And out traducir español
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Over and out.
Cambio y fuera.
And out of nowhere, the British just decided to roll up.
De la nada, los británicos decidieron ir.
I think there's pressure on the speech center of my brain, and I've got to find out what's causing it.
Creo que hay presión en el centro del habla de mi cerebro, y tengo que averiguar qué está causándolo.
The world went wrong, and she turned out okay.
El mundo entero fue mal y ella salió bien.
I feel like shooting our way into the facility and getting him out.
Creo que deberíamos abrirnos camino en la instalación y recuperarlo.
We'll find out who did this and we'll get this thing out of my head, but for right now, it stays.
Encontraremos a quién lo hizo y sacaremos esta cosa de mi cabeza. pero por ahora mismo, se queda.
And if you do get jammed up, what's gonna happen to that beautiful family you've been hiding out in the Valley?
¿ Y si a ti te encerramos, qué pasará con esa bonita familia tuya que has estado ocultando en el Valley?
You could've kept that money and gotten out of town.
Podrías haberte quedado el dinero e irte de la ciudad.
And you're not going out that easy.
Y no te vas a librar tan fácilmente.
If Mitch is really out there and there's others looking for him...
Si Mitch de verdad está ahí afuera y hay otros buscándolo...
And they will do whatever it takes to get it out of you.
Y harán lo que sea necesario para sacártelo.
- Let's shoot her and let's get out of here.
- Dispárale y larguémonos de aquí.
A, figure out what Ivy and Woodrue were up to...
Primero, descubrir qué traman Hiedra y Woodrue.
And B, find out where the green team is hiding out.
Y segundo, descubrir dónde se esconde el Clan Verde.
And anyway, maybe I should help out.
Además, quizá deba ayudar.
Here I am, helping you guys out, pro bono, I might add, and you got to go and get all mega control-freaky on me.
Yo los ayudo gratis, y ustedes me controlan excesivamente.
I gotta say, I give you and Cameron a lot of credit for holding out as long as you did before finally throwing oxytocin to the wind in favor of the other big "O."
Tengo que decirlo, le doy a ti y a Cameron mucho crédito por aguantar el tiempo que lo hicieron antes de lanzar finalmente la Oxitocina al viento en favor de la otra gran "oh".
- No. And he can't find out.
Y no puede averiguarlo.
He's obsessed with my safety, and lingering anywhere long enough to map it would just completely freak him out.
Está obsesionado con mi seguridad, y persistir en cualquier lugar el tiempo suficiente para hacer un mapa sólo lo asustaría completamente.
And we can check out the crime scene, uh, see if there's anything there that ties into the images.
Y podemos revisar la escena del crimen, ver si hay algo allí que se ligue a las imágenes.
We'll tell Abbot that we rescued his agent and hopefully he can find out who our John Doe is. Okay.
Le diremos a Abbot que rescatamos a su Agente y espero que pueda averiguar quién es nuestro John Doe.
After me and Kirsten were shot at, it scared the yip right out of me, but it also made me realize that I need to be in control of my own mind before I let her traipse around in someone else's,
Después de que me dispararon a mí y a Kirsten, me asusté y me provocó temblores, pero también me hizo darme cuenta de que yo necesito estar en control de mi propia mente. Antes de dejarla andar por ahí en la de otra persona, así que...
Belinda and Abbott were having an affair, and Harrington must have found out about it. Belinda :
Belinda y Abbott estaban teniendo un amorío, y Harrington debe de haberlo averiguado.
Well, then we can figure out where our cases come from, and we can pick the ones that will help us the most.
Bueno, entonces podremos averiguar de dónde nuestros casos vienen, y podemos escoger los que nos ayudarán más.
And I hid in my room until I heard the front door close, and I went out... and I saw Jameel on the kitchen floor.
Y me escondí en mi habitación hasta que oí cerrarse la puerta delantera y salí... y vi a Jameel en el piso de la cocina.
But then I-I looked out the window and... I saw him... walking.
Pero luego miré afuera por la ventana y lo vi... caminando.
Yeah, I, I heard he got out and started rolling with SBK like nothing ever happened.
Sí, yo oí que salió y empezó a andar con los ASB como si nada hubiera pasado.
Were you able to find out where that flag came from? is a small online shop, and the owner doesn't sound especially organized, but she's promised to let me know when she's located the buyer's name and address.
¿ Pudiste descubrir de dónde salió esa bandera? es una pequeña tienda en línea y la dueña no parece particularmente organizada, pero prometió avisarme cuando localizara el nombre y la dirección del comprador.
I had a dream and I set out.
Tenía un sueño y fui tras él.
They make it look like you run out, the car almost hits you, you do that thing... "Hey!" Slam the hood and then move on.
Vas caminando, un auto casi te atropella, entonces gritas, golpeas el capó y sigues tu camino.
If you don't have the guts and you come out too late, the car's gone.
Si no tienes agallas y avanzas demasiado tarde, el auto se irá.
Because you come out and then the car stops, but you can't reach the hood.
Avanzas, el auto frena, pero no alcanzas a tocar el capó.
And as soon as the light changes, the guy next to me, he steps out into the road.
En cuanto cambió el semáforo, el sujeto a mi lado comenzó a caminar.
And he walked out.
Y avanzó.
I started that day... thinking and pondering before stepping out.
Empecé aquel día pensando y analizando antes de salir a la calle.
I had my phone out. I was tweeting and texting.
Llevaba mi teléfono en la mano, tuiteaba, enviaba mensajes de texto.
The light would change, and I was out.
El semáforo cambiaba, yo avanzaba.
And we were hanging out at a comedy club.
Estábamos en un club de comedia.
They went out and colonized the world.
Salieron a colonizar el mundo.
And so, it only stands to reason that those Indians, who they had now made British, would seek out... the land from whence they came.
Entonces, es lógico que esos indios, que ahora son británicos, busquen... la tierra de la cual provienen.
And when I found out that Daniel Craig no longer wanted to be James Bond, I was heartbroken.
Cuando me enteré de que Daniel Craig ya no quería ser James Bond, se me rompió el corazón.
And then blood came out.
Y luego salió la sangre.
I said, "And then, while I was throwing up, blood came out."
Le dije : "Y vomité sangre".
Human beings come out, and still it continues to work as intended.
Sale un ser humano de ella, y la vagina sigue funcionando según lo previsto.
A human being comes out... of the vagina. And still, it continues to operate, and it continues to work after a human has just come out.
Un ser humano sale... de la vagina, y ella continúa operando, continúa funcionando luego de que saliera un ser humano.
What I do when I travel is try to speak to people in their accents and see if they can catch me out.
Cuando viajo, intento hablar con la gente con su mismo acento y ver si se dan cuenta.
He'd emerge like he was stepping out of the plane and into a music video.
Emerge como si bajara de un avión en un video musical.
Just whip out your Russian and kill it dead.
Hablen con acento ruso y pónganle fin al tema.
Just get your Russian out and kill it dead.
Saquen su rusa interior y pónganle fin.
Kensi and Deeks just found out two of Rhodes'lead engineers never arrived at work today.
Kensi y Deeks han averiguado que dos de los ingenieros jefe de Rhodes hoy no han ido a trabajar.
Me and Shaggy here, we're gonna have to work something out.
- Shaggy y yo vamos a tener que hablar.
and out of nowhere 19
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896