Especially him traducir español
687 traducción paralela
Especially him... an artist!
Con cucarachas, especialmente él... ¡ Un artista!
Especially him, he's been with me for years.
- Sobre todo a él, que lleva años conmigo.
~ Yes, sir, especially him.
- Sí, señor, sobre todo a éste.
Especially him.
Especialmente a él.
Promise me you won't tell anyone, especially your dad. Will you tell him?
Quiero que me prometas que lo que oído no voy a decir nada dirá usted, padre?
Work to deserve his friendship, especially as his marriage with Edmée will make him one of the family.
Esmérese por merecer su amistad, especialmente porque su matrimonio con Edmée, lo convertirá en un miembro de nuestra familia.
A villain's part in the blood and thunder in a play that I'm going to write especially for him.
And that guy especially. Don't know why you stick to him.
- No sé por qué le aguantas.
You must be stern with him before you forgive him, especially if it was your fault.
Debe ser dura con él antes de perdonarle, sobre todo si fue culpa suya.
Especially to give him a document.
Especialmente en darle un documento.
I know Master Donald owes you all, especially you, Mr. Ross, you flint-hearted moneylender, but the only chance you have of being paid is for him to sell the castle to these Americans.
Ya sé que el Sr. Donald os debe dinero, sobre todo a Ud., Sr. Ross, prestamista insensible, pero solo podrá saldarlas si vende el castillo a esos estadounidenses.
I don't know what Kimiko will say, but Kunie doesn't especially like him.
No sé lo que dirá Kimiko, pero a Kunie él no le gusta especialmente.
It changes everything. Yes, especially for him.
Esto está muy mal Lo cambia todo
Everybody likes him, especially the ladies.
Les gusta a todos. Especialmente a las damas.
But him, the way he acts, especially for a big shot, always clowning around and doing the craziest stunts...
Aunque tiene tanto poder, él es un tipo sencillo... hace payasadas y toda clase de locuras...
And you wouldn't want to hurt anybody, especially a guy like him.
Y no querrías perjudicar a nadie, sobre todo a un tipo como él.
My brother asked him here. Especially after your defense of me right to his face the other day.
Sobre todo tras la defensa de mi persona antes sus narices.
I suppose everybody does know him, out in this part of the country especially.
Supuse que todos lo conocen, especialmente en esta parte del país.
Could be a little, pal... especially a girl a guy carries around with him.
Yo diría que un poco, amiga. Porque siempre la llevo conmigo.
You must've been especially nice to him when he was a boy.
Debió ser especialmente agradable con él cuando era un niño.
Yes. I had him come especially.
Le pedí encarecidamente que viniera.
Especially when he finds out that Cortez is... planning to cheat him out of his share of the treasure... turn it all over to His Majesty, the ruler of Spain.
Sobre todo cuando descubra que Cortés planea arrebatarle su parte del tesoro para dárselo al soberano de España.
Everybody was fascinated by him, especially mother.
¿ Soy difícil de aguantar estando sobrio?
In my opinion, you ought to keep in touch with him... especially at this time.
Creo que tienes que ponerte en contacto con él... especialmente en estos momentos.
You don't especially like him do you?
No te cae especialmente bien, ¿ verdad?
Especially when I asked him if there was anything in the newspaper files... about his still being in love with some dame that's been dead for 35 years.
En especial cuando le pregunté si en la hemeroteca estaba... lo de que él seguía enamorado de una mujer que murió hace 35 años.
Especially away from him.
Especialmente fuera de él.
Especially if the cops have already kissed him off.
En especial si la poli ya se ha encargado de todos.
I merely suggested Tony because he's my secretary and therefore convenient...'cause he's a fine-looking young man and you must look well together, especially dancing... and because, uh, being seen with him... since it's well known that he is my secretary, would cause no raised eyebrows... or remarks behind the napkins... and finally because he has my complete confidence.
Lo he sugerido porque es mi secretario y está a mano. Es un chico guapo y seguro que se os ve muy bien bailando. Además, como se sabe que es mi secretario verte con él no causará sorpresa.
