And even then traducir español
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We don't find out until the day, and even then
No lo averiguamos hasta el día del golpe, e incluso entonces
And even then, it might get dicey.
E incluso, sería arriesgado.
"And even then, how belatedly you open to us. " Even then, with what exuberance you cross us. "
E incluso entonces demoras en abrirte a nosotros, y nos traicionas con tal exuberancia...
" And even then, how belatedly you open to us
E incluso entonces, demoras en abrirte a nosotros.
It was only after she was confronted with the reality of the photo that she seemed to get at all honest about things, and even then, she lied.
Fue solo después de enfrentarse a la realidad de la foto cuando ella pareció contar la verdad. y aún así, mintió.
And even then, you'd better have a note from the coroner.
E incluso entonces mejor tener una nota del juez forense.
And even then, it's just a finger up the bum hole. Think about that.
E incluso eso, es solo un dedo en el agujero del trasero.
And even then she barely made it.
Incluso entonces ella apenas lo logro.
And if he doesn't love you, well, then the kiss won't even work.
Y si no te ama, el beso no habría resultado.
I keep telling myself I want to be a man of the people, and then I realize I can't even build a fire, a task any peasant can do.
Me sigo diciendo a mí mismo que quiero ser un hombre de gentes, y entonces me doy cuenta de que no puedo ni hacer una hoguera, una tarea que puede hacer cualquier campesino.
When someone knowingly joins a criminal enterprise... in Fitzpatrick, the IRA, in this case the Farr gang... then they cannot rely on duress as a defence, even if the threat is real and immediate.
Cuando alguien se une conscientemente a una organización criminal en el caso Fitzpatrick, el IRA, en este la banda de Farr, entonces no pueden acogerse a la coacción como defensa, aunque la amenaza sea real e inmediata.
You know, she works her ass off for this workshop, and then nobody even gave her a call or the time of day.
Se mata a trabajar por esta puesta en escena, y luego ni siquiera la llaman o le dan la hora.
And then there was a lot of pretending that it didn't happen and awkward back-and-forth and even dating other people, but one day, one day when I was sure... that you could never love a nerd like me, you came over... and I asked you if you loved me.
Y después finjimos que no había ocurrido y nos incómodo una y otra vez e incluso salimos con otras personas, pero un día, un día cuando estaba seguro... que nunca querrías a un tonto como yo, viniste... y te pregunté si me querías.
The wolf's gonna smell the blood and go nuts and then he'll smell Zoe and go even more nuts!
El lobo olerá la sangre y se volverá loco ¡ y luego olerá a Zoe y se volverá más loco!
Even then, there were only three and that's all that we've got left now.
¿ En serio? Incluso entonces, sólo había tres y esto es todo lo que nos queda ahora.
Then he's an even bigger idiot than I thought he was two seconds ago, and that was pretty big.
Entonces es más idiota de lo que pensaba hace dos segundos, y eso era bastante.
Then we can sit and we don't even have to talk.
Entonces podemos sentarnos y ni siquiera tendremos que hablar.
For all the world as thou art to this hour was Richard then when I from France set foot at Ravenspurgh, and even as I was then is Percy now.
Para todo el mundo, como sois en este momento, era Ricardo, cuando vine de Francia a desembarcar en Ravenspurgh. Yo era entonces, como es Percy ahora.
Well, first we have to see if it's even possible and then we can worry about proving it.
Bueno, primero tenemos que ver si es siquiera posible y luego podremos preocuparnos por demostrarlo.
Even then, there were only tears and fights.
Y sólo consiguió lágrimas y peleas.
But then he moved two weeks ago, and he didn't even tell me.
Pero hace dos semanas se mudó y ni siquiera me lo ha contado.
And then at you, even though it wasn't your fault.
Y entonces contigo, aunque no era culpa tuya.
And then even Disneyland can't take away the shame.
Y ni siquiera Disney puede quitarme la vergüenza.
And then to make up for them, they make even worse ones.
y luego para compensarlo, ellos hacen otros peores
I'm in this relationship with a guy who's younger and he kind of brought it up and then he dropped it, but so I haven't really even talked to him about it, but I just thought, you know, I should ask.
Estoy en esta relación con un tipo que es más joven y el fue quien saco el tema primero, y luego lo dejo ahí, pero, en realidad yo no he hablado con él sobre esto, pero yo sólo pensé, ya sabes, debo preguntar.
You said you'd be my alibi for the concert, and then you call my house, all innocent, and tell my Dad that I never even showed up at the library.
Dijiste que serías mi coartada para el concierto, y entonces llamas a mi casa, toda inocente, y le dices a mi padre que en ningún momento he aparecido en la biblioteca.
But if she's not even two and she's smarter than you were at four, then it's only a matter of time before she's smarter than you.
Pero si ni siquiera tiene dos años y ya es más lista de lo que tú eras con cuatro, es cuestión de tiempo que ella llegue a ser más lista que tú.
I just don't want you to come up and pay for an extra room, and then not even have time to see you.
¿ Es eso un problema? Es solo que no quiero que vengas hasta aquí y pagues una habitación extra, y entonces yo no tenga casi tiempo para verte.
Then they control it remotely, and not even the doctor or surgeon or anesthesiologists would have any idea.
Después lo controlan a distancia, y ni siquiera los médicos, cirujanos o anestesistas lo sabrían.
Maybe even send his mother a check every now and then.
Que tal vez le esté enviando a su madre un cheque de vez en cuando.
And then there are others that even the tiniest reminder brings you down?
¿ Y también, que hay otras... que con un recuerdo más pequeño te deprimen?
