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Charlie brown translate Turkish

464 parallel translation
Just the man you need, Mr. Charlie Brown.
Tam da ihtiyacınız olan adam, Bay Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown, you're the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem.
Charlie Brown, Noel gibi muhteşem bir zamanı yaşayan ve bunu bir soruna dönüştüren tanıdığım tek insansın.
Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest.
Dünyadaki tüm Charlie Brown'ların içinde, en Charlie Brown sensin.
I didn't send you a Christmas card, Charlie Brown.
Sana Noel kartı göndermedim, Charlie Brown.
Sure, Charlie Brown.
Kesinlikle, Charlie Brown.
- Charlie Brown.
- Charlie Brown.
You do think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown?
Güzel olduğumu düşünüyorsun, değil mi Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown, isn't it a great play?
Charlie Brown, müthiş bir oyun değil mi?
What's the matter, Charlie Brown?
Sorun ne Charlie Brown?
- Look, Charlie Brown, what do you want?
- Hey, Charlie Brown, ne istiyorsun?
That's it, Charlie Brown.
İşte bu, Charlie Brown.
Get the biggest aluminum tree you can find, Charlie Brown, maybe painted pink.
Bulabildiğin en büyük alüminyum ağacı al, Charlie Brown. Pembe boyalı olabilir.
Yeah, do something right for a change, Charlie Brown.
Evet, değişiklik olsun diye bir şeyi doğru yap Charlie Brown.
I suggest we try those searchlights, Charlie Brown.
Şu ışıldakları deneyelim, Charlie Brown.
I don't know, Charlie Brown.
Bilmiyorum, Charlie Brown.
Boy, are you stupid, Charlie Brown.
Sen aptal mısın, Charlie Brown?
- You're hopeless, Charlie Brown.
- Umutsuz vakasın, Charlie Brown.
You've been dumb before, Charlie Brown, but this time you really did it.
Daha önce de budalaydın, Charlie Brown, ama bu sefer tam budalasın.
That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
Noel işte bunlarla ilgili, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown is a blockhead, but he did get a nice tree.
Charlie Brown bir ahmak, fakat güzel bir ağaç aldı.
Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown.
Mutlu Noeller, Charlie Brown.
You blockhead, Charlie Brown!
Taşkafa, Charlie Brown!
I've worked up a few statistics about our baseball team, Charlie Brown.
Beysbol takımımızla ilgili birkaç istatistik hazırladım, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown, do your team a big favor tomorrow.
Charlie Brown, yarın takımına büyük bir iyilik yap.
Maybe that blockhead Charlie Brown won't show up this time and we'll have a chance.
Belki, o taşkafa Charlie Brown bu sefer ortaya çıkmaz ve bir şansımız olur.
I have a question, Charlie Brown.
Benim bir sorum var, Charlie Brown.
Like, " come on, charlie Brown.
Yani, " Haydi Charlie Brown.
Because you can't do it, charlie Brown.
Çünkü yapamazsın, Charlie Brown.
Well, try to be more careful, Charlie Brown.
Daha dikkatli olmaya çalış, Charlie Brown.
The slow ball is working pretty well today, Charlie Brown.
Yavaş toplar bugün gayet işe yarıyor, Charlie Brown.
- Catch it, Charlie Brown!
- Yakala, Charlie Brown!
Have you got it, Charlie Brown?
Gördün mü, Charlie Brown?
- Get under it, Charlie Brown.
- Altına gel, Charlie Brown.
- It's coming down, charlie Brown.
- Aşağı geliyor, Charlie Brown.
I'm sorry, charlie Brown, but I guess I'll quit too.
Üzgünüm, Charlie Brown, ama sanırım ben de bırakıyorum.
Thank you, Mr.Hennessey. I'll tell charlie Brown.
Teşekkür ederim, Bay Hennessey. Charlie Brown'a söyleyeceğim.
Charlie Brown, guess what.
Charlie Brown, tahmin et ne oldu.
Sure, Charlie Brown.
Tabi, Charlie Brown.
You'd better forget it, charlie Brown.
Bunu unutsan iyi olur, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown, you can't possibly imagine how glad we'll all be when summer is over and you're back in school.
Charlie Brown, yazın bittiğine ve senin okula dönmene ne kadar sevindiğimizi tahmin edemezsin.
If it's from you, charlie Brown, it's failure news.
Senden geliyorsa, Charlie Brown, kesin kötü haberdir.
Forget it, Charlie Brown.
Unut bunu, Charlie Brown.
Why don't you leave us alone, Charlie Brown?
Neden bizi yalnız bırakmıyorsun, Charlie Brown?
Oh, Mr.Hennessey. Yes, this is Charlie Brown.
Bay Hennessey. Evet, ben Charlie Brown.
I don't know, charlie Brown.
Bilmiyorum, Charlie Brown.
Good old Charlie Brown, he never gives up.
Ah şu Charlie Brown, asla vazgeçmiyor.
Don't be so polite, charlie Brown.
Bu kadar kibar olma, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown, why don't you give up?
Charlie Brown, neden vazgeçmiyorsun?
You are.Grit your teeth, Charlie Brown.
Sen. Sık dişini, Charlie Brown.
Ooh, come on, Charlie Brown, hit it.
Haydi, Charlie Brown, vur şuna.
Charlie "The Goat" Brown.
Charlie "Şamar Oğlanı" Brown.

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