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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't hurt them

Don't hurt them traducir español

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Oh, what a fool I was to monkey about with them. Now, now, don't holler before you're hurt.
Qué tonta he sido al ponérmelas.
What wives don't know won't hurt them.
Lo que las esposas no saben no las lastima.
Barbara. Don " t let them hurt me.
No dejes que me lastimen.
Don't let them hurt Mr. Monty.
¡ No dejen que lastimen al Sr. Monty!
They don't want to hurt you. But if you scare them, they go crazy.
No pretenden hacer daño, pero enloquecen cuando se asustan
What they don't know won't hurt them.
Lo que no se sabe, no hace daño.
If Americans don't want to get hurt, let them stay home.
Si no quieren que les hagan daño, que no vayan.
What a body doesn't know don't hurt them, I always say.
Lo que uno no sabe, no le hace daño, como digo yo.
That's the matter : I don't want to hurt them.
Justamente : no quiero darles un disgusto.
How can anybody get hurt if we don't hurt them?
¿ Cómo puede lastimarse alguien si no lo lastimamos?
You don't want them to see you hurt!
No querrá que vean como le herimos. ¡ Salga!
Don't let them hurt me, please!
No dejen que me hagan daño, por favor.
Don't let them hurt her.
No permitas que le hagan daño.
The ones that squeak don't like to leave the shop, and the ones that hurt don't like whoever's wearing them.
Los que crujen no quieren irse del taller y a los que aprietan no les cae bien su dueño.
Because I'll rub your nose in them, and I don't want her to get hurt.
Porque haré que se arrepienta. No quiero que a ella le ocurra nada.
- Don't let them hurt me, Mommy. - Oh.
¿ Dejarás que me hagan daño?
I don't think anyone would hurt them.
Creo que nadie los lastimaría.
They love their children and don't want them to be hurt any more than they have been.
Quieren a sus hijos y no desean hacerles sufrir más de lo que lo han hecho.
The boys are hurt They think you don't like them.
Los chicos piensan que no te caen bien.
I don't want them to hurt you.
Y yo no quiero que te hagan daño.
Don't let them hurt me, mother.
Lo siento. No permitas que me hagan daño. Madre, no permitas que me hagan daño.
And what they don't know won't hurt them.
Y lo que ignoran, no les duele.
Don't you think it'll hurt them?
¿ No cree que le hará daño?
Don't you see I wouldn't allow them to hurt you, child?
¿ No ves que no los permitiría que te hagan daño, niña?
Don't let them hurt her like that.
No dejes que la dañen de ese modo.
I don't want them to hurt you.
No quiero que te hagan daño.
I don't wanna hurt them.
No los lastimen.
Please don't hurt them.
Por favor, no los lastime.
I don't want you to hurt them.
No quiero que les hagas daño.
- Don't hurt them.
- No les hagas daño.
- I said don't hurt them.
- He dicho que no les hagas daño.
Don't hurt them, Fletcher Seagull.
No les hagas daño, Pedro Gaviota.
Yes, don't let them get hurt.
- Sí, no dejen que se lastimen.
Don't hurt them.
No les hagan daño.
If we're stopped, don't do anything that will give them an excuse to hurt you.
Si nos detenemos, no hagas nada... que les dé una excusa... para herirte.
Don't let them hurt us, precious.
No dejes que me hagan daño, tesoro.
All their jokes, you know them by heart, you know all their mistrusts, and you who don't know anything, but yet have been hurt.
Todas sus bromas, las conoces de memoria, conoces sus sospechas. Y tú, que todavía no sabes nada, ya has estado herido.
Please, please don't hurt them.
Por favor, no les hagan daño.
I'm just saying I don't know... if I could say something like that... to someone if I knew it would hurt them.
Lo que quiero decir es que no sé si le pudiera decir algo así a alguien si supiera que lastimaría.
Don't let them hurt me anymore.
No deje que me sigan haciendo daño.
Please, don't let them hurt me.
¡ No deje que me hagan daño!
I don't want to hurt the band, so... I think... I think it's a good idea if we keep them on salary... after tonight, just until I...
No quiero perjudicar al grupo así que creo que debemos seguir pagándoles... después de esta noche hasta que yo
Don't hurt them!
¡ No los lastimes!
That way, if they don ´ t wanna get out, which I warned them they should, the train won ´ t hurt ´ em when it comes through the house.
Así que si no quieren salir, aunque ya se lo advertí... el tren no los lastimará al atravesar la casa.
Don't let them hurt Blackie.
No los deje hacerle mal a Blacky.
When I'm in that ring really getting hit... and my arms hurt so much I can't lift them. I'm thinking, "God, I wish this guy would hit me on the chin... so I don't feel nothing anymore."
Cuando estoy en el cuadrilátero recibiendo golpes... y mis brazos me duelen tanto que no puedo levantarlos... pienso : "Dios, ojalá este sujeto me pegara en la barba... para ya no sentir nada".
Don't be afraid, let them come ; if any tries to hurt you I will defend you against them, the bastards!
No tengas miedo que si vienen, si alguno de ellos quiere hacerte daño yo te defenderé contra ellos, los mal nacidos.
Do you want me to tell them, "Don't hurt the girl, " her boyfriend wants to see her one more time before he snuffs her "?
¿ Quiere que les diga, "no le hagan daño a la chica el novio la quiere ver una vez mas antes de liquidarla"?
Hold still, or I'll- - Hold still, or I'll break- - Don't hurt them.
- No se mueva o le rompo...
Grock, I don't want them hurt!
¡ Grock, no quiero lastimarlos!
They give great gifts, always call, and you don't have to worry about them getting hurt playing sports.
Hacen grandes regalos, llaman siempre y no debes preocuparte por que se lesionen haciendo deporte.

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