.
Sana karşı da ona karşı da dürüsttüm.
You shared something horrible with me, gave me no time to process it, and while I was taking it in, you not only attacked my integrity, you made me feel ashamed of myself.
Benimle kaldırması zor bir şey paylaştın bunu hazmetmem için hiç zaman tanımadın bunu kabullenmeye çalışırken de sadece gururumu incitmekle kalmadın kendimden utanmama da neden oldun.
Rachel, whatever you're doing, you need to put it down and start looking for every single instance where a person was admitted to the Bar and the vote wasn't unanimous.
Rachel ne yapıyorsan hemen bırak ve oy birliği ile verilmemiş bir kararla mülakatı geçmiş birilerini aramaya başla.
Well, I wasn't unwilling. I was offered a deal to help convict a known criminal, and I took it.
Öyle değil, bir suçlunun yakalanmasına yardım etmem teklif edildi, kabul ettim.
I also ran it by my own attorney and he was shocked at what Louis was able to get us.
Kendi avukatıma da danıştım, Louis'in alabildiği teklife şaştı kaldı.
- No, she quit five years ago, and she was totally upfront about it.
- Hayır beş yıl önce bırakmıştı ve bu konuda da açıktı.
It was one cigarette, and I gave her hell for it.
Sadece tek bir sigaraydı ve bunun için canına okumuştum zaten.
It doesn't matter if it was one or a hundred, it's enough for them to claim her policy is null and void.
Bir ya da yüz fark etmez, onlara göre sözleşmenin feshi için bu kadarı yeterli.
I can't tell you that, Louis, but I can tell you it was your behavior that drove Tara away, and, if you keep letting your emotions dictate your behavior, you won't need to worry about being replaced.
Bunu ben söyleyemem, Louis, fakat sana, Tara'yı uzaklaştıranın bu davranışların olduğunu ve duygularının davranışlarını kontrol etmesine izin verirsen, yerine birinin gelmesini endişe etmek zorunda kalmayacağını söyleyebilirim.
I don't know. I just thought, if I was thinking it, it occurred to me that others might be too, and I thought you should know that.
Ben böyle düşünüyorsam, başkalarının da düşünebileceğimi aklıma geldi ve bilmen gerektiğini düşündüm.
Just like you saw me do all those years ago, and I didn't like it because the statue was me.
Tıpkı yıllar önce benim yaptığım gibi ve bu hoşuma gitmedi çünkü heykel benim heykelimdi.
And then I was like, "Oh, it's Shayleen."
Sonra da "Bu Shayleen" dedim.
It was about breaking him and having her watch him go on tilt.
Onu parçalarken, kadının da izlemesini istiyordun.
But I thought I was tell-it-like-it-is and you were gonna be, like, comforting and supportive.
Ben açık sözlü, sense teselli ve destek veren jüri olacaksın sanıyordum.
- And a very handsome leg it was.
- Ne de güzel bir bacaktı.
And by the way, even if I was a leper, it'd be way less obvious than a bunch of knights in shining armor.
Bu arada cüzzamlı bile olsam, bu birkaç parlak zırhlı şövalyeden çok daha az bariz olurdu.
The mission was to recover the Spear of Destiny, and keep it from falling into enemy hands.
- Görevimiz Kader Mızrağı'nı geri almak ve düşmanların eline düşmesine engel olmaktı.
And how was it that you were all scattered throughout time?
- Peki nasıl hepiniz zamana dağıldınız?
I was there to protect the Spear, and I will continue to protect it until I take my last breath.
Mızrağı korumak için ben oradaydım ve son nefesime kadar da korumaya devam edeceğim.
It would be our first concert together and so, you know, I was... Maybe if there's...
Birlikte olacağımız ilk konser olacak ve... bilirsin... belki de...
I can't believe it was Winn and I didn't know.
Onun Winn olduğuna inanamıyorum ve bilemedim.
When your father and I first got together, it was the happiest time of my life.
Babanla ben ilk kez bir araya geldiğimizde, hayatımın en mutlu zamanıydı.
Uh, he's so dreamy and handsome and funny, so you can imagine how shocked I was when it turned out to be the worst date of my life.
Çok hayalperest ve yakışıklı ve komik, hayatımın en berbat randevusuna döndüğüne ne kadar şok olduğumu hayal edebilirsin. Ne yaptı?
Okay, okay, if the video was corrupted by Henshaw's cyborg signature, then I can reverse that signature and decrypt it and separate the raw video file from the corrupted one.
Tamam, eğer video Henshaw'ın sayborg frekansıyla bozulduysa, o zaman frekansı ters çevirebilir ve şifreyi çözüp saf videoyu bozuk olandan ayırt edebilirim.
I can defend myself, and more importantly, I told you I was handling it.
Kendi kendimi koruyabilirim ve ayrıca bu durumu ben halledeceğim demiştim!
I... It's okay, by... By working with them, I was helping to keep you and your sister safe.
Onlarla çalışmak dert değildi çünkü sen ve kız kardeşini korumaya çalışıyordum.
I was there and I... I watched you solar flare, and it didn't look like they were trying to, you know, capture your heat-vision.
Oradaydım ve ışınlarını gördüm, ve bilirsin işte ısı görüşünü elde etmeye çalışıyor gibi görünmüyorlardı.
'Cause it reminds me of the six weeks I was locked below deck when me and my brother were smuggled onto Earth.
Çünkü bana, ben ve kardeşim Dünya'ya kaçırıldığımızda,... güverte altında kilitli kaldığım altı haftayı hatırlatıyor.
I can see it was an awkward thing that I pushed you into and now...
Anlıyorum, seni buna zorlamam garip bir şeydi ve şimdi...
And we were together for five years, it was the longest relationship I've ever had.
Ve 5 yıldır birlikteydik, sahip olduğum en uzun ilişki buydu.
No, it wasn't, and that was a terrible thing to say.
Hayır değildi ve söylenecek berbat bir şey.
It was a lot of small explosions and good times.
Bir çok küçük patlamalar ve güzel zamanlardı.
She called. And she was hoping that you would talk her out of it.
Aradı ve senin onu caydırmanı umuyordu.
and it was my fault 22
and it wasn't me 17
and it was like 35
and it was amazing 17
and it wasn't 29
and it was beautiful 16
and it was just 23
and it was good 28
and it was fun 20
and it was great 21
and it wasn't me 17
and it was like 35
and it was amazing 17
and it wasn't 29
and it was beautiful 16
and it was just 23
and it was good 28
and it was fun 20
and it was great 21
and it will be 25
and it's beautiful 32
and it's weird 29
and it's gone 41
and it's okay 46
and it's getting worse 25
and it's done 39
and it sucks 39
and it worked 185
and it's your fault 41
and it's beautiful 32
and it's weird 29
and it's gone 41
and it's okay 46
and it's getting worse 25
and it's done 39
and it sucks 39
and it worked 185
and it's your fault 41