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Ne dediler translate English

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- Ne dediler?
- What did they say?
Ne dediler?
Oh. What'd they say?
- Ne dediler?
- What'd they say?
Ne dediler? "Seni miglonlarca kez öpüyorum." Yazım yanlışı bile yapmışsın!
"I send you a'miglion'kisses..." There was even a misspell!
Ne dediler?
What did they say?
Peki ne dediler?
Well what did they say?
- Ne dediler?
- What did they have to say?
Ne dediler? Onlarla konuştum.
I talked to them.
Ne dediler biliyor musun?
You know what they say?
- Tarlayla ilgili ne dediler?
- Hurry it up. - What did they say about the sugar cane field, Lieutenant?
sana ne dediler?
What did they tell you?
- Evet, ne dediler?
- Well, what did they say?
Başka ne dediler?
What else did they say?
Kostümcü hakkında ne dediler?
What did they say about the dresser?
- Başka ne dediler?
What else they say about me? Wouldn't you like to know?
Ne dediler, biliyor musun?
You know what they said?
Klinikten ne dediler, Zosh?
What did they say by the clinic, Zosch?
Bu sefer ne dediler?
What is it this time?
- Ne dediler?
What did they say?
İki doktora sordum, ne dediler biliyor musun?
I asked two doctors about it. You know what they said?
Ne dediler biliyor musunuz?
And you know what they told me?
- Sana ne dediler, küçük?
You must have heard something, kid. What'd they talk about?
Ne dediler, bir duvarın sonunda olduğunu mu?
Where did they say it was? At the end of a wall?
Hafızanız için size ne dediler?
What did they tell you, about this business of your memory?
- Ne dediler?
- What's the word?
Peki Templehof'tan ne dediler?
- And what about Tempelhof?
Ne dediler?
Ne dediler? Söyle.
I remembered the thing I wanted to forget.
Okulda ne dediler?
What did they say at the school?
- Ne dediler?
- And what did they tell you?
Ne dediler?
What did they say? "
Seni işe aldığımda ne dediler, biliyor musun?
You know what they said when I took you on?
Biliyor musun bana ne dediler?
You know what they told me?
Ne dediler bize, peki?
You know what they say?
Ne dediler? Kaça razılar?
What did they say they'd settle for?
Ne dediler bizim hakkımızda?
What do they say about us?
Ne dediler?
What did he say?
Evet, ne dediler?
Yeah, what'd he say?
Ne dediler?
What did they want?
Peki ya sonra ne oldu? Ne dediler?
Nasıllar, ne dediler... şefkatli olup olmadıkları, özel isteklerde bulunup bulunmadıkları, vücutlarının nasıl olduğu, özellikle de aletlerinin.
How they were, what they said... whether they were tender and loving whether they had special wishes what their bodies were like, especially their dicks.
ADO'da sana ne dediler, bilmiyorum ama bir sürü yabancı adamla... tanışacaksın.
I don't know what they've told you down at the USO, but you're going to be meeting a lot of strange men.
Sana ne dediler?
What did they tell you?
İşte ne dediler? Onlara nasıl açıkladın?
Şey, dediler ki size ne zaman jöle getirilse siz hep tavuk istermişsiniz.
Well, they told me you always wanted chicken when you were brought jelly.
- Tamam ama ne dediler?
- Exactly what did they say?
Ne dediler?
What did they say about him?
Bunu birçok adama sordum. Ne dediler biliyor musunuz?
I've asked this question of other men.
Ne dediler?
Ha, ha, ha... What did they say?
Kudüs'e geldiğinde tüm şehir hayrete düşerek "Bu da ne böyle?" dediler.
And when He had come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, "Who is this?"
Kızlar "Buna ne hakkınız var?" dediler.
The girls said, "What right do you have?"

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