Between me and you traducir español
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Look, I just want to know everything's good between me and you.
Solo quiero saber si todo está bien entre tú y yo.
Well between me and you me and Hutger like this.
Bueno, entre usted y yo, Metal Hutgher y yo, uña y carne.
Between me and you, Hyeong Joon chose me.
Entre tú y yo... Hyung Joon me eligió sin dudarlo.
Look, between me and you, I like Lino.
Mira, entre tú y yo, Me gusta Lino.
Listen... uh, between you and me... I don't believe Jose when he says that you killed her.
Escucha... entre tú y yo... no le creo a José cuando dice que la mataste.
This is just between you and me for now.
Esto es solo entre tú y yo, por ahora.
And making sure that things were right between you and me,
Se aseguró que todo quedará bien entre nosotras...
Well, see, there's a difference between you and me, Jeff.
Bueno, mira, hay una diferencia entre tú y yo, Jeff.
Between you and me, she kind of deserves what she's been getting. Hmm.
Entre tú y yo, se merece lo que le está pasando.
Leslie, this is between you and me.
Leslie, esto es entre tú y yo.
Look, I brought you here because it is vital we keep this between me, you Detectives Chandler and Vargas.
Mira, te traje aquí porque es vital que mantengamos esto entre tú y yo la detective Chandler y Vargas.
Well, I'm afraid if it came to a choice between you and some crone with a bad smell under her nose and a mouth pursed up like a cat's arse, I'd still pick her.
Bueno, me temo que si es una elección entre tú y una bruja con mal olor bajo su nariz y una boca fruncida como el culo de un gato, sigo escogiéndola a ella.
Okay, for the past two weeks, she's been trying to snake charm me into coming between you and Emily, and- - And I couldn't do that.
Está bien, durante las dos últimas semanas ha estado intentando convencerme de que me meta entre Emily y tú y... no puedo hacerlo.
This stays between you and me.
Esto quedará entre tú y yo.
You realise the alternative is you and me forever flitting between Harrogate and Halifax.
Te das cuenta que la alternativa es tú y yo por siempre mudándonos... entre Harrogate y Halifax.
I think, between you and me, it sounds like she's been a bit of a bloody nuisance all her life.
Creo que, entre tú y yo... Suena como si ella hubiera sido una molestia durante toda su vida.
Let me explain to you the difference between observing something and making the decision to write about it.
Déjame explicarte la diferencia entre hacer una observación... y tomar la decisión de escribirlo.
The heat of the engine, the heat between you and me, us...
El calor del motor, el calor entre tú y yo, nosotros...
Hey, between you and me?
Eh, ¿ entre tú y yo?
But between you and me, barring a total catastrophe, you have my vote.
Pero entre usted y yo, salvo una catástrofe total, tiene mi voto.
Why don't we talk about real things between us, you and me?
Por qué no hablamos de las cosas que nos atañen a nosotros, tú y yo?
Look, you don't want to get locked up for assaulting a federal agent, you tell me about what happened between you and Sean.
Si no quieres que te encierren por asaltar a un agente federal dime qué pasó ente Sean y tú.
- Because you and I... it got weird between us for a second, and now seeing you next to her, it's just confusing for me.
- Porque tú y yo... se puso extraño entre nosotros por un segundo, y ahora el verte al lado de ella, es solo confuso para mí.
Maybe we should keep this between you, me, and Logan, for now.
Quizá deberíamos mantener esto entre usted, Logan y yo por ahora.
Angela is your best friend, and obviously, I've come between you two.
Angela es tu mejor amiga, y obviamente, me he interpuesto entre ambas.
Oh, hell, I don't blame you for not knowing the difference between me and an imposter.
Demonios, no te culpo por no ver la diferencia entre un impostor y yo.
First... What you just saw between Rachel and me... It's just friendship.
Primero... lo que acabas de ver entre Rachel y yo... es sólo amistad, no nos malinterpretes.
