Going away traducir español
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I mean, you never said anything about going away.
Nunca dijiste nada sobre irte de viaje.
You're not going away, I'm not going away.
Tú no te escapas, yo no me escapo.
Well, Harvard is not going away, okay?
Bueno, Harvard no va a desaparecer, ¿ de acuerdo?
I'm going away.
Me voy lejos.
He's not going away.
Ni irá a ningún lado.
I guess you'll be going away for a very long time.
Supongo que te iras por un tiempo muy largo.
Is it going away?
¿ Se está yendo?
But don't worry, I'm not going away, I'll be putting your sons down the same dark hole in the ground as killed you.
Pero no te reocupes, no me iré lejos, pondré a tus hijos en el mismo agujero oscuro de la tierra que te mató.
Going away?
Te vas de vacaciones?
The pain... It's going away.
El dolor... está desapareciendo.
No matter how you slice it, I'm going away for a long time.
No importa cómo lo ponga, voy a estar mucho tiempo encerrado.
- He's going away for a long time.
- Desaparecerá durante bastante tiempo.
My going away party.
En mi fiesta de despedida.
Okay, it's going away.
Bueno, se está pasando.
- This ain't going away until you make it go away.
- Esto no desaparecerá, hasta que tú hagas que se vaya.
Listen, when I thought of you going away, I didn't like it.
Cuando pensé que te ibas, no me gustó.
Then I was going away and there was this, like, fella just lying there
Luego según me iba había un pavo tirado allí
That infrastructure is there, and it's not going away.
Esa infraestructura está ahí, y que no va a desaparecer.
The other side is collapsing, and everyone in it is going away.
El otro lado está colapsando, y todos en él van a desaparecer.
Jess, you're not going away for a month.
Jess, ya no te vas a ir este mes.
I'm nervous and needy and screwed up, and I know that's not what you need or want, so I'm going away for a while, to get myself together.
Estoy nerviosa y necesitada y asqueada, Y sé que eso es algo que no necesitas o quieras, así que me voy por un tiempo, para recomponerme.
You can shut it out, but it's not going away.
Puedes esconderla, pero no va a desaparecer.
My two best friends are going away.
Mis dos mejores amigos se van a ir.
How come she runs away like she's just going out for a walk?
Pero ella solo se escapa como si nada más fuera a dar un paseo.
And the thought of him going on TV tonight and throwing away everything he's worked so hard for...
Y solo de pensar que salga en la televisión esta noche y echar a perder todo por lo que ha trabajado tanto...
I couldn't stand going, I had to run away.
No pude soportar ir, tuve que huir.
If you don't put that thing away, you're going to escape this ancient building only to wind up in a modern bedroom with a month of no games!
Si usted no pone esa cosa, te vas a escapar de este antiguo edificio sólo para terminar en un dormitorio moderno con un mes de no juegos!
And you are going to focus on getting an education so you can get a real job and not waste your life away.
Y usted va a centrar en conseguir una educación para que pueda conseguir un trabajo real y no pierda su vida por la borda.
Nothing whatsoever to do with Whitney and I am not going to watch my daughter throw her life away so you can prove a point to my father.
Nada en absoluto tiene que ver con Whitney y no voy a ver cómo mi hija lanza por la borda su vida para que puedas demostrar que mi padre tiene razón.
Running away is not going to help. Aah!
Escapar no te va a ayudar.
What is it going to take for me to get a real part, Jackie, not just some comedic sidekick or running away from a serial killer, but I need something showy.
¿ Qué se necesita para que consigas un papel real, Jackie, no sólo de compinche graciosa o escapar de un asesino en serie, necesito algo llamativo.
Are you going to give him away to your father-in-law?
¿ Vas a delatarle a tu suegro?
Yes, but she's not just going to roll over to help us put Keisha away forever because she has a good heart.
Sí, pero no va a acceder así como así, a ayudarnos a encerrar a Keisha para siempre porque tenga un buen corazón.
He is going to be fine. And we need this time away.
Estará bien... y necesitamos un descanso.
I wasn't just going to let him walk away, dear sister.
No sólo iba a dejar que se alejaba, querida hermana.
Tens of thousands of people are going to die... and we back away because some dirty priest made us look dumb for a news cycle or two?
Decenas de miles de personas van a morir... y nosotros de vuelta lejos porque algún sacerdote sucio nos hizo miramos tonto para un ciclo de noticias o dos?
She's not going to get away with this one.
No va a salirse de rositas esta vez.
How many more reasons am I going to have to give you before you stay away from this guy?
¿ Cuántas razones más voy a tener que darte para que te alejes de este tío?
You clearly have arranged some sort of surprise going-away party and are trying to lure me to the location knowing full well that I despise surprise parties.
- Sin ninguna duda has preparado... alguna fiesta sorpresa de despedida... e intentas llevarme al lugar donde está todo listo... sabiendo de antemano que odio tales fiestas.
My going-away present.
Mi regalo de despedida.
They're not going to get away with it, not as easy as they think.
No van a salirse con la suya, no tan fácil como se piensan.
Look, if you cooperate, we can put in a good word and the court may be lenient, but if you don't, we're going to do everything we can to make sure you go away for a very, very long time.
Mira, si cooperas podemos hablar bien de ti y el tribunal quizá sea benigno pero si no lo haces vamos a hacer lo imposible para asegurarnos de que te encierren mucho tiempo.
You're going to throw it all away?
¿ Vas a tirarlo todo a la mierda?
You know they're going to use this as a strategy to step away from the non-proliferation negotiating table?
¿ Sabes que usarán esto como una estrategia... para alejarse de la mesa de negociación no proliferante?
Sanderson Chemical is less than a block away and techs confirmed that the floor mats match the fibers Dr. Hodgins found, so I'm going with "yes."
La empresa de Sanderson está cerca de aquí y los técnicos confirmaron que las alfombras encajan con la fibra que el Dr. Hodgins encontró, así que diré que sí.
Looked like he was going to be prosecuted, and then the whole thing just went away.
Parecía que iba a ser procesado, y entonces todo el asunto desapareció.
If you're not going home right away, maybe you want to come over.
Si no te vas a ir a casa ya quizá quieras venirte a la mía.
So you're saying he's going to get away with it?
¿ Así que dices que se va a librar de eso?
I'm not going to let him get away with this.
No voy a dejar que se vaya de rositas.
You're just going to throw them away!
¡ Están a punto de tirarlo a la basura!
But if he sticks with his confession, no judge is going to put Angela away.
Pero si se ciñe a su confesión, ningún juez va a encerrara a Angela.
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away from you 37
away you go 17
away party 43
going 418
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away from me 19
away from you 37
away you go 17
away party 43
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going twice 111
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going down 118
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going twice 111
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going down 118
going up 86
going once 140
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53
going once 140
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going again 27
going where 53