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But she's right traducir español

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Right, but there's nothing she can do about it.
Sí, pero no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto.
But she's all right?
¿ Pero ella estará bien?
She's disappointed, but she knows that we're doing the right thing.
Se decepcionó, pero sabe... que hicimos lo correcto.
Okay, a little, but... she's really nice, right?
¿ OK, un poco, pero ella es agradable, no?
Oh, she's all right, but, David Soul, tell us about you.
Oh, ella está bien pero, David Soul, cuentanos de ti
She's right. But, honey, what I think you're missing here is that not only is she attractive, but she's strangely attractive.
Tiene razón, pero cariño, lo que creo que te pierdes es que no solo es atractiva, sino extrañamente atractiva.
You may think you're tapping that right now, but pretty soon she's gonna be like, "JD, I need you."
Te creerás que no es más que pura diversión, pero antes de lo que esperas se te pondrá : "JD, te necesito".
At first I thought it sounded corny, but the more I think about it, she's right.
Al principio se oía trillado, pero entre más lo pienso, tiene razón.
She could use a few driving lessons, but other than that, she's all right.
Necesita aprender a conducir, pero aparte de eso está bien.
Now look, I have no control over Sydney's whereabouts right now. But one word from me and she is dead. Do you understand that?
Ahora no controlo el paradero de Sydney pero una palabra mía y se muere, ¿ entiende?
She's seen better days, but she'll be all right.
Podría estar mejor, pero está bien.
She's in the solarium, but she's busy right now.
, Druse, escuché que estaba en este piso. - Está en el solarium, pero está ocupada.
But she's all right now.
Pero ya está bien.
I hate to break it to you, but she's right.
Detesto darte la noticia, pero tiene razón.
- She's right, but what about us?
- Tiene razón pero, ¿ y nosotros?
She may not know this now, but she is like... she's like that much closer to accepting Jesus in her heart, right?
Tal vez no lo sepa, pero está... Está más cerca de aceptar a Jesús en su corazón.
But she's all right, isn't she?
But I said we'd be there on the dot. She's got a very good scene right at the beginning.
Le dije que seríamos puntuales tiene una muy buena escena al principio
If she gets in, it's proof she belongs there, but you get that, right?
Si entra. Es prueba de que pertenece allí. No lo entiendes, ¿ verdad?
- Right, but it's okay, she's used to going like that.
- ¿ Cual es? Un problema de modestia con la cabeza cubierta.
Yeah, my old girlfriend from Oklahoma... was gonna fly out here for the dance... but she couldn't'cause she's doing some modeling right now.
Sí, mi novia de Oklahoma iba a venir para el baile pero no puede porque está trabajando como modelo.
But if a white person sees two black men walking towards her, and she turns and walks in the other direction, she's a racist, right?
Pero si una blanca ve a dos negros en la calle... si ella cruza la calle, es una racista.
You were correct when you said that life is short and not about anything, but one thing I do know is that we were not put on this Earth to be dragged all the time. She's right.
Es verdad.
That's right, but she didn't.
Pero no fue así.
She don't know it yet, but that's wifey right there.
Ella aún no lo sabe pero eso es casamiento en mi idioma.
And all right, fair enough- - she's kept it from me and Ethel, but she didn't even tell you.
Y debe decirse, justamente... nos lo ocultó a Ethel y a mí, pero ni siquiera te lo dijo a ti.
A bit queasy, but she's all right.
- Medio boleada, pero está bien.
It's just a rumor... but it was right after that she stopped showing up for work.
Es solo un rumor, pero justo después de eso ella dejó de trabajar.
I know she's all right but I couldn't help thinking, how's she being treated.
Sé que está bien, pero no puedo dejar de pensar, en cómo está siendo tratada.
But that's impossible. She's standin'right- -
Pero eso es imposible.
But you know that she's kind of used to being with me, right?
Pero está acostumbrada a mí.
Oh, all right. But she's not going to side with you, you know.
Oh, bueno, pero no se va a poner de tu parte, sabes...
Yep, right here, but talk about your fine print. It doesn't matter as long as she's in there.
Te advertí sobre el dolor de cabeza, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, but she's the star, right? I mean, c'mon.
Sí, pero ella es la estrella, ¿ verdad?
I've always just dismissed them because she's- - you know, horrible, but... maybe she's right.
Siempre los he desestimado, porque ella es ya sabes, horrible, pero quizá tenga razón.
She's almost never right. - But she is sometimes?
- Pero acierta a veces.
She's also supposed to run the church after his death... but that's not what Peter wants, right?
También debía regir la iglesia cuando él muriera... pero Pedro no quiere eso, ¿ entiendes?
Okay, I will literally pay you to stop talking to me right now. I just wanted to hang out with Jude, but I guess she's working... again. Sorry.
de verdad que te pago si dejas de hablar conmigo lo siento, tan solo queria pasar un rato con Jude
We called for a bus, but she says she's all right. EMT's checking her out.
Los paramédicos la están atendiendo.
She's always right and anyone who challenges her is not only wrong but her enemy.
Siempre tiene razón y quien la contradiga no sólo se equivoca... -... sino que es su enemigo.
( Terhune ) No, but she's right at the line.
- No, pero está rozando el límite.
Bunker Two, Corridor "C." She's all right, but...
Refugio 2, Pasillo C. Está bien, pero...
You know, she hasn't technically dumped me yet but it's only a matter of time, right?
Ya sabes, técnicamente ella no me ha dejado, pero es sólo cuestión de tiempo, ¿ verdad?
That sounds like Maggie. But she's right here...
Suena como Maggie, pero ella está aquí...
Jenna, she's an all right girl, but she's a motor mouth.
Jenna, es una chama chevere pero tiene una locomotora en su boca.
Scout's right but, gosh, if she wasn't here one more day, I would be a happy camper.
¿ Lo dices en serio? Claro que lo digo en serio.
Right. But she's been shot.
Sí, pero la hirieron.
She was transported to a local hospital, but fortunately she was released and she's gonna be all right.
La transportaron a un hospital local. Afortunadamente ya le dieron el alta y se encuentra bien.
But if you can remember the things that she loved, those things that made her happy, if you see those things and can remember her smile and just know that she's doing fine, you'll be all right.
Pero si recuerdan lo que ella amaba, lo que la hacía feliz si recuerdan eso y su sonrisa sabrán que está bien. Estarán bien y ella también.
I would let you talk to her right now, but she's got this thing in her mouth.
Podría dejarte hablar con ella ahora, pero tiene esa cosa en su boca.
I guess you're right. But she's still better off.
Puede ser, pero igual está mejor así, sin él.

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