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12 parallel translation
Marà ­ a Lourdes Villalon Lozada, also known as Malu, and Jorge Luis Rodrà ­ guez Pà © rez, also known as Jorgito.
Malu diye bilinen Maria Lourdes Villalon Losada, ve Jorgito diye bilinen Jorge Luis Rodriguez Perez.
After what happened with Claire, if pãþe are something,
Claire e olandan sonra sana da bişey olabilri
"págenos o encontraremos y matarlos."
"pà ¡ genos o encontraremos y matarlos."
A case of pà ƒ  © trus, 1945.
Patrus Kutusu, 1945.
We'll be starting with a 1985 chà ƒ  ¢ teau pà ƒ  © trus pomerol.
1985 üretimi Château Pétrus Pomerol ile başlıyoruz.
Ms. Quinn, I have a question about the chà ƒ  ¢ teau pà ƒ  © trus.
Bayan Quinn, Château Pétrus ile ilgili bir sorum vardı ama.
All you, come! - PÃ ¨ re!
Hepiniz gelin!
Steve over here gave us a deal on the last baby angel made of pà ¢ te.
Şuradaki Steve, etli ezmeden yapılma son melek figürlü bebek için teklif verdi.
Páre me tiléfono, eh?
Pà ¡ re me tilà © fono, eh?
And dom pà © rignon?
Ve Dom Perignon mu?
Have you ever been to Clube das Pás?
Das PÃ ¡ s kulübüne geldin mi daha önce?
And perhaps best of all, the pà ¢ té de foie gras of the bug-out community - chicken soup.
Ve belki de en iyisi, pé été de foie gras Hata topluluğunun... tavuk çorbası.
papa 2787
paris 968
para 33
patron 39
paul 5052
papi 239
pasa 33
pardon 1188
panama 36
passion 141
pasta 64
page 422
patrick 1908
park 214
party 591
padme 30
part 451
pamela 225
parker 861
padre 410
pain 390
pastor 178
patricia 289
parent 54
parks 125
pale 57
paint 104
parents 260
paper 440
partner 1354

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