Get going traducir español
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We'll have some noodles and get going.
Comeremos unos fideos y nos iremos.
Well, I better get going, unless you're gonna let me wash the dishes.
Entonces, me voy, a menos que me dejes lavar los platos.
I better get going.
Me tengo que ir.
Um, you know, actually, I should probably get going.
Bueno, de hecho, debería marcharme.
I should get going.
Debería irme.
We better get going.
Vamos yendo.
But I really should get going.
Pero de verdad debería irme.
You'd better get going.
Mejor poneos en marcha.
- Great, let's get going.
- Genial, pongámonos en marcha.
I was going to get it back but the gun went off!
Iba a recuperarla, pero el arma se disparó.
Any moment now, Michael is going to get on that train, and we will never see him again, just like Professor Lindeman after I asked him to reread my 3,600-page manuscript.
En cualquier momento, Michael se subirá a ese tren y nunca lo volveremos a ver, Como al Profesor Lindeman luego de que le pedí releer mi manuscrito de 3.600 páginas.
You're going to get a bloody nose.
Te va a salir sangre de la nariz.
This is The Assassins, Gigi's band, and I don't want any of this personal stuff to get in the way of where she's going.
Somos los Assassins, el grupo de Gigi... y no quiero que nada de este asunto personal... se interponga en su camino. ¿ Sí?
My wife stayed home, hoping that I would not fall into some tragedy that I couldn't get out of, you have to have mental attitude of being prepared that something is going to happen.
Mi mujer se quedó en casa, esperando que no sufriera ninguna tragedia de la que no pudiera escapar, tienes que tener la actitud mental de estar preparado de que algo puede ocurrir.
Get him 100 mikes of fentanyl, he's going to feel this!
Cien miligramos de Fentanilo,
When we get to Mars we need to solve our basic needs and the basic needs are going to be food, water, shelter and a particular protection from radiation.
Cuando lleguemos a Marte tendremos que resolver nuestras necesidades básicas y van a ser comida, agua, refugio y una protección especial contra la radiación.
Until we get to the time when Mars is terraformed, agriculture is going to have to occur inside of greenhouses.
Hasta que llegue una época en la que hayamos transformado Marte, la agricultura va a tener que hacerse dentro de invernaderos.
I don't think we're going to get a chance to get that reactor back online.
No creo que tengamos una oportunidad de volver a conectar ese reactor.
and those people are going to need rockets to get there.
y esas personas necesitarán naves para llegar allí.
And I'm not going to, as long as you agree to get Kevin out.
Y no voy a hacerlo, siempre que aceptes liberar a Kevin.
No, the best I'm going to do is get my client exonerated from a crime he didn't commit and make you look like a fool.
No, lo mejor que voy a obtener es la exoneración de mi cliente por un crimen que no cometió y hacerte quedar como un idiota.
It'll get'em to stop asking questions. - No, I am not going to have sex with someone to get them to stop talking to me!
No, no voy a tener sexo con alguien ¡ para hacer que dejen de hablarme!
Look, I get that you were going through a lot with Mrs. Gardner.
Mira, entiendo que estabas pasándolo por mucho por la Sra. Gardner.
The difference now is somebody can hold up one of these, get what's going on.
La diferencia ahora es que alguien sostiene uno de estos y graba lo que pasa.
And the day I get out of here, Jill and I are going to take that money and start a new life.
Y el día que salga de aquí, Jill y yo vamos a ese dinero y empezaremos una nueva vida.
Now I get why you're going through all this trouble.
Ahora entiendo por qué estás haciendo todo esto.
Gallo, look, I'm telling you, Harvey is going to get you out.
Gallo, mira, te lo digo, Harvey te va a sacar.
Don't worry, I'm sure we can get this thing going.
No te preocupes, estoy seguro de que podemos hacer que esto funcione.
I'm going to pry open that shell of yours, Batman, so I can get to the soft center.
Voy a abrir por completo esa lata tuya, Batman, para entonces llegar al centro blando.
I'm not going to get fired or fined just because they're disorganized.
No haré que me despidan porque estén desorganizados.
I thought I was going to get raped!
¡ Pensé que iba a ser violado!
What am I going to get Claire?
¿ Qué le voy a regalar a Claire?
Oh, my God, what are you going to get her?
Dios mío, ¿ qué vas a buscar?
Never going to get it.
Nunca vas a conseguirla.
If you don't mind..... I'm going to go and get..... my cardy from the car.
Si no te importa... Voy a ir a buscar... mi cárdigan del coche.
I'm going to hurt myself, I'm going to get hit by a bike, and then hurt my finger and then he's going to have to come and see hospital and be really sorry for what he did.
Voy a hacerme daño, voy a dejar que me golpee una bicicleta, me haré daño en el dedo y luego él tendrá que venir a verme... al hospital y se sentirá muy mal por lo que hizo.
If we're going to get my uncle, I'm going with you.
Si vamos a por mi tío, voy con vosotros.
And now it is going to get me sacked.
Y ahora eso va a conseguir que me despidan.
As it is, I'm going to be terribly late to get home to Lindsay.
Si siguimos así, voy a llegar terriblemente tarde a casa con Lindsay.
When we get back, you're going to stay away from me and Grace.
Cuando volvamos, permanecerás lejos de mí y de Grace.
You're going to want to get round to the Douglas residence...
Vas a querer recibir ir a la residencia de Douglas...
I'm going to write everything down as soon as I get home!
Voy a escribirlo todo
We'll be going home soon, and when we get there, I'll make hot kimchi stew for you.
Y cuando llegamos allí, haré guiso de kimchi caliente para ti.
I'm going to get Ezra out.
Iré a por Ezra.
Are you aware that, I suppose, the longer you leave it, in a sense, the less, you know, the less money you're going to get ultimately?
¿ Está al tanto de que cuanto más espere, menos dinero va a ganar a la larga?
Well, the symptoms may get worse, but it doesn't mean you're not going to have a full life, Thomas.
Bueno, los síntomas pueden empeorar, pero eso no significa que no vayas a tener una vida plena, Thomas.
We're going to get through this.
Vamos a superarlo.
It's going to take more than a steel cage death match to get rid of me.
Tomará más que una pelea a muerte dentro de una jaula de acero deshacerte de mí.
Your carelessness is going to get you caught.
Sus descuidos harán que le detengan.
I'm going to get us two more drinks.
Voy a buscarnos más bebidas.
I'm going to get you out of here.
Voy a sacarte de aquí.
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going on 106
going up 86
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going on 106
going up 86
going to 34
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53