Ustunde translate English
48 parallel translation
Casey ustunde kulanmani istiyorum...
I want you to pretend that Casey...
Erkek dedigin cocuk pijamasi giyermi... Ustunde cizgi film kahramanlari olan?
Well, are men supposed to wear pajamas... featuring a cartoon character by the name of Deputy Dog?
Gozum ustunde olacak beyaz bokluk!
I'm gonna keep my eye on you, you white piece of shit!
Onun ustunde ne gibi bir büyü kullandın?
What sorcery did you use on him?
Hersey kolay sayilir 1 senedir bu is plani ustunde calisiyorum
It's almost too easy! I've been working on the business plan for a year.
And you.
Bu bicak masanin ustunde olmadigi surece burada kalacagiz.
We're not letting anyone out of here until the knife goes on the table.
Is ustunde yani.
On the job.
Oh, herzaman soyledigim gibi omuzlarin ustunde... iyi bir kafan var, Khannie me boy.
[Laughs] Oh, I always said you had a good head... on your shoulders, Khannie me boy.
Taipei cok buyuk bir yer degil, heryer yolun ustunde!
Taipei's not so huge, everything's on the way!
Cimenlerin ustunde!
On the grass!
Sansli gun, ufak bir kilim Seni ve prensin icin burada ay ustunde bir kasık prensinle sen cok yakisik kaygilanma hic gerek yok Prensin herzaman burda
Lucky day, hunk buffet You and your prince take a roll in the hay You can spoon on the moon With the prince to the tune Don't be drab, you'll be fab Your prince will have rock-hard abs
- Masanin ustunde.
- It's on the table.
Basinin ustunde o agirlikla oksurursen boynun kirilir.
15 milyonun ustunde insan ve 3 milyon arac, ulasmak istedikleri nokta icin her gun yol alirlar.
Over 15 million souls and 3 million vehicles, seek a daily route to reach their destination.
Kapıdan içeriye ustunde uğraşılması gerekilen bir sürü şey gelir.
There's a lot that comes through that door every day that needs to be delt with.
İş piyasasına girmek, yaşını biliyorsun... bu kızarmış ekmekler çorbanın ustunde toplanır,
Entering the job market, you know, at her age... That "crouton" thing they do on top of the soup, not good.
Gidip su yavru ustunde gidip tum hunerlerimi test edecegim.
I'm gonna go practice my Human Fly on little miss Skyscraper over there.
sanki boyle yapmak daha iyi gibi geliyor bilmiyorum daha ustunde calismadim hepsinin
It seems that is the best means to do so. I do not know, not yet worked very well.
Kucuk buyuler ustunde calistim.
I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good.
Eddie, varillerden birinin ustunde bacagimi incittim, biraz kremin var mi?
Eddie, I've just scraped my thigh on one of the barrels, have you got any cream?
Ekim'de bir koltukta kiclarinin ustunde oturup Boston Red Sox'in Dunya Serisindeki basarisini izliyor olacaklar.
They'll be sitting on their ass on the sofa in October watching the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.
Ustunde senin ismin yoktu.
I don't see your name on'em!
Basardigim en mukkemel seydi, ve hepsi rulet carki denen mukemmel birseyin ustunde oldu.
It was a wonderful thing that I achieved and it all happened on a splendid thing called a roulette wheel.
Ve simdi sen... son karti destenin en ustunde goster.
And now you... flash the final card off the top of the deck like that.
Tanrim! o kadin herseyin ustunde var.
My god, that woman is on everything.
Evet, ama ustunde guzel duruyor biliyorsun biraz "dar" duruyor.
Yeah, but it looks good, you know it looks'tight'.
Hayir, asansorsuz bir apartman, firinin ustunde, katli bir apartman degil.
No, it's a walk up apartment, above a bakery, it is not a low rise.
Ve sonunda gercek yuzune carpiliyor, ve farkediyorsun ki, gercekte istedigin ustunde adinin yazili oldugu bir masan olmasi.
And then eventually reality hits, and you realize that, really, all you want is to have a desk somewhere with your name on it.
Curly bir gozu senin ustunde yardim edecek.
Curly will keep an eye on you.
Bekledim.. bekledim.. kendine gelir ya da yuzer filan diye, ama... suyun ustunde hareketsiz oylece kaldi.
I was just... waiting and waiting for her to come back up or to swim, but... she was just floating there.
- Onu is ustunde yakalayacak.
Well, he's going to walk in on her.
Ustunde bir centik bile acamadi.
Didn't even put a dent in it.
Ve boylelikle kotu tarafi notdefterinde bosluklar birakiyor, Ama tabiki, nasil plagin ustunde sarki sozleri olmadigi gibi...
And leave ugly holes in notebooks, but of course, as have the mania don't include the lyrics on the albums...
sadece su ustunde durmaya calisiyoruz.
Yarin onlarin ustunde benim isaretim olacak.
You'll have my mark on them tomorrow.
Mutfak tezgâhinin ustunde.
It's on the kitchen counter.
Ustunde calistigin her dava tekrardan acilir, ve buyuk olasilik.
Every case you ever worked on would be reopened, and possibly thrown out.
Annem, topragin ustunde gecirdigimiz her gunun bir zafer oldugunu soylerdi.
My mom used to say that every day above ground was a win.
Sadece imzalaman gerekiyor, formun ustunde.
I just need you to sign for that, it's the top form.
Veronica, Alibi'in ustunde kaldigini soyledi.
Veronica says to me she sleeps above Alibi.
Avery ve Elijah bunun ustunde!
Loop Avery and Elijah in on this!
Khempal'in cesedinin ustunde sogutucu panel var miydi?
Was there a cooler panel on Khempa |'s body?
Karyolada bir cokuntu vardi sanki ustunde biri oturuyor gibi.
There was a depression in the cot like someone had sat on it.
sukurler olsun, sonunda biri ayaklarimin ustunde durup ailemle ilgilenmeye devam edecegimi dusunmuyor.
Thank God, someone who doesn't think that I'm just gonna be back on my feet and taking care of my family.
ROUBIER AĞAÇ ÜSTÜNDE BİR KADINLA ORTAYA ÇIKTI! Henry Roubier, emekli albayın karısıyla birlikte cote d'Azur'deki aşk yuvasında mı buluşuyordu?
Henri Roubier and the wife of ex colonel Müller had their love nest on the Côte d'Azur.
Üstunde calisiyoruz.
We are working on it.
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