Still, he was careful to administer justice with discrimination. For it behoved him to keep on good terms with his pupils. Especially if their mothers happened to be good cooks.
Sin embargo, él era prudente... al administrar la justicia... porque le gustaba guardar buenas relaciones con sus alumnos... y en especial con los que poseían madres muy buenas cocineras.
- Cooper, that's him. He looks just like him Especially around his mouth. But not the top half.
Eso, Cooper, es igualito a él,... especialmente en la boca, pero la parte de arriba no.
Especially after what you caused, offending and insulting your father. No doubt you'll even raise your hand to him!
Y después de lo que ha pasado por culpa suya ya puede insolentarse contra su padre y ofenderlo y desobedecerlo y también, tal como van las cosas hasta levantarle la mano.
I can't bear him betraying me, not even with his wife. Especially with his wife.
Y no puedo tolerar que me traicione ni tan siquiera con su mujer, sobre todo con su mujer.
Especially against small-timers like you that try and put something over on him.
Especialmente contra "don nadies" como tú que tratan de tomarle el pelo.
Seems we're on the wrong man, Lieutenant, especially if the congressman backs him up.
Nos hemos equivocado de hombre, teniente. Sobre todo, si el congresista confirma su historia.
I know how hard it is for artists to work without their models, especially when there is no time for him, because every minute is spent with Count Gerold Ingen.
Sé lo difícil que es para un artista trabajar sin su modelo, especialmente cuando no tiene tiempo para él, porque pasa cada minuto con el Conde Geroldingen.
But I don't like working for someone I don't know, especially if he can recognize me and I can't recognize him.
Pero no me gusta trabajar para alguien que no conozco... sobretodo si él puede reconocerme y yo no a él.
Because I don't like the way I'm being treated, especially by him.
Porque no me gusta como me tratan, especialmente él.
I shouldn't have left him alone, especially after last night.
No debí dejarlo solo, sobre todo después de lo de anoche.
A few days later, I saw him distressed, embarrassed, because the girl had refused the post of governess.. considering her age, her mother whom she didn't want to leave alone and especially the easy slander of people.
A los pocos días le vi llegar afligido, azorado,... porque la muchacha no había querido aceptar el puesto de institutriz... en consideración a su edad, a su estado,... a la madre, que no podía dejar sola... y sobre todo a la fácil maledicencia de la gente.
Please, Lady Thiang, I simply cannot go to him, especially without his having asked for me.
Por favor, Sra. Thiang, simplemente no puedo ir, especialmente sin que él me lo pida.
As we worship together this Easter morning and more, as we pray to him who died and rose again that we might have life and have it more abundantly let us remember especially those who have gone from this country and town to live and die in far-off places for a like purpose.
Mientras veneramos juntos esta mañana de Pascua y mientras rezamos por él que murió y se volvió a levantar que podamos tener vida y más abundante recordemos en especial a aquellos que se fueron de este país y pueblo para vivir y morir en sitios lejanos con un propósito semejante.
So for the Army's sake, I wouldn't want to see him get fouled up and especially not because of anybody like you.
Por el bien del ejército tenemos que procurar no perderle. Y menos aun por quien no le corresponde.
Especially to him.
Sobre todo él.
Especially not him.
Y desde luego, no por él.
Especially if the right woman gave it to him.
Sobre todo si se lo da la mujer apropiada.
The law will end up catching all of us, especially the Unwise One, but not him.
Nos pillarán a todos menos a él, sobre todo al Negado.
Especially by him... oh, leave me alone...!
Y menos la suya. ¡ Déjeme!
I give everybody a hard time, especially with him on the other side
Creo que vais a pasarlo mal, especialmente con él al otro lado.
Especially if someone tells him to be on his guard.
Especialmente si alguien lo dice para estar en guardia.
He chose it because it relates especially to him. It is also said...
Lo eligió porque se aplica específicamente a Él.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
especially 227
especially you 283
especially for you 40
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
especially 227
especially you 283
especially for you 40