I'm so sorry that I dragged you into the middle of this battle between me and Tony.
Siento que le arrastré en el medio de esta batalla entre Tony y yo.
Between you and me?
¿ Entre usted y yo?
I say you got a lot of nerve trying to come between me and my sister!
¡ Digo que tienes mucho valor para intentar interponerte entre mi hermana y yo!
It's between you and me.
Es entre tú y yo.
Did it ever occur to you that what happened last night between me and Rudolph was the start of something wonderful?
¿ Se te ocurrió que lo que pasó anoche entre mí y Rudolph fue el principio de algo maravilloso?
And whatever arrangement you and Juliette have, it's over between you and me.
Y cualquier acuerdo que tengáis tú y Juliette, lo nuestro se acabó.
What if you were legitimized? You're talking about changing the line of succession, and that's the sort of talk that gets bastards and mistresses beheaded. Whatever has been between us, believe me now, that I love my son.
¿ Y qué pasaría si fueses legitimado? y es ese tipo de conversaciones son las que llevan a los bastardos y a las amantes a ser decapitados. que yo quiero a mi hijo.
That's not what I'm saying at all. We can continue. But if you ask me again to choose between you and Diane,
Podemos seguir. escogeré a Diana. ¿ La visita del cardenal tiene algo que ver contigo?
He was killed between 8 : 10 and 8 : 25. You called me at 8 : 23 asking for help to find the book.
Fue asesinado entre las 8 : 10 y las 8 : 25, tú me llamaste sobre las 8 : 23 preguntándome por el libro.
Just between you and me, if you could eat a rooster, I'd have done it by now.
Entre usted y yo, si mañana fuera a comerme un pollo al horno, tendría que tenerlo ya hecho.
You told me once about the fight between the coward in me and the righteous side of me.
Una vez me dijo... sobre la pelea entre mi lado cobarde y mi lado justo.
You don't need to come between me and Jake.
No es necesario que te interpongas entre yo y Jake.
Between you and me, pretty puffed up.
Entre tú y yo, bastante hinchado.
This is the difference between you and me.
Esa es la diferencia entre tú y yo.
Somebody told me once... that if you stand still in the forest long enough... you'll see signs of a hidden struggle. Raging between forces of life and decay.
Alguien me dijo una vez que si permaneces inmóvil en el bosque lo suficiente verás señales de una lucha oculta entre las fuerzas de la vida y la putrefacción.
One more thing : Just between you and me, if you happen to see Mrs. du Pont, just give her her privacy.
Una cosa más, entre nosotros, si por casualidad ve al señor Du Pont solo dele privacidad.
You know that the only thing standing between me and reassignment is your approval.
Sabe que lo único de pie entre yo y la renuncia, es su aprobación.
Just between you, me and the sunrise.
Solo entre tú, el amanecer y yo.
"Anything to stop me thinking and to fill the hours between news of you."
"Cualquier cosa para detener la hizo pensar y para llenar las horas entre las noticias de ustedes."
And I know you blame me, and I know you think I ruined this blossoming relationship between you and him.
Sé que me culpas a mí y que crees que arruiné la incipiente relación entre él y tú.
I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be here and between us, you are hardly what I would consider to be a high-risk establishment.
No quiero estar aquí, usted no quiere que yo esté aquí y aquí entre nos, usted no es lo que yo consideraría un establecimiento de alto riesgo.
And I'm telling you this because, well, between you and me, you've got real good chances of winning.
Y te lo digo porque entre nosotras tienes muchas posibilidades de ganar.
If you hadn't caused a fight between me and Celia...
Si usted no hubiera causado una pelea entre yo y Celia...
Never reveal the relationship between you and me, got it?
Nunca reveles que me conoces. ¿ Está claro?
me and you 346
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and your wife 79
and your point is 28
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you didn't tell me 78
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279
and you didn't tell me 78
and your father 132
and your brother 50
and yours 281
and your friend 42
and yourself 86
and your friends 28
and your mother 135
and you're right 279