Especially for you traducir español
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I wrote this play especially for you.
Este papel lo escribí para ti.
Especially for you, so sensitive about space.
Sobre todo para ti, tan sensible a los espacios.
My name's Joyce, and I noticed that you have not tasted any of the ambrosia salad that I made especially for you.
Me llamo Joyce, y me he dado cuenta de que no has probado la ensalada de ambrosía que hice especialmente para ti.
You haven't tried my cakes, I made them especially for you.
No has probado mis pasteles, los hice especialmente para ti.
- They had made it especially for you.
Enviaron hecho especialmente para usted.
I made it especially for you.
La hice especialmente para ti.
I have brought this especially for you.
Te he traído esto especialmente para ti.
Pero esta noche, amigos míos, para ustedes en especial entraré en la Caja de la Muerte.
It is far too dangerous, especially for you.
Es demasiado peligrosa, especialmente para ti.
I saved it especially for you.
Lo guardé especialmente para ti.
I made especially for you.
lo hice especialmente para ti.
- especially for you.
- especialmente para usted.
This is the green one that my brother has made especially for you.
Mi hermano preparó el arroz verde especialmente para ti.
Detective Macaroni : this model's especially for you.
Inspector Mackeroni, este modelo es especialmente para Ud.
Our population has already taken shelter but I'm afraid no shelter will be adequate if you fail especially for the people on the western continent.
Hemos puesto a salvo a nuestra gente, pero ningún refugio será seguro si fallan, especialmente para aquellos del continente occidental.
I hope, prince Essebele, I deserve your preference and have in you one good husband and especially a good commander for the militias of my dear father
Ojalá, príncipe Essebele, merezca yo vuestra preferencia y tenga en vos un buen marido y sobre todo un buen comandante para las milicias de mi querido padre
I don't appreciate you dumping this paranoid garbage on me nor your inability to follow a simple order especially when it means I have to pay for your flight back to New Orleans.
No me gusta que me traigas esta basura paranoica. No me gusta que no sepas seguir una orden sobretodo cuando tendré que pagar tu vuelo de regreso.
Shep, this is for you... in appreciation of everything you've done for us... and especially for saving our son Mark.
Shep, esto es para ti... en apreciación de lo que has hecho por nosotros... y sobre todo por salvar a nuestro hijo Mark.
No, honey, the stairs are too steep for you, especially in the dark.
No, las escaleras están muy empinadas, en especial en la oscuridad.
You know, it's customary for the new members... to pay a visit on us old fogies in the leadership, especially from your home state.
Es una costumbre que los nuevos miembros... visiten a los antiguos, especialmente, siendo del mismo estado.
We especially thank you for bringing Allison into our family.
En especial damos gracias por traer a Allison a nuestra familia.
Especially in the 5th inning when you scratched your balls for an hour.
Sobre todo la 5ta entrada, cuando se rascó las bolas casi una hora.
You could, but it's a very complicated procedure and would be very expensive,... especially to produce the quantities for a clinical trial.
Se podría, pero es un procedimiento muy complicado y sería muy costoso, especialmente en cantidades para un ensayo clínico.
We all remember that beautiful song you composed especially for her, titled "Alone, Brigitte and I." Wed love to recall it.
Todos recordamos aquella hermosa canción que Ud. compuso especialmente para ella, titulada "Solos, Brigitte y yo". Nos encantaría recordarla.
We all recall that beautiful rumba that you composed especially for
Todos recordamos aquella hermosa rumba que usted compuso especialmente para
- I don't know. Whenever I've initiated conversations before, especially about your cooking, you usually reach for a sharp object and threaten to kill me.
Siempre que he iniciado conversaciones... en especial sobre la cocina... generalmente tomas un objeto filoso y amenazas con matarme.
All the feelings I felt unworthy of... especially my feelings for you, burn bright again.
Y vuelven a aflorar los sentimientos. En especial, mis sentimientos hacia ti.
They have a reputation for strange side effects especially when you start playing around with them.
Tienen efectos secundarios si se juega con ellos.
As for Psi Corp, I doubt you know our people well, especially Ms. Winters.
Dudo que nos conozca bien, a los del Cuerpo, sobre todo a Winters.
Dad, whatever you do, just don't send me to my room especially for a whole week.
Papa, hagas lo que hagas, no me mandes a mi cuarto,... especialmente por una semana entera.
