Ask him traducir español
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I had forgotten to ask him what he wanted me to fix this week, and since he never answers the phone, I, uh... I made his business partner go over there and literally hand the phone to Zac.
Había olvidado preguntarle qué quería que le preparase esta semana, y dado que nunca contesta al teléfono, le pedí a su socio que fuese allí para que, literalmente, le pasase el teléfono a Zac.
Well, why don't we go ask him?
Bueno, ¿ por qué no se lo preguntamos?
Ask him to build a team in the style of Marco Simoncelli.
Le dije de crear un equipo al estilo de Marco Simoncelli.
I'll ask him, and then you get your answer.
Le preguntaré, y luego te dan la respuesta.
What do ya mean, "Ask him yourself"?
¿ Qué quieres decir, "Preguntale tú"?
I'll tell the press that my detectives just wanna take a look around the house, ask him some questions to free him of all the charges.
Le diré a la prensa que mis detectives quieren echar un vistazo por la casa, hacerle algunas preguntas para liberarle de todos los cargos.
I don't even know what questions to ask him.
Ni siquiera sé qué preguntas hacerle.
What should we ask him for next?
¿ Qué deberíamos pedirle ahora?
Go and ask him.
Ve a preguntarle.
Oh, this would be an opportunity to ask him how Megan's doing.
Oh, esto sería una oportunidad para preguntarle cómo hacer Megan.
Come along and ask him.
Ven y preguntarle.
Ask him.
Pregúntale a él.
How could you ask him to deliver the document?
¿ Cómo pudiste pedirle que entregue el documento?
If something happens to me, seek Lord Seo Jung-do and ask him for Prince Jung-hyun's Journal.
Si algo terrible me pasara... quiero que busques a mi maestro, el Señor Seojeongdo... y le pidas el diario del príncipe Jung Hyun.
I'll ask him.
Le preguntaré.
The Prime Minister is bringing the Jwa Island governor to meet you ; ask him yourself.
El primer ministro traerá al gobernador de la Isla Jwa para reunirse con usted... así que puede preguntarle usted mismo.
I didn't get a chance to ask him about it earlier.
Le debí de haber preguntado antes pero no pude.
It's too bad we can't ask him.
Es una lástima que no le podemos pedir.
Ask him for anything he knows, everything he knows, about NZT, everything about the side effects of NZT, if there's a way to reverse them.
Pregúntale por nada de lo que sabe, todo lo que sabe, sobre NZT, todo lo relacionado con los efectos secundarios de NZT, si hay una manera de revertir ellos.
I need to ask him a few questions about a friend of his in his fantasy football league- - a Justin Ross.
- Necesito hacerle unas preguntas sobre un amigo suyo de la liga de fútbol de fantasía : un tal Justin Ross.
Ask him about Hilary Pile.
Pregúntale sobre Hilary Pile.
Let's ask him.
Déjame preguntarle.
Ask him not to work so hard and spend more time with you.
Pídele que no trabaje tanto y pase más tiempo contigo.
So I guess this would be a bad time to ask him to sign an AFF.
Supongo que será mal momento para pedirle que firme un DIB.
I didn't refuse to ask him.
No me negué.
- You have to ask him.
- Debes preguntarle.
Ask him what george r.R. Martin is doing right now.
Preguntadle qué está haciendo George R.R. Martin en este momento.
You can ask him yourself as long as you're here.
Puedes preguntárselo tú mientras estás aquí.
Do you want to ask him what he means by that, or are you just pandering because you're uncomfortable around disabled people?
puede preguntarle que quiere decir, o solo te aprovechas porque te sientes incomodo con los discapacitados?
Why don't I just ask him to bring us some?
¿ Por qué no se lo puedo pedir a él?
Ask him if it's the number of senators he has left to kill.
Pregúntale si es el número de Senadores que le quedan por matar.
Look, if you're so worried about it, why don't you just ask him?
Mira, si estás tan preocupada sobre eso, ¿ por qué no solo se lo preguntas?
Can't you just ask him?
¿ No puedes simplemente preguntarle?
I couldn't ask him to put himself at that risk.
No podía pedir ponerse en ese riesgo.
- You don't believe me, ask him.
- No me creéis, preguntádselo.
Ask him to give it to Peter.
Pídale que darle a Peter.
- Why don't you just ask him?
- ¿ Por qué no le preguntas?
Marcus. I want him to ask the Oriskany Falls Police Department for their original list of suspects.
Quiero que pedir al Departamento de Policía de Oriskany Falls por su original lista de sospechosos.
How many times can I ask you to save him?
¿ Cuántas veces puedo pedirle que salvarlo?
Um, however, every now and then, he would ask me to send a picture of myself to him.
Sin embargo, de vez en cuando, él me pedía que le envié una foto mía.
No, I haven't bumped into him. Why do you ask?
No, no le he visto. ¿ Por qué preguntan?
Ask Su-hyang to look for him. Yes, sir.
Pídele a Soo Hyang que se apresure y que también la busque.
So, you just drove out to see him to politely ask for an explanation?
¿ Le sacó para verle pedir educadamente una explicación?
I can't believe Sheldon was gonna ask Amy to marry him.
No puedo creer que Sheldon iba a pedirle matrimonio a Amy.
When I ask him and really truly care about what he says, I want Care about what he says, I want to get to know him because it's To get to know him because it's something I haven't taken the
Quiero llegar a conocerlo, porque es algo que nunca me he dado la oportunidad de hacer y que podría marcar la diferencia en mi juego.
Perhaps you could call him and ask.
Tal vez podrías llamar y preguntarle.
This way, he knows what's gonna happen to him if he doesn't do exactly what I ask.
Así sabrá qué va a pasarle si no hace exactamente lo que le pido.
Well, then, it's time to go ask Kyle why he sold out his own kind. How will we get him to talk?
bien, entonces, es hora de preguntarle a Kyle porque vendio a los de su especie como le haremos hablar?
I'll ask him tomorrow.
Le preguntaré a él mañana.
Okay, okay, I'll ask him. Hold on, geez.
De acuerdo.
I don't suppose it would do me any good to ask you how you ended up tangling with him in that club.
Supongo que no me hará ningún mal preguntarte cómo acabaste peleándote con él en esa discoteca.
ask him yourself 67
ask him again 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
ask her 221
ask him again 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
ask her 221