Back to it traducir español
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So let's get back to it, shall we?
Volvamos a lo nuestro, ¿ Vamos?
Baby Corp stole all the love from me... and now I'm going to take it back from them.
BebéCorp me robó todo mi amor... y ahora lo voy a recuperar.
Oh you know what it's like when you come back to your hometown.
Ya sabes lo que es, cuando regresas a casa.
Yeah, I put it back on the little table next to the bed.
Sí, la puse en la mesita junto a la cama.
Well, II hope we can get this sorted out when you get back to the office, but right now, it's very comfortable in here.
Bueno, espero que podamos solucionar esto... cuando vuelva a la oficina, pero ahora mismo, es muy cómodo aquí.
It flips that rock over, and there they are, exposed, wriggling, squirming, crawling on their bellies like foul maggots, frantically racing back to the cover of darkness that they so crave.
Si volteas esa roca, ahí están. Expuestos, retrayéndose, contrayéndose arrastrándose sobre sus estómagos como si fueran larvas frenéticamente, corriendo al asilo de la oscuridad que tanto ansían.
See if I can find the owner of this SD card, send it back to them.
Ver si puedo encontrar al propietario de esta tarjeta SD, y enviárselo de nuevo a ellos.
I'm just going to get it, I'll be back.
Sólo lo alcanzaré y volveré.
Um... uh... it's been a long road to get back home.
Fue... Fue un largo camino de vuelta a casa.
It's the only way to get Sabina back.
Es la única forma de rescatar a Sabina.
I don't know why you left K'un-Lun... you're not going to find it back there.
No sé por qué dejaste K'un-Lun pero lo que sea que estés buscando no lo encontrarás ahí.
It was a mistake to think that anything could get in the way of the three of us taking back control of Rand.
Fue un error pensar que algo podía evitar que nosotros tres retomemos el control de Rand.
Jones has committed crime of theft, we need to get back the diamond and return it before too late
Jones ha cometido delito de robo... Debemos recuperar el diamante antes de que sea tarde.
But if this friend shoots you in the back and you survive is it okay to shoot him back?
Pero si ese amigo te dispara por la espalda y sobrevives, ¿ está bien que le dispares de vuelta?
Come to think of it, I'd like to be transported back to last week when I agreed to take part in this stupid experiment.
Mejor quisiera transportarme a la semana pasada, cuando acepté participar en esta estupidez.
My father spent his whole life trying to get it back, and he died in squalor, begging for assistance from anyone.
Mi padre pasó su vida intentando recuperarla, y murió en la miseria, implorando la ayuda de quien fuera.
If I ever found something that possessed the power of being able to Grant three wishes, I'm pretty certain I'd put that box back to where I found it, and I would turn around and run or bike away as fast as I could.
Si alguna vez encontrara algo... que tuviese el poder de conceder tres deseos, estoy seguro de que pondría esa caja de regreso donde la encontré y escaparía corriendo o en bicicleta lo más rápido posible.
My development, it's going to bring jobs and prosperity back to these good people.
Mi proyecto le devolverá el trabajo y la prosperidad a esta buena gente.
I'm gonna get it. You got till the end of the day, or I'm coming back here to bust some shit up!
¡ Tienes hasta que termine el día, o volveré para destrozar todo!
- I traced it back to 1820.
- Los rastreé hasta 1820.
And for years, it served to bring us back from death.
Durante años, sirvió para hacernos regresar de la muerte.
I used the last of it to bring you back to life.
Usé lo último que quedaba para devolverte la vida.
Well, it's still early, why don't we just go back to bed?
Bueno, aún es temprano. - ¿ Por qué no vuelves a la cama?
Yeah, I don't know. It's hard to accept a pat on the back at work, when you're shitting the bed in the rest of your life.
Es difícil aceptar una palmada en la espalda en el trabajo, cuando en tu vida privada todo es una mierda.
It feels so good to be back inside.
Se siente bien estar de nuevo dentro.
My great-grandfather used a knife and hot water to dig it out of his wife's back.
Mi bisabuelo utilizaba un cuchillo y agua caliente para clavarlo por la espalda.
We lease this back pasture to a dairy farm for grazing, it brings in a little.
Alquilamos este sector a pastoreo, a una granja de productos lácteos. Poca ganancia.
There is a program that could help us with the horses, but it involves doing something I'm not comfortable with, going back to prison.
Existe un programa, con el que podríamos cuidar a los caballos. Tendríamos que hacer algo, pero no se sentirá cómoda... con reclusos de la prisión.
And he said they don't really need it, so you decided to give it back to me.
Y dijo que no la necesitan. Y decidiste devolvermelo.
Like it did to that one kid back in'96.
Como le pasó a aquella niña en el 96.
It's never gonna actually make you full, and at the end you're sick, but you want to go back for more.
Nunca te vas a llenar del todo y al final terminas harto pero siempre vuelves a por más.
You go to sit down, it pushes you right back up in your workout.
Cuando vas a sentarte, te golpea para devolverte directo al ejercicio.
- I just don't understand why he had to come back. It doesn't make sense.
Simplemente no entiendo por qué tenía que volver. ¡ No tiene sentido!
When you left, I swore that I would stop it if that's what it took to get you back.
Cuando te fuiste... juré que no lo haría más si de esa forma te recuperaba.
But if I can get these notes back to the British Intelligence in time... it could stop millions more from dying.
Pero si logro entregar este informe a la inteligencia a tiempo... podría evitar millones de muertes.
It's nice to be back.
Es bueno estar de vuelta.
And right about when it's about to end he goes back to the other record, and then back again.
Y justo cuando está por terminar regresa al otro disco y regresa de nuevo.
" And so, if you accept me to Yale, I'll never look back, because I know it's what my mom and dad would want for their son.
" Y entonces si me aceptan en Yale, no miraré atrás porque sé que mis padres querrían eso para su hijo.
You take everyone's ride and then ship it back to the states.
Les quitas los autos y luego los mandas a los EE.UU.
And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's true location.
Y rastrearlo de nuevo a la fuente de origen. Y encontrar la verdadera ubicación de Dom.
I know, I know, but they'll get it back to me.
Lo sé, lo sé, pero me la van a devolver.
You'll sell it back to me?
¿ Me la venderás de vuelta?
And the soup is cooked, it is necessary to go back.
Cocino la sopa, y debo volver.
Well, tell him to turn it back on. Please! Please!
Pues dígale que lo prenda. ¡ Por favor!
- I need you to transfer all the money that's still in it back to me.
Necesito que transfieras todo el dinero... que todavía está en él, de nuevo a mí.
- I will get it back to you before then
Te lo devolveré antes de eso.
- I will get it back to you before then.
Mierda... Lo devolveré antes de eso.
I will get it back to you before then.
Te lo devolveré antes de eso.
It all goes back to that incident on Orientation Day.
Todo se remonta a ese incidente del día de orientación.
My... well, my mother and I bought it several years back, and she was always trying to fix it up.
Mi madre y yo la compramos hace años y ella siempre estaba intentando arreglarla.
Yes. You take it off before that, you have to pay us the money back.
Si lo quitas antes de tiempo, tienes que devolver el dinero.
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to life 16
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to life 16
back to you 127
back together 25
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to the tardis 22
back to bed 81
back to me 32
back to the ship 17
back to 39
back together 25
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to the tardis 22
back to bed 81
back to me 32
back to the ship 17
back to 39
back to class 24
back to one 31
back to back 25
to it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
back to one 31
back to back 25
to it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347