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Certainly not me traducir español

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Certainly not me!
¡ No esperen que sea yo!
It could be. lt's certainly not me.
- Pues será, pero yo no soy.
- Well, certainly not me.
- A mí no, desde luego.
No one can change anything. Certainly not me, if you saw where I stay...
Nadie puede cambiarlo y menos yo, que soy aquí el último mono.
You certainly do not want to marry a fallen woman! " " I Will marry your daughter as long as you, Montezuma,... promise to sacrifice this man to the gods, on the day of our wedding! "
- Me casaré con tu hija... ¡ si me prometes sacrificar este hombre a los dioses el día de nuestra boda!
- I'm certainly not... take more'n a man to frighten me.
- No, claro que no. - Ningún hombre puede asustarme.
By golly, I'm certainly glad you're not really sore.
Me alegro de que no estés enfadado.
I was told you were not at home, But I most certainly know that you were in.
Me dijeron que no estabas en casa, pero sé que estabas.
Do you? - Certainly not.
No me parece justo. ¿ Y a ustedes?
I am certainly not freezing, but I guess I better get my coat on.
Bien, aunque no tengo frío, creo que será mejor que me ponga el abrigo.
Maybe not to you, but it certainly is to me, if I have to make up a loss of $ 180,000.
Tal vez no lo sea para usted, pero sí para mí, especialmente si supone una pérdida de 180.000 dólares.
I've wanted this for a long time it's certainly not a cheap perfume the man at drugstore told me you could also use it as mouth-wash
¡ Hace tiempo que lo quería! ¡ No es precisamente un perfume barato! En la droguería me dijeron también sirve para hacer enjuagues de boca.
Not for me. Me, certainly very well trained blackhound.
Yo soy un sabueso muy bien entrenado, ¿ comprendes?
I certainly will suicide Xiaoou, forever we will not separate
Si yo tuviera un amor así, me suicidaría.
She will depend on me Will certainly not betray me
Estoy seguro de que no me traicionará.
I too am only human and life, as you certainly won't deny puts tasks to one that are not easy to bear
También soy sólo un ser humano... y la vida, como sin duda no me negarás... te pone a veces deberes que no son fáciles.
I certainly do not wave the white flag otherwise I'd feel much better after all, if you would make some concessions... a certain measure deemed necessary by your children... would not be irrevocable
Ciertamente, no traigo la bandera blanca. De lo contrario, me sentiría mucho mejor. Después de todo, si hiciera Ud. algunas concesiones... cierta medida, considerada necesaria por sus hijos... no sería irrevocable.
that I certainly did not, so forgive me if I disagree.
que han sido frustrantes para mi, así que perdóname si disiento.
Certainly not from me.
Seguro que no de mí.
- Well, I'm not certainly gonna stand by and say nothing.
No me quedaré sin decir nada.
Certainly. I was never told not to have friends in my room.
No me dijeron que no.
Whether that old goat likes me or not, it certainly doesn't change my life.
El gustarle o no a este viejo chivo no me cambiará la vida.
- Certainly not, a fellow in Cambridge made it for me when I was 17.
Claro que no. Me lo hizo un sastre a los diecisiete años.
I shall not move, and I certainly shall not close.
No me moveré y tampoco cerrare. Pero le obligaran a cerrar.
Certainly I do not ask to see them, my dear.
Desde luego. No me interesa leerlas, Emma.
Unless we are prepared to add another 60 or 90 days to our voyage which I most certainly am not.
Salvo que alarguemos 60 ó 90 días nuestro viaje a Io cual me rehúso.
'I know it's perfectly awful of me to telephone you like this.' Oh, certainly not, Elaine.
Hunt, sé que es espantoso que te llame de repente...
If you resent a women doctor as much as you seem to, I'll certainly be sure not to come here again uninvited.
Si le molesta que sea una doctora, no volveré a visitarla sin que me lo pida.
Well, doctor, I'm certainly glad I'm not your patient.
Vaya, doctora, me alegra no ser su paciente.
Well he asked me if I believed in ghosts and I said certainly not.
Me preguntó si yo creía en fantasmas. Le contesté que no.
No, I'm not drinking through a straw but I could certainly stand a stimulant right now.
No, no estoy bebiendo con paja. Y me vendría bien un estimulante.
I most certainly am not. And I'm going home.
No lo estoy y me voy a casa.
No, no, certainly not. My boss called me.
Mi jefe me reclama.
¿ Cree que me divierte encontrarme con alguien como usted?
I'll not let The Furies slip away from me, and it certainly will if it's left to him and to her.
No dejaré que Las Furias se me escape. Eso pasará si se lo quedan él y ella.
Certainly not. He's waiting for me.
Me espera para su clase de francés.
Certainly not for me.
- No por mí, desde luego.
But if you acquit me, well, in that case, certainly not!
Si me declara inocente, pues no.
I most certainly will not sign that.
Me niego a firmar eso.
- Certainly not from me or her mother.
, no sé. No de su madre y yo, seguro.
Certainly not with me.
Conmigo no, claro.
I'm certainly not old, and I'm neither a fuddy nor a duddy. Now am I?
Me llamaste un viejo chapado a la antigua y ciertamente ni estoy viejo, ni tampoco estoy chapado a la antigua. ¿ O lo estoy?
And certainly not in France, in jail, always told me :
Y seguramente tampoco que en Francia, en la cárcel, siempre me decía :
I'm not helping you, and you're certainly not helping me.
No soy de ninguna ayuda para ti, y tampoco tú eres ayuda para mí.
- Certainly I could not buy it with the town hall's money!
- Y no me lo he comprado con dinero del municipio.
I'm certainly referring to Regina Mitchell-Smythe, who seems not to know that I do the decorating at the clinic.
Me refiero a Regina Mitchell Smith, quien parece ignorar que yo soy la encargada de la decoración de la clínica.
I'm certainly glad you're not mad.
Cuánto me alegro de que no se enfade.
Being an Air Force wife certainly is not for me, but it isn't that simple.
Ser una esposa de las Fuerzas Aéreas ciertamente no es para mí, pero eso no es tan simple.
I don't need anybody's protection, and certainly not Grimsby's.
¿ Por qué lo hace? No necesito que me protejan.
Not for me, certainly, but for you.
Y no me preocupo por mí, sino por ti.
I'm not sure they're safe, but we'll certainly have lunch together.
No me parece que sean seguros, pero podemos almorzar juntos.

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