And then, the agency organises an ultimate life - in a nice villa somewhere around L.A. - they even organise a nice lady who conveniently - stumbles upon him when he is taking a walk - along the beach.
entonces, la agencia le prepara una vida alternativa en una casa de campo en las afueras de Los Ángeles, incluso una hermosa señora con la que tropieza convenientemente cuando pasea por la playa.
And even if I die in the process then at least my father will keep my photo at home.
Y aun si muero en el proceso. Al menos mi padre pondrá mi foto en la casa, ¿ cierto?
They string you along like a little puppy and then, when you think you've got a chance, they end up with... some guy who works in a bar who doesn't even have a dick.
Ellas te tratan como un pequeño peluche y luego, cuando crees que tienes oportunidad, ellas acaban con... otro tipo que trabaja en un bar y que además no tiene ni polla.
And then phone, email... I'll even stalk you on Facebook, and...
Y después, teléfono, correo electrónico acoso en Facebook...
If roma or Blum or even this Thorn character begin to start a fight... then one of them could say something that they will live to regret, and they are more likely to say it to each other than they are to one of us.
Si Roma o Blum o hasta este tipo, Thorn, comienzan a pelear- - Uno de ellos podría decir algo que lamentará, y posiblemente será entre ellos, no a nosotros.
He sidled over, and he bought me a drink, and then he told me how I should get even.
Se acercó y me invitó una copa, y luego me dijo cómo debía vengarme.
I went and made them, and sold them and made a lot of money, and then I even made night sweats for men, because at night he gets sweaty.
Fui y los hice los vendí e hice un montón de dinero y después también hice suéteres para dormir para hombre, también lo usan.
Even after somebody tried to clean it up, there was enough blood to prove that Derek was almost certainly frozen and then cut up there, which we'll confirm after testing.
Incluso después de que alguien intentara limpiar, no había suficiente sangre para demostrar que Derek casi seguro que fue congelado y luego cortado allí, que confirmaremos después de la prueba.
We could make it an even 10, for the trail legacy level, and then we could have a company sponsor to match it?
Podríamos redondearlo a 10.000. Por el legado que tiene. Entonces buscaremos a un patrocinador que iguale la oferta.
And if... if you're going to break up with me for missing a dinner because I was saving a life, then, you know, I don't even want to have romance-y things with you... okay, Miran-Miranda.
Y si vas a romper conmigo por perderme una comida porque estaba salvando una vida, entonces, ya sabes, no quiero tener un romance contigo. Vale, Miranda.
And that even back then they feared him.
Y que incluso en aquel entonces le tenían miedo
Well, we make sure that, uh, Napier scores, and, uh, then I just gavel out before Shelby can even respond.
Bueno, nos aseguramos de los resultados de Napier, y, entonces yo simplemente acabaré con Shelby, antes incluso de que puede responder.
This report, and you went ahead and signed it, even though you knew it was fake and then passed it along to the police.
Tú también deberías ser feliz. Solo quiero ver a Adrian Chase bajo tierra. Te complacerá saber que tengo a los mejores hombres conmigo.
If you find a resident PunJabi or even a Canadian girl.. .. then show her my photo. give her a rupee and fix my alliance.
Si encuentras a un residente Punjabi o incluso a una chica canadiense entonces enséñale mi foto, dále a ella una rupia y sella mi alianza.
Even back then, my brother wanted everyone to be treated fairly and equally.
Incluso entonces, mi hermano quería que todos fueran tratados justamente y con igualdad.
At first I hoped the county would do something, but then I saw people driving up and down the road, - all happy that's it's nice and even...
Al principio yo esperaba que el condado hiciera algo, pero luego vi a la gente subir y bajar el camino, todos contentos e incluso les agradaba...
And frankly, I wasn't even that great with them then.
Y, francamente, ni siquiera estaba muy bien con ellos entonces.
You paid a thug to have our son beaten up in prison, and then what, strong-arm a juror, when this guy could've been the very reason. Daniel's even on trial in the first place?
Pagaste a un matón para que diera una paliza a nuestro hijo en prisión, y luego qué, intimidar a un miembro del jurado, cuando ese tipo podría haber sido la única razón para que Daniel esté en este juicio desde el principio?
You didn't marry him when he was free and clear and wanted to, and then you go back around and get what you want, even though you know better.
Usted no se case con à © I cuando era, libre y querà a y luego vuelves todo y obtener lo que quieres, aunque usted sabe mejor.
because I don't even know what happened, " and then I thought" I will know, " and then I thought" oh my God my head hurts from all my thoughts "!
porque nisiquiera yo sé que pasó, y entonces pensé "lo sabré", y luego pensé "Dios mío me duele la cabeza de tanto pensar"!
and even though 16
and eventually 133
and even worse 29
and even if i did 66
and even so 17
and even now 20
and even if he did 25
and even if i could 18
and even 19
and even if they did 26
and eventually 133
and even worse 29
and even if i did 66
and even so 17
and even now 20
and even if he did 25
and even if i could 18
and even 19
and even if they did 26
and even if you did 16
even then 154
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
even then 154
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then what 1564
then you're wrong 16
then i 166
then you know 40
then you 156
then it's a date 18
then leave 77
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then do it 228
then what are you doing here 94
then i'll wait 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then it's a date 18
then leave 77
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then do it 228
then what are you doing here 94
then i'll wait 16
then i will 133
then you die 16
then yes 211
then what's the problem 77
then who 210
then you're on your own 16
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then one day 195
then tell me 167
then you die 16
then yes 211
then what's the problem 77
then who 210
then you're on your own 16
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then one day 195
then tell me 167