Down in front traducir español
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I get a bead on a pheasant, and bang! He shoots it down in front of me!
Había apuntado a un faisán y él le disparó junto a mi puesto.
Down in front of the elephant...
Una frente a los elefantes.
- Climb down in front of me, son.
- Desciende frente a mí.
Just this : Thursby was shot down in front of his hotel half an hour after you left Bush Street.
A esto : han disparado a Thursby delante de su hotel... media hora después de irte de la c / Bush.
Mr. Mayor, step down in front, please.
Sr. Alcalde, colóquese en la primera fila, por favor.
Look, life passes up and down in front of you like a regular parade.
La vida pasa frente a ustedes como un desfile.
Hey, down in front. Sit down, will ya?
Oigan, siéntense.
Hey, down in front.
Oiga, siéntese.
My boy asked if he'd cut it so it would drop down in front of his eyes.
Mi hijo pidió que el pelo cayera en la frente.
Or walks up and down in front of a house, trying to make up his mind to ring the bell.
O que camina nerviosamente delante de una casa decidiendo si tocar el timbre o no.
My car is right down in front of my house... and if you need any gas there's a can with five gallons in my woodshed.
Mi coche está enfrente de mi casa... y si necesitas gasolina, hay una lata en la leñera.
For one day, in an excess of jealous rage, he strangled her, and then sat down in front of the mirror your mirror and cut his throat.
Porque un día, en una crisis de celos... la estranguló, se sentó frente al espejo... Su espejo... Y se cortó el cuello.
Last week I fell down in front of Dinah Shore's taxi just to get in conversation with her.
La semana pasada, me caí frente al taxi de Dinah Shore... sólo para poder conversar con ella.
He got as far as La Junta and broke down in front of my door.
El coche se le estropeó frente a mi casa.
About that time a fella, called "Walt Emerson" went down in front of Laredo Stevens Walt was reaching for his gun, some say a gambler standing there grabbed his hand....... maybe that's connected...
Por aquel entonces, un tipo llamado wall EIIif, se encontró a Laredo Stevens, WaII era decente, dicen que ganaba al juego, quizá eso guarde relación.
You just sat down in front of me, just drinking, looking at dancers, without dancing..
Estabas sentado delante de mí, bebiendo, mirando a las bailarinas, sin bailar...
Down in front of your house.
Delante de su casa.
- Down in front!
- Siéntese.
The whole street, he's gotta break down in front of my place.
Tiene toda la calle, y va a averiarse delante de mi local.
We're all down in front of christabel's picture.
Estamos donde el retrato.
Down the bar near where I was sitting... Set it down in front of me.
Caminó hasta la barra donde yo estaba sentado, y me puso la tarta delante
Hauling me down in front of everybody!
¡ Bajarme delante de todo el mundo!
He just twisted my arm behind my back, and made me kneel down in front of her.
Me retorció el brazo por detrás de la espalda. Me hizo arrodillar delante de ella.
Get down in front!
¡ Quita de delante!
She leaned for an instant against the kitchen door and breathed a hurried prayer... that the Lord would not let her break down in front of the boy... that he would tell her what to say.
Se recostó un instante en la puerta de la cocina... y rogó al Señor que no la dejara... desmoronarse frente al niño, que le indicara qué decir.
Like tonight, a simple pinch, but back at the office... he rips me up and down in front of the boys.
Como hoy, fue un simple arresto, pero en la oficina... me gritó delante de todos. Me preguntó dónde había dejado el cerebro.
Then we might as well go down and look silly in front of a Justice of the Peace.
Entonces podríamos ir a poner cara de tontos delante de un juez de paz.
With you off the front page they might keep me down in Washington all the time.
Contigo fuera de la primera plana,... quizás quieran tenerme más tiempo en Washington.
Are you turning me down? In front of these people?
¿ Entonces me rechaza?
Put it in my pocket and start off down the road... my own boss, with the whole of Canada in front of me?
¿ Me lo meto en el bolsillo y echo a andar y a recorrer Canadá?
Yes, going up and down the street in front of your home. - Ah, Gabriello!
Sí, subiendo y bajando por la calle enfrente de tu casa. - ¡ Ah, Gabriello!
The Russians down here in front don't have tanks..... and we've been harassing the air fore for two days in a row.