You know, I can't believe what people pay for these Barbies especially the ones with mistakes.
Es increíble lo que la gente paga por esas antiguas Barbies. ... Especialmente, las que tienen algún defecto.
There's something about Sunday night... that really makes you want to kill yourself... especially If you've just been totally made a fool of... by the only person you'll ever love... and you have a geometry midterm on Monday... which you still haven't studied for because you can't... because Brlan Krakow has your textbook... and you're too embarrassed to even deal with It.
Hay algo en las noches del domingo... que hace que te den ganas de suicidarte... especialmente si has hecho el ridículo... con la única persona que has querido siempre... y tienes un examen de Geometría el Lunes..., para el cuál no has estudiado porque no puedes... porque que Brian Krakow tiene tu libro de texto... y estás demasiado avergonzada incluso para tratar con él.
Especially if you've been looking forward to it for 60 years. 60 years?
Sobre todo si llevas 60 años esperando a comerlo.
This is an especially valuable lesson for you, Mr. Minkus.
Este es un lección especialmente valiosa para usted, Sr. Minkus.
I have enough negative things in my life. I don't want to add more especially if you pay me for it.
Ya hay suficientes cosas negativas en mi mundo, no quiero añadir una más, y mucho menos, que me paguen por ello.
I shall provide for you and for your families and especially for our father.
Yo proveeré para ustedes y sus familias y especialmente para nuestro padre.
That must have been especially tough for you, being the son of an admiral.
Debe haber sido muy difícil para ti. Por ser hijo de un Almirante.
Thank you eveybody, especially for the presents.
En otras palabras, te sentirás muy extraña Gracias a todos, especialmente por todos los regalos.
But it's real easy to clutter up, especially when you're going for... a blues-type structure in the song.
Es fácil confundirse cuando buscas una estructura tipo Blues en una canción.
You're such a wonderful role model, especially for the little girls.
Usted es un ejemplo maravilloso, sobre todo para las niñas.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for coming out, and especially for opening up your hearts and your wallets for a great cause.
Damas y caballeros, me gustaría darles las gracias a todos por venir y especialmente por abrir sus corazones y sus carteras para una muy buena causa.
Especially considering how tough it's been for you to find work.
Especialmente considerando lo dificil que es encontrar trabajo.
See, Leon's boys aren't the type that are just gonna go away, especially after what you just did to'em- - for which I'm eternally grateful, you know.
Especialmente después de lo que les hiciste... por lo cual estoy eternamente agradecido.
Yes. It must be very disconcerting for you to be locked into a humanoid form, especially now.
Debe ser muy desconcertante para usted el estar atrapado en una forma humanoide.
- Well, Falk has a thing for his female undergraduates. Especially when they look like you.
Bueno, Falk tiene debilidad por sus estudiantes... en especial cuando son como tú.
Especially for something you don't understand.
Y menos por algo que no entiendes.
But that doesn't mean you can go around smelling drugs, especially when an innocent baby suffers for it!
Pero eso no quiere decir que vayas por ahí esnifando drogas, ¡ Sobre todo si un bebé inocente sufre por ello!
If I could pop in here for a second, I think that what Mel is trying to communicate here... is that no matter where we are in our lives, especially if we're adopted... we can't help but feel that there's something missing- - that there's something out there that's going to make us feel... complete, give us a sense of belonging, connectedness if you will.
Si puedo hacer una pausa aquí de un segundo, pienso que lo que Mel está tratando de comunicarles... es que no importa donde estamos en nuestras vidas, sobre todo si somos adoptados... no podemos ayudar pero está la sensación de que falta algo... que hay algo afuera que va a hacernos sentir... completos, que nos dará un sentido de pertenencia, una conexión si usted quiere.
You'll change into clothes such as ours, especially conditioned for life on Metaluna.
Dales ropa adecuada para Metaluna.
Especially since you were State's Attorney for the last 1 5 years, you've supervised all prosecutions in Cook County during that time, especially the prosecutions of prominent figures.
Especialmente debido a que es Fiscal Estatal desde hace 15 años y que ha supervisado todos los procesos del condado Cook particularmente los de ciudadanos prominentes.
I don't know... for you especially
No sé... por ti especialmente.
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your safety 30
for your time 16
for your own safety 97
for your trouble 28
for your wife 22
for your help 20
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for your own protection 24
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for your own safety 97
for your trouble 28
for your wife 22
for your help 20
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youtube 39
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