Acabamos de saber que los rusos ya no tienen tanques, la aviación les ha hecho retrasar las líneas a dos días de aquí.
You'll pay, without mercy in front of these who are against us in War to put us once again in the blood, the poison of their rhetoric To put us down once again as brutes, blind, deaf, fatalists To choke us with their superstitions!
Pagar, sin Misericordia, delante de esos que nos hacen la Guerra para meternos de nuevo en la sangre, el veneno de su retórica, para reducir aún más a feos, ciegos, sordos, fatalistas, ¡ para ahogarnos en sus supersticiones!
I start to figure maybe they won't take me... and some cold sweat runs down the middle of my back, and my head begins to buzz... and everything in the middle of the room begins to swim... and I get black spots in front of my eyes... and they say I've got high blood pressure again.
Empiezo a imaginarme que, a lo mejor, no me cogen... y un sudor frío me corre por la espalda, y la cabeza me empieza a zumbar... y en la habitación todo empieza a balancearse... y tengo manchas negras delante de los ojos... y dicen que otra vez tengo la tensión alta.
It's up to the woman to knock him down, hog-tie him... and drag him in front of two witnesses immediately, if not sooner.
Es cuestión de la mujer derribarlo, encadenarlo... y arrastrarlo frente a dos testigos inmediatamente, si no antes.
Perhaps it'd be a good idea, if you just put that bottle right down here in front of me.
Sería una buena idea que pusiera esa botella aquí, ante mí.
And for an elderly lighthouse keeper With a beard down to his ankles, You spend an awfully long time in front of the mirror.
Y para un guardia con barba hasta los tobillos, pasaste demasiado tiempo frente al espejo.
And meet me down in front in five minutes.
Nos vemos dentro de 5 minutos.
I want to see you down front in 5 minutes.
Quiero verte en 5 minutos abajo.
There was no bitter and frightening mountain in front of them any longer, but an easy and open downward slope, which their hopes and illusions slid down to gently :
Ante ellos ya no se extendían las montañas abruptas y amenazadoras... sino un declive fácil y suave... sobre el que sus esperanzas e ilusiones se deslizaban alegremente :
You don't have to tell me anything. All you have to do is get that car down here parked out in front before I get down tomorrow.
- No tienes que decirme nada, sólo... tienes que localizar el coche, traerlo aquí mañana, y aparcarlo en su sitio.
As they come down the stretch, it's Brannan in front.
En la recta derecha, Brannan ya va por delante.
Come on down here in front.
Vengan aquí al frente.
I was standing in front of my mirror... Pulling down my dress, like this.
Me ponía mi vestido así y luego...
Down at the pub, I suppose, in front of all those big ears, with pints in their fists and pipes in their mouths.
En la taberna, supongo, delante de todo el mundo empuñando buenas pintas de cerveza y con la pipa en la boca.
Parading around, showing herself off in that dress, cut down so low in front you can see her kneecaps.
Dando vueltas por ahí, presumiendo con ese vestido, con un escote tan amplio que enseña hasta las rodillas.
You're very smug with your gold braid, your pensions and your five days a week, but you're no better than hirelings, standing like wee bairns in front of Mr Campbell's big desk down yonder.
Y vuestros 5 días semanales. Pero sólo sois empleados y debéis estar firmes como grumetes... ante el escritorio del Sr. Campbell.
Down in front!
¡ Siéntense que no vemos!
Listen, Red, just don't slow down when thee hears Sam Jordan coming behind us and, by sugar, we'll stay out in front today.
Escucha Red, solo no vayas lento cuando vos escuches a Sam Jordan detras de nosotros o no veras azucar frente a ti hoy.
Yeah, sit down right in front of Jo there.
- Siéntese frente a Jo, ahí.
He would have had to walk 12 feet, open the bedroom door, walk 43 feet down and open the front door, all in 15 seconds.
Tuvo que andar cuatro metros, abrir la puerta de la habitación, caminar 13 metros más y abrir la puerta. Todo en 15 segundos.
down in one 23
in front of you 59
in front of 31
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front 30
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
front 182
front desk 35
in front of you 59
in front of 31
in front of me 49
in front of everyone 57
in front 30
in front of all these people 16
in front of everybody 36
front 182
front desk 35
front and back 38
front and center 56
front page 47
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
front and center 56
front page 47
front row 50
front door 43
front door ajar 17
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50